Hearing Li Minggang's words, Gu Wei's eyebrows had already screwed up, and her heart was even more disgusted with Zhang Yuerong. How could she meet her here.

It's true that she and zhangyuerong used to be roommates, but for her, zhangyuerong was never her friend, but a guy she particularly hated.

As long as we walk with Zhang Yuerong, those men will never look at him.

Her husband, Li Minggang, was also Zhang Yuerong's suitor in those days. He came to pursue her only after she was rejected by Zhang Yuerong. Looking at her husband like this, it was obvious that she was still unfaithful to Zhang Yuerong. She just felt that there was a fire in her stomach and wanted to tear Zhang Yuerong up!

What a fox spirit!

She didn't like Zhang Yuerong in her heart, and Lin Chen also disgusted her for a while. At this time, she said coldly: "husband, don't ask people this kind of question. Mr. Lin is dressed as a peddler. He is probably a small clerk, or maybe a migrant worker. If you ask him like this, he has no good intention to answer."

When Li Ming heard the speech, his face flashed a touch of disdain, but his face was apologetic: "yes, yes, I really shouldn't ask this question. I usually associate with friends who earn millions a year, but I didn't think much about this question. Mr. Lin, I am now in charge of the human resources department of a listed company. If you are interested, you can apply to our company?"

"Hehe. No, it's good to be a white-collar worker." Lin Chen shook his head, too lazy to explain anything to the two guys.

Zhangyuerong was happy to see Gu Wei, but she was annoyed to see that the two people were sneering at Lin Chen. She said to them, "sorry, we have to go shopping, so let's go first."


Gu Wei hurriedly grabbed Zhang Yuerong and said apologetically, "Yuerong, I am straightforward, but I don't mean to look down on your man. Don't think about it. We haven't seen each other for several years. It's not easy to see each other. Don't hurry. I have a lot to talk to you."

Hearing what the other party said, Zhang Yuerong could not keep her face cold, so she sat down on the chair in front of the jewelry display cabinet with Gu Weila, and the two chatted.

Seeing this, Lin Chen also sits aside, while Li Minggang sits next to Gu Wei, always looking for topics to chat with Zhang Yuerong, but Zhang Yuerong doesn't pay much attention to him.

Suddenly, Lin Chen's eyes were cold. She saw that Gu Wei had secretly taken down a diamond ring she was wearing and put it in Zhang Yuerong's pocket!

He sneered, then stood up, went over and pretended to bump into Gu Wei, knocking her to the ground.

"Ouch! Why don't you have eyes?" Gu Wei kneads her fat waist and stands up, scolding Lin Chen angrily.

"Sorry, I slipped just now." Lin Chen smiled.

When Zhang Yuerong saw Gu Wei's fierce appearance, she didn't like it. She felt that Gu Wei had changed a lot compared with the school. In the past, Gu Wei was very polite and gentle, but now she has completely changed. During the chat just now, Gu Wei has been showing how well she is now, and said in a roundabout way that she has found a useless man.

"Weiwei, you can continue to choose jewelry. Lin Chen and I will go first." Zhangyuerong said to the other party and pulled Lin Chen to leave.


Gu Wei, however, seemed to find something. She exclaimed, "the ring I tried to wear just now is missing!"

"Gone?" The saleswoman behind the jewelry display cabinet turned pale. The ring cost 99000 yuan. If she lost it when she was on duty, she should also be responsible!

Suddenly, Gu Wei looked at Zhang Yuerong with a sneer and said, "Yuerong, you stole the ring, didn't you? I just felt that your hand seemed to have touched my finger with the ring. I didn't care about it. Now I want to come, I think the ring is on you? I didn't expect that you have become a thief now!"

Zhang Yuerong's face suddenly became ugly: "Weiwei, what are you talking about? How can I steal your ring? Or you can look for it again. Maybe it's on the ground?"

"No way, I'm sure you stole it!" Gu Wei said.

The movement here has attracted the attention of many people. When they heard Gu Wei's words, they all looked at Zhang Yuerong. When they saw that Zhang Yuerong was a beautiful young woman, they all pointed at her.

"This woman is so beautiful and has temperament. Shouldn't she steal?"

"That's not necessarily true. There is no necessary connection between appearance and personality. Beautiful money worshippers are everywhere now!"

"Is that her man beside her? She doesn't have much money at first sight. No wonder this woman steals things. Who made her marry a man without ability?"

"Now this woman is so miserable that she dares to steal from 'Xingjia supermarket'. I heard that someone stole here before and was beaten half to death!"

“ ……”

Zhang Yuerong's face gradually turned pale under these comments. She never thought that this former good friend would come to slander her for stealing!

What made her reproach herself was that because of him, Lin Chen was looked down upon by others at this time!

"Weiwei, are you sure that Yuerong stole your ring?" Li Minggang frowned and asked.

"Of course!" Gu Wei looked positive.

Liminggang's face also became ugly. The ring was close to 100000, which was not a small sum for him. Gu Wei had been talking about it for a long time. Today is their wedding anniversary, and he just gritted his teeth to buy it.

If he loses it like this, he may have to lose money. He is not willing to suffer this loss.

"Yuerong, why don't you hand over the ring? We'll take it as if it hasn't happened. If you have real difficulties in life, you can tell me that I can give you some money for free. Do you think it's ok?"

When Zhang Yuerong saw that these people had all decided that they had stolen the things, she felt cold and her hands and feet were cold. At this time, a warm and generous palm held her hand.

She turned her pretty head and looked at Lin Chen warmly.

She felt aggrieved and wanted to cry. It was like meeting someone who could support her. She said, "Lin Chen, believe me, I really didn't throw her ring."

"Of course I believe you."

Lin Chen smiled, then looked at Gu Wei and sneered, "sister Kui Rong still regards you as a good friend. You don't deserve to be her friend!"

Gu Wei's face froze, and then she said contemptuously, "do you think I want to be her friend? It's always her self righteousness, and I've never regarded her as a friend! Such a shameless woman who steals things doesn't even have a basic sense of morality. I feel sick at the thought that I used to live in the same dormitory with her!"

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