Hearing Bruce's arrogant words, the big men who had just been taught by Lin Chen got excited and looked at Lin Chen with a sarcastic face.

They know that Bruce is trying to stand up for himself. After all, he has paid a lot of money. If he is beaten here again, who will come to this club in the future!

What if you are better than me? Finally, you have to kowtow to me!

In their opinion, Lin Chen should choose to kowtow honestly and climb out rather than being thrown into the garbage heap. In this way, he can at least save his life!

Unexpectedly, when Lin Chen heard Bruce's words, he was neither angry nor alarmed. He just said indifferently, "what are you? Why should I choose among the options you give?"

What are you!

This is even more arrogant and overbearing than what Bruce just said!

As soon as Lin Chen said this, everyone looked at him like a brain wreck.

People began to sneer. The boy dared to talk to Bruce like this. If he knew how powerful Bruce was, he was the undefeated champion in Los Angeles. He would be scared to pee!

Now that he is so rampant, Bruce is completely enraged. He is absolutely finished!

Bruce laughed angrily when he heard Lin Chen's words. His eyes showed a bloodthirsty glare. He shouted: "since you really want to die, don't blame me! Little bastard, what am I? I'm your ancestor!"

"What did you just call me?"

Lin Chen's face was completely cold, and his voice seemed to be cold.

"I called you a little bastard. I said I was your ancestor! Why, do you disagree?" Bruce laughed wildly. He didn't take Lin Chen seriously at all.

He has observed Lin Chen's dress from the beginning. He is definitely not a rich man. In addition, he seems to know some Kung Fu. He has taught everyone here a lesson. He should have some Kung Fu.

But this kind of ordinary people who have some Kung Fu do not know how many pieces they tore up in the underground boxing match in Los Angeles!

It is impossible to pay attention to Lin Chen!

"Bastard, you are paralyzed! You want to die!"

Lin Chen jumped down from the challenge arena and walked towards Bruce step by step, with a frightening glare in his eyes.

Rao is Bruce who has experienced countless battles. At this time, his heart is suddenly broken.


Bruce immediately responded that the boy was definitely not simple, but even so, he was fearless and had absolute confidence in himself.

At this time, the air seemed to become repressed, and everyone held their breath, waiting for the duel between the two.

No doubt, in the eyes of these people, Lin Chen is very strong. Otherwise, how could he kill them all one by one just now!

But even so, no one would think he could win!

Because his opponent is the champion who fought in the bloody underground fight, the underground unbeaten legend of Los Angeles!

They are all waiting for the next moment. Bruce breaks Lin Chen's hands and feet. At that time, they will also run up and put a few feet on Lin Chen!

In the blink of an eye, Lin Chen walked up to Bruce.

"Go to hell!"

Bruce burst out and took the lead, smashing his fists at Lin Chen's head.

Lin Chen was almost a head lower than him. Against his background, he looked very thin and short. It seemed that he was not at the same level at all!

When Lin Chen saw Bruce punching, he didn't move. He seemed to be scared silly.

"Shit, coach Bruce doesn't seem to keep his hand. The boy is finished!" Someone nearby could not help saying.

"Don't really kill me?" Another frowned.

"This boy is too arrogant. We must teach him a lesson. Coach Bruce should not kill him, but it is inevitable to break his hands and feet and stay in the hospital for a few months!"

"I wipe it. I thought the boy was really good. I didn't expect to be scared."

"It's not that he's not good, but that Bruce is too terrible. You have to force him to fight Bruce! This guy has good skills. Is that him? He's too crazy. He doesn't want to do anything!"

In the blink of an eye, Bruce's fist was about to hit Lin Chen's forehead. If it was hit, it was estimated that if it was an ordinary person, his skull would be cracked.

Suddenly, Lin Chen made a move... Oh, no, it was a move!

"I make you cheap!"

Lin Chen snorted coldly, and then came first. One foot was almost raised above his head and kicked Bruce's jaw!


There was a crack in something.


Then there was a scream that was so sharp that it made people's eardrums ache.

People saw an incredible scene. Bruce, who was nearly two meters tall and like a gorilla, was kicked on his chin by Lin Chen. Then he flew out in the air towards the rear.


Bruce fell to the ground. His huge body made the ground burst!

Bruce covered his chin and screamed. Blood gushed from his mouth, making a strange noise.

"Remember, this is Huaxia. Keep your mouth clean! If you talk back next time, I will make you a mute forever!" Lin Chen said coldly.

This is, people finally reacted.

Everyone's expression was like seeing a ghost.

One of them slapped himself in the face. After finding that this was really not a dream, he looked at Bruce and Lin Chen. Obviously, he couldn't accept this fact.


Bruce was killed by Lin Chen just like Lin Chen kicked them away!

The underground unbeaten myth of Los Angeles is like a joke to Lin Chen!

One kick, kick to pieces!

They had seen it with their own eyes. People from other fitness clubs made trouble. As a result, a group of strong men with muscle bumps were all slapped by Bruce and knocked over on the ground, just like an adult man smoking kindergarten children!

Bruce's toughness is beyond doubt, but he is still killed by the second!

That only means

Does that mean this guy is not human at all?

These people really don't know what words to use to describe Lin Chen!

Is Bruce really strong?

It's really powerful!

Lin Chen decided with his fist that the opponent had the fighting capacity of the early days of the day after tomorrow, which also surprised him.

He didn't know that Bruce was the underground champion in Los Angeles. He just thought that the other side was just an ordinary Sanda coach. It was really hard to have the strength in the early days of the day after tomorrow!

In the early days of the day after tomorrow, I was already at the level of military king in the military region!

However, even if the other party is an expert in the early days of the day after tomorrow, he is still no different from ordinary people!

Lin Chen went to the challenge arena again. He ignored a group of foolish men and looked at Elena, who looked ugly. He sneered: "how about someone else? If not, come up to me now!"

Just now the woman smiled so happily that she really wanted to see herself beaten into hospital!

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