A group of big men are all powerful. Compared with them, Lin Chen looks very thin.

People in the hall were surprised to see this scene. They wondered why these big men suddenly wanted to beat the young man.

When the cashier saw this scene, there was a sneer on his face. You just scared my mother. Now you deserve to be beaten.

The waiter of the restaurant wanted to go up to persuade him, but she stopped him.

However, these big men knew Lin Chen's power. They saw that they had to fight. They didn't wait for Lin Chen to fight first. They had a tacit understanding. They rushed forward and hit Lin Chen with dozens of fists.



The man who rushed to the front was directly punched on the chin by Lin Chen. In an instant, the whole man flew backward and hit the wall a few meters away!

With a loud bang, it finally landed on the ground.


When people saw his situation clearly, they were all shocked to gasp and tremble. The man's jaw was directly beaten to the flesh and blood, and the blue and white bones were exposed. His jaw was completely tilted to the left, and the whole face looked abnormal!

Ka Ka!

The big man wanted to scream, but he could only make a strange sound. Then he gave a whoosh of blood.

Many people were so scared that they fell to the ground. The cashier who was originally sneering at the show just felt that his crotch was hot and he was scared to pee in his pants!

She has also seen men fighting and people bleeding all over when they were cut. But for the first time, she broke the jaw of others with a fist!

The rest of the big men were scared to death. They knew Lin Chen was powerful, but they didn't expect to treat him even more powerful than they thought, and they were extremely fierce!


Lin Chen pointed to the man who had spoken before and said coldly, "show me the way. If anything happens to her, I will definitely make your life worse than death!"

The man wanted to cry for a moment. How could he be so mean? Just tell someone the address honestly. Now he is dragged into the water.

He was terrified, but the big man could only follow Lin Chen to get on the bus and show Lin Chen the way.


Night Dynasty bar.

Brother hyena looked respectfully at the cold and gorgeous woman standing in front of him.

She was wearing a long black dress, like a night elf, with cold eyes, as if she could penetrate people's hearts.

"Sister ye, I have called him to tell him about it, but zhangyuerong has been taken away and he has chased him."

"You can take someone there. In any case, he can't have an accident." Ye Yiren stroked the cheap silver ring on his ring finger with a cold voice and expressionless face.

Brother hyena hesitated and said, "sister ye, master Huang, seems to be Feng Shao's man. Wu Hai is following Feng Shao now. You and Feng Shao..."

Yeyi did not speak, but looked at brother hyena coldly.

Suddenly, the hyena brother's face turned white and said, "sister ye, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been talkative. If something really happened to Lin Chen, I'll help him."

"He can't have an accident." Yeyi said again. She didn't look at brother hyena when she said this, but at the ring on her ring finger.

Brother hyena is very envious of Lin Chen. Why does this black widow who is cold to the whole world make a difference to that boy.


A three story villa in a remote suburb.

Soon, a van appeared at the door of the villa. The door opened, and Li Chang got off. Then a beautiful young woman helped Zhang Yuerong out of the van.

Wuhai came out of the villa with several big men.

"Wu Shao!" When Lichang saw Wu Hai, his face was wrinkled with laughter, and he wanted to give birth to a tail and shake it a few times.

"Lichang, you did a good job, ha ha! From today on, you can follow me!" Wuhai saw Zhang Yuerong in a coma and smiled.

Lichang was ecstatic and said, "thank you, Wu Shao! Thank you, Wu Shao! I will follow you well!"

Wu Hai is the future successor of Xinghui group. For him, this is the man in the sky. He wants to make friends in his dreams!

Before you can, let alone make friends, these big people will not even look at him.

Yesterday, the other party even contacted him, saying that as long as he cheated Zhang Yuerong out, he would immediately become the top level of Xinghui group and enjoy prosperity.

Lichang knew immediately what the other party wanted.

Zhang Yuerong is such a beautiful woman with all kinds of manners. What else can she do if she is cheated out by others?

He was not angry or even hesitant. What he had was ecstasy. In order to get a promotion, he could ask Zhang Yuerong to sleep with his boss. What's more, now he has a chance to climb the star group!

So he asked Zhang Yuerong out according to the other party's request.

Who knows, this woman didn't want to eat with herself at the beginning, so she finally agreed. Unexpectedly, she came to break up with herself. At this moment, Lichang had no scruples at all, but only resentment and malice.

He pretended to agree to break up with Zhang Yuerong, saying that he would drink another glass of wine before breaking up, and that the two would have no relationship at all. Only then did he finally let Zhang Yuerong drink the overpowering wine.

Several people soon arrived at the door of a room on the third floor.

Liking a statue, Li Kaishan stood at the door expressionless. When he saw these people coming, he saw a beautiful young woman holding a comatose beauty. His eyes flashed a struggle, and then turned cold.

"The master is working." Li Kaishan said coldly.

When Wuhai heard Li Kaishan's words, he sighed with emotion that the original first bodyguard of Yuehai City, an iron man, is now also master Huang. Master Huang is really capable.

He said politely with a smile, "master Huang asked me to bring this woman. Tell him. I believe he will open the door."

What Li Kaishan said about doing things, he naturally knows what he meant. He can't just have sex with his women in the daytime. Master Huang is really a lecher. Even he is far inferior to each other.

Moreover, the other party is still a master of medical skills. Playing with women will not break his body. Thinking of this, Wuhai is a little jealous.

Li Kaishan still shook his head: "the master doesn't like to be disturbed when he is working."

Just as Wuhai frowned, the door was opened. A tall, thin, middle-aged man with triangular eyes and wearing only big underpants looked at Li Kaishan sharply and sneered:

"Why, do you want to save this woman? Don't think I don't know this point of yours. I want to help her procrastinate?"

"Master Huang!" When Wuhai saw the middle-aged man, he was busy and said respectfully.

Master Huang nodded at him, then suddenly kicked Li Kaishan in the stomach.

Li Kaishan was directly kicked to the ground. His face turned red and vomited a mouthful of blood. Then he stood up again. He didn't say a word and didn't look at all.

"When you are a dog, you must look like a dog. Don't think carefully of yourself!" Master Huang sneered.

Master Huang looked at Zhang Yuerong, who was supported by a beautiful young woman. Looking at her plump, sexy body and dignified and charming face, he smiled and nodded with satisfaction: "yes, this woman is really a top-notch beauty. From now on, she will be mine!"

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