"Ha ha, Xiaohao, just now boss Qian told me that you are also eating here with your friends. What friends are you entertaining?"

A middle-aged man with a short round face and small eyes walked in from the door and looked at Sun Shao's spoiled way.

"Dad! Why are you here?" When Sun Shao saw the man, he immediately smiled.

"I came here with some friends to talk about business. I heard you were here, so I came here to have a look." The middle-aged man said with a smile.

Chenweirong and Liang's agent, hearing their dialogue, immediately felt shocked and showed a flattering smile on their faces. They wanted to grow a tail and shake it. They respectfully said, "Hello, Mr. Sun."

"Hehe, hello." The middle-aged man nodded at them.

Sun Shao turned his eyes and said with a smile, "Dad, I'm looking for a daughter-in-law for you. However, now someone is making trouble. He's a little loser in his early twenties, but he also said that he is also a shareholder of Huading group. He also said that he knows you and let me go!"

The middle-aged man was delighted when he heard this. His son was spoiled since he was a child. He only knew how to play around with women all day. He never wanted to get married. This time he even said he wanted to find a daughter-in-law for himself. That was a great thing.

At the same time, I was annoyed that someone dared to do damage and lied about being a shareholder of Huading group. It was really bad.

He sneered: "where is the man you said? I'd like to see who dares to rob a woman with my son! Return to the shareholders of Huading group? Fuck, where are the young people in their early twenties in the shareholders of Huading group!"

Chenweirong and Liang's agent are both gloating at the misfortune. They look at Lin Chen with sarcasm in their eyes. It seems that this boy will definitely suffer!

When Sun Shao gets jiangmengshu, the two of them will be able to follow him.

Sun Shao's eyes showed a successful conspiracy. He knew it. Although his father usually laughed, he knew many Taoist brothers. If he wanted to clean up one person, it would be very simple.

When the boy is disabled, jiangmengshu will be his own bag!

"Dad, it's this guy. You can help me clean him up. At least you should beat him into a cripple!" Sun Shao pointed at Lin Chen and said viciously.

"Don't worry, hehe. It's rare that you finally want to find a girlfriend. I... ha?"

The middle-aged man, who was facing Sun Shao, smiled and then turned to look in the direction he pointed to. When he saw the man's face, he was suddenly stupid. His eyes were full of fear and his face turned pale.

"Dad, what's the matter with you? This guy is going to rob me of a woman. Hurry up and ask someone to clean him up!" Sun shaoshao, a middle-aged man with an ugly face, could not help but exclaim.


Suddenly, the middle-aged man raised his hand and slapped Sun Shao in the face, making him sit on the ground.

"Ah! Dad, what are you doing? Why do you hit me? You hit him if you want to!" Sun Shao covered his swollen face and thought that his father had made a mistake, so he quickly reminded him.

"Grass Mud Horse! It's you that I beat. You're my father's stuff. I've worked hard for decades to get a little share of Huading group. You really want to beat me. Who will you beat if I don't beat you?"

While scolding, the middle-aged man punched and kicked Sun Shao.

Unexpectedly, his son is going to rob a woman with Lin Chen. What a joke!

He said before that there were no young people among the shareholders of Huading group, and he also forgot Lin Chen, because Lin Chen was so special!

This guy is now the second largest shareholder of Huading group, with 10% shares, but his shares are not bought, but robbed!

Thinking of that day, Lin Chen told Director Fu Lin that he got 10% of the shares without paying a dime. The middle-aged man was still trembling. This guy is a powerful hooligan. Who dares to provoke him!

But I didn't expect that I didn't dare to provoke him. My son even provoked him. If I provoked him, wouldn't my 3% share be lost?

The more the middle-aged man wanted to be angry, the harder he kicked Sun Shao, and flattered Lin Chen while kicking him:

"Lin Shao, it's because I'm bad at teaching my son. I didn't expect this little bunny to offend you. Don't worry, I'll teach him a lesson. If you're not satisfied, I'll break his hands and feet!"

Lin Shao?

Sun Shao was a little confused at first. He didn't know what was wrong with his father. At this time, he immediately reacted to this.

I kicked myself to the iron plate!

It seems that the other party is really a shareholder of Huading group, and it is so strong that my father dare not provoke me.

Not only he, but also the rest of us were stupid. No one thought that things would develop like this.

Jiangmengshu had a worried face, but he was so surprised that his mouth opened slightly.

Lin Chen saw that the middle-aged man was so knowledgeable. He knew that people were polite and didn't have a deep hatred. He didn't have to die. However, Sun Shao was not a good man. He didn't intend to let him off so easily.

Seeing that sun shaodu had been beaten into a pig's head by his father, Lin Chen pointed to the bottle of beer on the table, looked at sun shaodu and said with a smile:

"I remember you said just now that if I were a shareholder of Huading group, you would drink this bottle of beer with your nose?"

Suddenly, Sun Shao's face turned pig liver, and his smile was more ugly than crying. He only said, "Lin Shao, I'll drink it. I'll drink it now."

Then he got up from the ground, picked up the beer bottle, gritted his teeth and poured it down his nose.

I sneezed and coughed so much that many beers fell on my face.

The middle-aged man kicked him and said, "go on, little rabbit! Lin Shao is merciful. Otherwise, you will suffer!"

How did the middle-aged man deal with Director Lin Chen before he met him? So what he said at this time was really true. He was grateful to Lin Chen.

Sun Shao had to bite his teeth again and continue to drink.

Drinking with your nose is really not a human thing. Tears and runny nose have all come out. It is estimated that you will have a psychological shadow when you see beer in the future. Sun Shao can be said to be drinking while crying.

Lin Chen looked at Chen Weirong and Liang's agent, whose face had already changed greatly, and said coldly, "do you know why the star and agent Meng Shu followed came to a bad end?"

When they heard Lin Chen's words, they seemed to think of something, and both became terrified.

Jiangmengshu used to be LV Chun's life assistant. At that time, LV Chun was already a famous young student, and his agent was a famous gold medal agent in the industry.

Later, I heard that he had a conflict with someone. As a result, Lu Chun was hidden, while Luo's agent was directly blocked by the industry!

Could it be that the man who clashed with them was the young man in front of him.

Thinking of Sun Shao's father's respectful appearance to Lin Chen, they had already confirmed this guess in their hearts, and suddenly felt a little weak.

finished! If he wants to retaliate, the two of them will be really finished!

"I will tell anxieyao about you two." Lin Chen said that and pulled jiangmengshu out of the box.

Chenweirong and Liang's agent were as pale as death, sitting on the ground.

Back in the box, jiangmengshu looks at Lin Chen with complicated eyes. She knows Lin Chen's origin is extraordinary, but she didn't expect it to be so extraordinary.

"Lin Chen."

"Well?" Linchen turns to look at jiangmengshu.

Jiangmengshu blushed and said, "do you want to kiss me again?"

She felt that only the previous kiss seemed to be not enough?

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