When Zhang Yuerong heard this, her face was even paler. She didn't expect that Gu Wei had always been her own wishful thinking!

By this time, the security guard in the supermarket had come over.

The saleswoman at the back of the jewelry display cabinet pointed to Zhang Yuerong and said to a security guard: "brother Zhang, I lost a diamond ring here. It may have been stolen by this lady."

When Gu Wei saw the security guard coming, her face brightened, and she said excitedly, "search this guy quickly. The ring is definitely on her. She is a thief. Search the ring and let everyone see her ugly face!"

The leading security guard looked at Zhang Yuerong at the speech, but he didn't directly go to search, but said in a deep voice: "madam, why don't you turn out all your pockets yourself? If you didn't steal, you don't have to be nervous."


Lin Chen pointed to Gu Wei with a smile and said coldly, "I suspect this woman is a thief shouting to catch a thief. The ring may be on her own! You might as well ask her to turn out her pockets first!"

Everyone was stunned. Unexpectedly, Lin Chen suspected Gu Wei at this time.

However, Gu Wei and liminggang are both famous brands. Obviously they are rich people, but they don't believe that they will steal.

Li Minggang said angrily, "Lin Chen, pay attention to what you say! Weiwei can't steal. I warn you, take care of your mouth. You can't say anything!"

Lin Chen even says that Gu Wei stole something, and that he is Gu Wei's husband. This is really beating him in the face!

Besides, he was already jealous of Lin Chen's getting Zhang Yuerong. He thought Lin Chen was a loser who had lost his luck. Naturally, he didn't have a good tone at this time!

Together, Zhang Yuerong is also very popular!

This woman is really blind. She is 10000 times stronger than the man she is looking for. She had to refuse herself at that time. She just talked to her and ignored her. What a shame!

He pointed to Zhang Yuerong, looked coldly at the security guards and said, "go and search her now! I'm quite familiar with boss yuan of your supermarket. Believe it or not, if I tell him, you'll all lose your job?"

The owner of the supermarket is Yuanfeng, who is worth billions. He is more or less a person in Yuehai city. Li Minggang confirmed that he knew each other, but he was not at the same level as others. However, he expected that these security guards could not really find Yuanfeng to ask for the truth, so he pulled the tiger skin.

Sure enough, when several security guards heard this, they saw that Li Minggang was wearing Armani and thought he really knew his boss. They were all shocked. They hurried to Zhang Yuerong and said, "madam, since you are not willing to cooperate with us, you can only offend!"

Lin Chen stood in front of Zhang Yuerong and said, "is that how you act as a security guard? You have to search your body before you can figure it out. I think you are afraid of others. Are you a lackey?"

"Asshole, how dare you scold us?"

Several security guards were already oppressed by Li Minggang's order. Seeing that Lin Chen dared to scold them as running dogs, they all got angry.

The chief security guard scolded, "get out of here, boy, or I will be rude!"

"Why are you so rude? Let's try it! Lin Chen said coldly.

"Shit! Come on, beat this boy up first!"

When several security guards saw that Lin Chen was so arrogant, they all angrily scolded and then jumped at Lin Chen.


When Li Ming saw this scene, he sneered, and his face showed a proud smile, waiting for Lin Chen to be beaten black and blue the next moment.

Gu Wei is also contemptuous and cynical. She looks at Zhang Yuerong with envy and resentment. No matter how beautiful you are, the man I'm looking for is more capable than your man. Then I'm higher than you. I'll play with you as much as I want!

Bang bang!




There was a bang in the field, mixed with some screams. Everyone stared at the scene in front of them. Lin Chen, who was about to be beaten in their eyes, kicked all the tiger backed security guards out. It seemed as simple as playing football!

While kicking people out, he still had a faint smile on his face, like playing a game!

The smiles on the faces of Li Minggang and Gu Wei were frozen, as if they had been choked by someone. They looked strange and ridiculous.

"You... How can you be so strong!"

The security captain covered his chest and curled up in a ball. He finally took a breath and looked at Lin Chen in fear.

All of them are retired special forces soldiers. One can beat dozens of ordinary men, but as a result, they can't even see Lin Chen's movements, so they let Lin Chen fly out. It's incredible!

This guy is not human!

Lin Chen ignored them, but walked to Gu Wei with a evil smile on his face.

"You... What do you want to do?" Gu Wei was so scared that she stepped back. She didn't expect Lin Chen to be so powerful. If he gave himself a kick, how could he stand it.

"Why? Of course, let's see who is the real thief!"

Lin Chen finishes saying that, he puts his hand into Gu Wei's pocket like lightning, and then takes out a ring!


Gu Wei is silly. This ring is the one she used to frame Zhang Yuerong, but she obviously put it in Zhang Yuerong's pocket, but now how can it appear in her pocket again!

"Ah! This is the ring. It was you who stole the ring! You were shouting to catch the thief! How shameless!"

The saleswoman behind the jewelry display cabinet was stunned when she saw the ring. Then she got angry and scolded.


When the people heard her words, they were in an uproar. After a long time, it was not the beautiful woman who stole things, but the woman who stole things. She wronged people, and the thief called to catch the thief!

"NIMA! This woman is really shameless. I have seen a lot!"

"Let me tell you, that beautiful woman is so beautiful and has temperament. She doesn't look like a thief at all. On the contrary, this woman with a bucket waist is plain and self righteous. She's so ugly!"

"This woman is really cheap! Just now she said that the beautiful woman stole things, and she disdained to be friends with others. It's bad luck to be friends with her like this!"

"No, if my family dares to do such a thing, I will definitely give her a slap. What a shame!"


The onlookers were all pointing at Gu Wei, looking contemptuous.

Gu Wei's face turned blue and white, then roared at Lin Chen, "no! You must have framed me, didn't you? It must be you!"

Liminggang's face has turned blue. He glared at Gu Wei viciously. Based on his understanding of Gu Wei, she can really do such a thing!

And Lin Chen is wearing short sleeves. Everyone just watched him put his hand into Gu Wei's pocket and take out the ring. How could it be that he was framing!

"What an idiot woman!"

Li Minggang scolded angrily, and then said to the crowd, "let's go. This is just a misunderstanding!"

With that, he turned to the salesperson and said in a bad tone, "I have paid for the ring just now, so my wife can't steal the ring. Are you right?"

The salesperson frowned and tried to refute, but he remembered that the man had just said he knew his boss. It seemed that he had a good relationship. What he had intended to say was immediately stuck in his throat.

"Yes, yes, I have already paid." The shop assistant looked a little ugly. She didn't dare offend anyone who knew her boss.

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