
A dozen of Jia He Liu's upper forbearance also reacted in the blink of an eye, looking at Brody and others in shock and anger.

It's horrible!

They could not even see the movements of the man just now. They could only see the shadow.

If they are facing the big man, then the end is undoubtedly the same!

Suzuki qianxia's eyelids jumped wildly and his face was ugly. He bit his teeth and said, "who are you?"

"Hehe, who else can I be? Remember! From today on, I will be your master!"

Since his father had promised to take the woman back to be his maid, digg decided that Suzuki qianxia was her man. At this time, he smiled and looked obscene.

Brody said coldly, "all the others except this woman have been killed!"

"Yes, my Lord!"

The people next to him immediately nodded.

But Suzuki qianxia and the dozen Jia He Liu's upper forbearance all turned pale, but they didn't wait for their reaction.

Next moment!





The sound of broken bones continued to ring out, and the heads of more than a dozen people standing in front of Suzuki qianxia turned sideways, fell to the ground, and became corpses.

Suzuki qianxia is now a strong man in the middle of the congenital period, but he can't see clearly the other person's figure. He can only see the shadow flashing, and then a dozen Shangren died. Those foreigners have returned to Brody's side.

"You... You're so crazy!"

Suzuki qianxia was so angry that his body was shaking and his heart was shocked to the extreme.

These people first insulted themselves, and then they killed all the people on their side without saying a few words. It's crazy!

However, she was not an ordinary woman after all. After a flash of anger and fear, she tried to calm down, looked at Brody and others, and said with an ugly face:

"Are you all born with the highest peak?"

"Ha ha!"

When Digg heard this, he couldn't help laughing. Looking at Suzuki qianxia, he joked:

"Honey, your Oriental inborn, for us, is the holy level, but we are not the garbage of the holy level, we are the existence of the divine level! It is equivalent to your Oriental transcendental realm! Oh, yes, the transcendental realm is the realm above the inborn! Ha ha!"

"Divine level? Transcendental realm? The realm above nature?" Suzuki qianxia's face changed greatly.

Among the people she knew, the most powerful one was Lin Chen. Some people said that Lin Chen had reached the inborn level in the previous confrontation with God.

However, it was just a guess. At that time, no one confirmed whether Lin Chen's strength had reached the inborn level.

At this time, digg said that they were all born. If Suzuki qianxia could not be thrilled?

This also means that even if Lin Chen comes, it is very likely that he will not win these people!

"Baby, what, am I scared by my master?"

Digg said proudly, "I don't care what status you are in the secular world and what forces you belong to. Remember, from today on, you will be my private property! I am the young master of the Edward family. It's a blessing for you to become my maid!"

"What force is the Edwards family?" Suzuki qianxia wondered.

Although she was not against these people, she was a strong woman who had been in battle for a long time. She soon calmed down and wanted to find out the origin of the other party first.

However, deeger thought that Suzuki qianxia chose to surrender to the terror of himself and others. He could not help but be more proud and said: "our Edward family is the first family behind the scenes in Australia. It is also a first-class existence in the circle of extraordinary and God level powerful people! You are just a secular person, and naturally you can't touch it. What I told you is in vain. Anyway, you will serve me well in the future!

Suzuki qianxia could hardly wait to tear up Digg's wretched face. However, at this time, she could only bear it. She was extremely anxious. According to the other party, the Edward family was so powerful that Lin Chen could not deal with it.

She was afraid that Lin Chen would come over and meet Digg and others. That would be over.

Just then, Brody's face changed. "Hide!"

With that, he dodged behind a huge rock nearby.

Digg and others followed without any hesitation.

Suzuki Chixia hesitated and followed him. He planned to comply first.

Since this digger has a crush on himself, if they run into his master and want to fight him, they can force him with their lives to let him go!

Hiding behind the rock, Chiba Suzuki followed Brody's eyes and looked into the air. The next moment she almost exclaimed, because she saw three foreigners flying through the air towards the top of the mountain.

Can humans even fly?

Suzuki qianxia doubted whether there was something wrong with her eyes!

You know, the battle between Lin Chen and God was just a short time floating in the air, or stepping on the wind from above to the ground. These and flying are completely two concepts!

Soon, the three men disappeared into the distance.

"Don't be surprised, flying is just the most basic skill of the God level strong."

Digg said something to Suzuki qianxia. Then he looked at Brody and said, "father, who were those three just now?"

At this time, Brody's face was ugly and said: "they are the three holy kings of the American saints League! Damn it, I didn't expect them to come! These three people are not good friends. With them, even if there is something good here, it is estimated that they will rob them!"

Brody also learned by chance that a strange phenomenon happened here yesterday. He wanted to come and see what was going on and whether he could gain anything.

But unexpectedly, the Edward family is not the only one here!

"The three kings of the holy alliance?"

Digg chuckled, "what's so great about them? They were still the seven holy kings. But last time, four of them were killed directly in the Himalayas, and only three were left! It's estimated that they are not as powerful as they are!" "Stupid! Do you know the state of the man who killed four of the seven holy kings? That's the extraordinary seven heavy heaven, which is equivalent to the existence of the seven levels of God! The seven holy kings of the holy alliance are all the strong ones of the six levels of God! And I'm just a six levels of God, according to you,

Isn't it true that I'm not much better? "

Brody was in a bad mood when he saw the arrival of the saints' Alliance. At this time, he heard Digg's stupid words and immediately angrily scolded him.

Digg shrunk his neck and said, "shall we go back to Australia now?"

"Since we have come, of course we can't just go back like this! Mount Fuji is so big that we may not run into those three people if we search it!" Brody said.

Although he knew that he and others could not defeat the other three, he was not willing to go back like this.

Hearing their words, Suzuki qianxia was shocked to the extreme. She did not expect that so many inborn strongmen came here.

The three men who had just flown through the air were obviously more powerful than the Edwards! She suddenly felt very remorseful. She knew she shouldn't have called her master. Now if the master came over and met these people, it would have hurt him!

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