The middle-aged man is busy looking at his hands, only to see a silver needle inserted in the back of each hand!

Lin Chen took down his gun directly and said again, "do you choose to answer my previous question, or do I let you speak?"

The middle-aged man saw the silver needle in Lin Chen's hand, and finally understood why the other party had just turned around. It should be the moment he turned around that he shot the silver needle!

When he turned around, did he expect that he would not shoot immediately?

Or is it that even if he shoots at once, he is not afraid at all?

The middle-aged man didn't know that at this time, his heart was only full of strong fear. His feet were weak. This guy was a devil. He was powerful and cunning, which made him feel a deep sense of powerlessness.

"I said, I will say everything. Please let me go! The woman is in the leftmost room on the third floor. Master Huang and Wu Hai are there. Let me go. Don't kill me. I dare not retaliate! I will leave China right away and never come back!" The middle-aged man begged.

"Who is master Huang?" Lin Chen frowned.

"I don't know who he is, but he is very terrible."

The middle-aged man was afraid and said, "when we first met, Li just said that he was a lecher. As a result, the plum thing was useless that night. Later, we learned that it was master Huang who moved his hands and feet. Li wanted to trouble him. As a result, his hands began to rot. finally, Li knelt down for him, and he spared Li."

"Anything else?" Lin Chen said faintly.

The middle-aged man thought for a moment and said, "I heard from Wu Shao that a rich second generation and master Huang robbed a woman before. As a result, they bled to death the next day! The cause of death was not found in the hospital!"

"Anything else?"

"No, No." The middle-aged man shook his head. That was all he knew about master Huang.

"Very good. Then go to hell."

"You -"

The middle-aged man said that before he finished, Lin Chen broke his neck and fell to the ground. His eyes were round and there was no more sound.

"I didn't say I wouldn't kill you."

Lin Chen said to the corpse indifferently, and then went upstairs. At the same time, his brain was running fast.

Wu Hai had suffered so much before, and now he dares to find himself. He must rely on it. I believe it is not just a few people downstairs.

It is very likely that he is master Huang among the middle-aged people!

The man's stuff was useless. His hands began to rot and he bled to death the next day. The hospital could not find out the cause of death. Lin Chen had a word in his mind: poison!


On the third floor, Wuhai saw the scene downstairs in the surveillance, and his face became a little gloomy.

"What a bullshit 'fangs mercenary regiment'. He said that he was not afraid of the police. What a bunch of rubbish!"

Wu Hai scolded and ran to master Huang's door. He ignored Li Kaishan at the door and shouted inside, "master Huang, there's a problem. Open the door quickly!"

The door was soon opened. Master Huang's face was excited. When he saw Wu Hai, he was a little unhappy and said, "what's going on?"

Wu Hai said in a hurry, "the man of this woman came to the door. He has solved all the people of the 'fangs mercenary regiment'

"Her man?"

Master Huang was stunned and pointed to Lichang who was tied in front of the bed. "Isn't her man this guy?"

Wuhai looked in the direction of his fingers, and then his pupils contracted.

Lichang was tied in front of the bed. His clothes had been stripped off. His lower body was covered in flesh and blood, but he seemed to feel no pain. He was red all over and looked straight at the sexy woman in front of him.

The woman was lying in bed to seduce him.

Lichang struggled desperately to hold the woman, but he couldn't get rid of his body. He roared reluctantly, his eyes red, like a beast in heat without reason!

Wu Hai could not help shivering. Master Huang's method was too frightening. It was much more cruel than breaking hands and feet!

Thinking of this, he was a little excited, and his eyes were full of malicious light, expecting Lin Chen to be made like this.

Wuhai shook his head and said, "it's not a waste. This guy is actually the woman's ex boyfriend. Now he's the Lord! He's already coming up. He may have some trouble!"

"How do I feel like you're using me against him?" Master Huang suddenly said coldly.

Wu Hai was startled. His face changed slightly. He quickly shook his head and said, "no, although I do have some contradictions with this guy, I still think his woman is beautiful, so I want to give her to master Huang."

"Would you be so kind? I said, this woman is so excellent that you can get it. Why should you give it to me?"

Master Huang seemed to understand something, smiled, and then said darkly, "but I don't care about this. As long as a woman is beautiful enough, I welcome this kind of thing. It's good if her real man comes. If she doesn't come, the program won't go on!"

As he spoke, master Huang walked into the room.

Wu Hai followed him in, wondering, "master Huang, what program did you say?"

In the room, Chen Hong, the beautiful young woman who had supported Zhang Yuerong, was also naked. Seeing Wu Hai coming in, she did not panic at all. She still smiled at master Huang with a fawning face.

Zhangyuerong, as before, was still dressed, but her face was flushed, like a hot iron, and fine beads of sweat covered her forehead.

Wu Hai saw her like this and said with a smile, "master Huang, did you give her some aphrodisiac?"


Master Huang smiled. "It's really an aphrodisiac, but it's not an ordinary aphrodisiac, and this aphrodisiac is the program I want to play!"

Wu Hai was stunned. He obviously didn't understand what the other side meant.

Master Huang flashed a morbid excitement at the bottom of his eyes and said, "this aphrodisiac is called 'dreamer', and it will soon take effect. It can make a woman's lust reach the peak, many times stronger than ordinary aphrodisiac, and it also has an effect. No matter who the man in front of her is, she will have an illusion that that person is her dreamer."

"When I go to bed with her, let her man watch. Then she calls the name of the man she loves and woos me. I press her down. What do you think her man will look like?"

Wu Hai's eyes were bright. Unexpectedly, the other party went with him! What he wants is to humiliate Lin Chen and let Lin Chen die rather than live. Master Huang's method is simply wonderful!

A man, looking at his own woman calling his own name, courting like other men and being pressed by other men, is it estimated that he will be angry to death?

At the same time, he also understood why master Huang tied Lichang to his bed. He thought that this guy was the woman's dream!

But is Lin Chen the woman's dream?

I hope so, it will be more interesting!

Lin Chen, let you provoke me. You asked for it. I want to make your life worse than death!

Wu Hai showed a malicious smile at the corners of his mouth and began to look forward to it.

At this time, Lin Chen's voice came from the door.

"Go away! Do you think I won't kill you? You're a disgrace to the soldiers!"

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