Although Irina said it in a serious way, Lin Chen didn't believe it. If it was really just strong, Bruce was obviously interested in this woman. Why didn't she become his woman?

"Ha ha."

Lin Chen smiled coldly and didn't bother to answer.

"Why, don't you believe it?"

Irina seemed to guess Lin Chen's idea, and said with a charming smile: "although Bruce is better than me, he is really ugly, just like an orangutan."

Lin Chen: "...."

Well, he really has nothing to say. Bruce really looks like an orangutan. It is estimated that no woman in reality likes King Kong.

"That's enough. I don't care if what you say is true or false. Even if you really like me, I'm not interested in you! Let's forget today. Remember, if I'm so unreasonable in the future, I won't be polite!"

With that, Lin Chen got out of bed to leave. Although the woman was beautiful, she had no feelings for each other. He didn't plan to do anything. If he stayed longer, he would really commit a crime.

He just got Su Xiran, and he didn't plan to flirt again.

Moreover, the other party is still a place. If there is a relationship, there must be a lot of trouble behind!

"Don't go!"

Irina saw that Lin Chen really wanted to leave. After a little stunned, her face changed and she immediately held Lin Chen's hand.

Then, her eyes flashed a touch of determination, her right hand pulled behind her back, and her bra slipped.

In an instant, Lin Chen's eyes stared round, his mouth opened slightly, and he was stunned.

Shit, this woman wants to play really?

Are foreign women really so crazy?

I fell in love with myself, and then I took it to my room to have a slap, but today I met for the first time!

Lin Chen wanted to jump on it because the woman's figure was so perfect.

He felt that now he was facing Mount Qomolangma, which called for him to climb and to be a brave man.

However, reason prevailed after all. After he was stunned, he left.

Irina stared at Lin Chen who left in a hurry. "This guy, can't you do it there?"

For the first time, she had doubts about her charm.

Then, a strange look flashed in her eyes, and she frowned: "this guy is really not simple. Even at that moment, he has reason in his eyes, and there is no chance at all. But it seems that he should be right. That person is him!"

Then she felt that she had lost a lot. She showed her body to others for the first time, but it happened that she had failed to achieve her goal. She was very depressed.

Out of the club, Lin Chen felt his nose hot and reached out to touch it.

"Shit, I have nosebleed!" Lin Chen looked at the blood on his hand without a word.

"Is this woman really going to have sex with herself because she likes herself? This is too direct!"

Lin Chen recalled the scene he had just seen, and thought about Su Xi Ran's proud scale. He compared it in his heart. Well, the scale is the same. They are all kings of Kings

Jingling bell

At this time, Lin Chen's mobile phone rings.

"Leng Hanyan?"

Seeing the caller ID, Lin Chen was stunned. Speaking of it, he hadn't contacted the long legged blonde for some time.

Leng Hanyan's long legs are comparable to Irina just now, and her facial features should be more refined, while Irina is more wild.

"Han Yan, what can I do for you?" Lin Chen picks up the phone and laughs.

"Why, can't you call me if there's nothing wrong? You haven't contacted me for a long time. Will you never call me if I don't call you?" Cold Yan's cool voice came from the other side. It seemed that there was a deep resentment in the voice.

Lin Chen laughed a few times and hurriedly said, "how could it be, ha ha."

But the voice is obviously a little guilty.

"It's strange to believe you!"

Then Leng Hanyan asks Lin Chen to have coffee. Although Lin Chen doesn't like coffee, he hasn't seen the beautiful doctor for a long time, so he agrees.


Simon cafe.

Lin Chen sits opposite Leng Hanyan.

I haven't seen her for a long time. Leng Hanyan is still so cold and intellectual, with a unique aesthetic feeling of intellectuals.

Blonde hair, long legs, exquisite face, both the elegance of Oriental beauties and the profundity of Western beauties. Almost all the people in the coffee shop, men and women, are peeping at her. Men covet and women are jealous.

But now, her beautiful face was a little sad, and her willow eyebrows were slightly wrinkled.

"What's the matter? Is it something on your mind?" Lin Chen wondered.

"No, I can have something on my mind."

Leng Hanyan's face froze, then changed the topic and said, "is your bodyguard job going well recently? Are you still not going to be a doctor in the hospital?"

Leng Hanyan obviously had something on her mind, but since she didn't say it, Lin Chen didn't ask, and said with a smile: "I guess I'll never go back to the hospital to be a doctor."

"Well, I guess so."

Leng Hanyan nodded and said, "do you have any plans in the future? Can't you always be a bodyguard?"

"Of course not all the time." Lin Chen said with a smile that he started to be a bodyguard for the ten million yuan. Now he doesn't lack the money. Naturally, he won't continue to be a bodyguard.

Leng Hanyan pondered for a while and suddenly said, "Lin Chen, if you never see me again, will you miss me?"

Lin Chen suddenly frowned and said, "what do you mean? Have you changed your mind to accept the invitation of those large foreign hospitals?"

Leng Hanyan told him before that many famous foreign hospitals invited her to come, but after talking, it was clear that the other party had already said they would not accept the invitation.

Somehow, listening to Leng Hanyan's words, it seemed that she was going to leave forever. Lin Chen felt a little uncomfortable.

"Don't ask me that."

Leng Hanyan smiled bitterly and still asked, "I just want to know if I disappear forever, will you miss me?"

"Yes!" Lin Chen nodded.

Leng Hanyan's eyes lit up: "why?"

"Because you are a super beauty." Lin Chen smiled.

Leng Hanyan was a little disappointed and said, "it's just because of this."

Then he smiled: "but it's good."

But her expression seemed to be sad, and Lin Chen could not help frowning.

What's the matter? Does the other party really want to leave and go somewhere?

But the other party was unwilling to say, and it was really difficult for him to continue questioning.

At this time, a young man with a proud face and bright clothes came in, went straight to the table, frowned at Lin Chen, then looked at Leng Hanyan and shouted:

"Leng Hanyan, who is this man? You dare to go out on a date with a wild man. If Zhou Shao finds out, do you know the consequences? You want to die, don't take Leng Jia with you!"

Lin Chen's eyes showed anger, but seeing that the man seemed to know Leng Hanyan, he didn't speak for the time being.

Leng Hanyan saw the young man, and her face immediately cooled down: "lengtianlin, this is my business, don't worry about it!"

"Ha ha, don't let me take care of you? I just want to take care of you! You'd better stay at home and wait for him to marry you. Otherwise, how many people in your family do I need?" But the young man sneered.

With that, he looked at Lin Chen with cold eyes and said, "boy, from now on, don't get close to Leng Hanyan. Get away from me now, or I'll let you evaporate in Yuehai city!"

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