"Well, let's go up the mountain too. Don't waste time here."

Brody said that and took the lead in walking up the hill.

The others followed him. Digg didn't even think about it, so he put his hand around Suzuki qianxia's waist and took her with him.

Suzuki qianxia was so scared that she quickly stepped back, dodged the other party's hand and said, "I can go by myself!"

Digg's face sank. Just as he was about to speak, a voice suddenly came from a distance.

"Go? Qianxia, where are you going with them?"

The sudden sound made Brody and others in front stop and turn around.

Hearing the sound, Suzuki qianxia couldn't help but be stunned. He immediately turned to look at the speaker, and then subconsciously surprised and said, "master!"

This is Lin Chen.

Lin Chen looked at the dozens of bodies of Kaga Helu ninjas that had fallen to the ground, and frowned. However, he heard that Suzuki qianxia wanted to go with these people. For a while, he was confused about what was going on.


Digg's face immediately turned cold, and he looked at Lin Chen with a strong evil spirit in his eyes. Especially when he saw that Lin Chen looked much better than him, he was even more jealous and said in a cold tone:

"Boy, are you his master?"

Suzuki qianxia's face changed greatly, and then he realized that he was so excited that he let slip his tongue. He was worried and secretly scolded himself as a fool.

"So what?" Lin Chen said.

"Very good!" Digg nodded and said in a condescending tone, "then I'll tell you, now you're not. I'm her master!"

Lin Chen raised her eyebrows and looked at the gorgeous Suzuki qianxia. She already knew something. She pointed to the bodies of Liusheng taro and others on the ground and said:

"You killed these people?"

"So what?" Digg said exactly the same words as Lin Chengang and sneered.

"They are indirectly my men. If you kill them, I will kill you." Lin Chen's tone was calm, as if he were just telling a very common thing.

"Poof! Falk! Hahaha! The boy said he was going to kill us!"

Next to Brody, the strong man who had killed Liu shengtaro with a slap before, looked at Lin Chen and burst out laughing. He was so exaggerated that he seemed to hear the funniest joke in the world.

"Idiot!" Digg just scolded Lin Chen. He was not angry at all because of Lin Chen's words. In his opinion, the guy in front of him was not qualified to make him angry.

Brody grew impatient and said:

"Digg, don't talk nonsense with him! Since the woman you like is his, just kill him. Hurry up and don't waste time! You must understand that our time is precious. It's stupid to stop and delay for a few minutes when we encounter garbage!"

"OK! Father, I'll do it now!"

Digg shrugged. Originally, he wanted to tease and insult the former guy. Since his father spoke, he had to kill him directly.

"Lin Chen, run quickly! They are all strong men above the innate realm. They are the Edward family in Australia. You can't beat them! Run quickly!"

Suzuki qianxia felt the murderous spirit on Digg, without any hesitation, and immediately shouted at Lin Chen.

In her opinion, Lin Chen has just broken through the inborn realm at most, and there are so many people on the other side. Lin Chen can't win them!

Digg's face was livid. He didn't expect Suzuki qianxia to turn to Lin Chen in this case.

"Smelly watch, I think you owe it!"

His face was ferocious and he slapped Suzuki qianxia in the face.

Although he took a fancy to Suzuki qianxia, he would not be a bit soft on a woman who dared to disobey him. This slap was enough to skew Suzuki qianxia's beautiful little face!

Brody looked at the scene coldly and became more and more impatient. In his eyes, Lin Chen or Suzuki qianxia was not worth wasting half a second.

Seeing that Digg was slapping and approaching the extreme, Akira Suzuki had no time to dodge. For a moment, she could not help losing her face and her eyes were desperate.


At the critical moment, a hand reached out from her side and caught Digg's hand.

"Who allowed you to do this to my men?"

The indifferent voice sounded, just before Digg could react.


Lin Chen's right hand was suddenly pulled, and Digg's whole hand was torn off by him, with blood splashing. Then Lin Chen kicked him out again.


When Digg reacted, he felt terrible pain coming from his arms and abdomen, and then he realized what had happened. He screamed loudly and his eyes were full of horror.


Brody and others just recovered from their astonishment. Brody exclaimed and hurried to digg's side.

Lin Chen threw Digg's torn hand to the ground, his face still casual.

"Are you all right?" Lin Chen looks at Suzuki qianxia.

"No... nothing."

Suzuki qianxia was a little silly. She didn't expect that Digg was so vulnerable in front of Lin Chen. One arm was torn off.

Isn't he a god level strong man?

Why are you so careless?

Brody looked painfully at Digg, who had broken an arm and was screaming. Soon, he turned to Lin Chen and said with a ferocious face:

"Boy, are you an ancient martial artist in the transcendental realm? Anyway, you dare to hurt my son. You are definitely dead!"

Digg is just a god level existence. Even if Lin Chen wins him, Brody will not take Lin Chen seriously.

"I'm dead?" Lin Chen couldn't help laughing. "Do you know that I didn't even use one ten thousandth of my strength just now. Are you sure you can kill me?"

"Fuck! Are you kidding me? Boy, you dare to take the initiative against our young family. Damn you! My Lord, this guy doesn't need your hands. I'll deal with him!"

The big man beside Brody stared at Lin Chen ferociously, like a beast trying to eat people. Obviously, they didn't take Lin Chen's words seriously.

Suzuki qianxia saw that these people were still rampant, and her heart was full of worry. Lin Chen's words just now, in her opinion, were just a plan to scare off each other. Now, it was obvious that it had not taken effect.

However, she was speechless. Lin Chen said that he didn't even use one ten thousandth of his strength just now. As long as he had no brain problems, he wouldn't believe it!

After all, the strength Lin Chen just showed was too terrible.

Suzuki qianxia can't imagine how powerful Lin Chen would be if it was only a force less than one in ten thousand?

"David! Tear off this guy's hands and feet!"

At this time, digg took a sigh of relief, stared at Lin Chen angrily, and roared hysterically.

"Yes, young master!" David nodded.

Suddenly, a man's voice came from a distance.

"Brody Edwards! I didn't expect you Edwards family to come here too! I said, just now I felt someone was staring at us secretly. Ha ha, my feeling was really right“

When they heard the sound, they all looked in the direction of the sound, and saw three men standing there.

As soon as Suzuki qianxia's face changed, the three men were the three who had flown from the sky to the top of the mountain.

This is trouble!

In her opinion, Lin Chen is already dangerous enough to face the Edwards family. However, the three people who appear at this time are stronger than the Edwards family. If they want to attack themselves and others, they will never survive!

Suzuki Chiba hated himself more and more. He shouldn't have called his master. Now he has hurt him.

When Brody and others saw these three people, they all looked ugly

The next second, Brody looked at the man headed by the other side and politely said, "Gavin, what a coincidence. I didn't expect that you saints' League people would come here!"

"What a fart!" Gavin said coldly.

However, he didn't buy it at all. Brody's face turned blue and white. He was angry, but he didn't dare to attack.

Several of his subordinates did not dare to talk nonsense at this time, because they knew that the other three had the strength to destroy several of their own.

"Get out of here and leave Mount Fuji right away. There's no Edward family business here! Otherwise, the three of us don't mind educating you!"

Gavin sneered, and his words were extremely overbearing.

With that, his eyes fell on Lin Chen opposite Brody. At this time, from his angle, he could only see part of Lin Chen's side face.

Gavin frowned, a little suspicious. How could he feel that he had seen this face?

Soon, he classified Lin Chen as one of those who had read the materials.

As the head of the saint alliance, a special organization in the United States, the three of them have unimaginable access to various information. They have seen the photos and materials of the vast majority of extraordinary and divine powers in the world.

And the vast majority of these people, meeting them, have to go away in despair. "Boy, turn your face to me!" Gavin stared at Lin Chen and shouted coldly.

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