When she returned to the sky for entertainment after dinner, she just caught up with work time. After saying goodbye to jiangmengshu, Lin Chen went to an Xueyao's office.

He felt a little pity in his heart. Jiang mengsu asked himself if he wanted to kiss her again, but he refused. It was not that he didn't want to kiss a beautiful woman, but that his feelings were complicated enough now.

He could see that jiangmengshu had some good feelings for him. Maybe she would agree to any request she put forward. Moreover, she was a top-notch woman who was naturally obsequious and was destined to shine in the future.

It's false that he doesn't like it. But for a simple woman like jiangmengshu, it's ok if you kiss once. If you kiss again, you'll really be responsible, or you'll hurt others.

But how can he be responsible for jiangmengshu now? In fact, he doesn't have any love between men and women for jiangmengshu. He just likes beautiful women.

At the door of an Xueyao's office, he knocked and the door was opened.

The man who opened the door was an Xueyao's agent, Hong Jie. When she saw Lin Chen, she said hello with a smile, and then left.

When anxieyao saw Lin Chen, he had no good words: "have you come back from dinner with someone else? You are a bodyguard. People who know you know that you are my bodyguard. People who don't know you think you are a driver."

"Ha ha."

Lin Chen laughed, touched his nose and said, "I have something to tell you."

He told anxieyao about agent Liang and chenweirong. Anxieyao looked a little cold after hearing this.

She hated such things as using her position to make connections and help people pick up girls. There was no big difference between such things and coercion and inducement.

She nodded and said, "I know this and I will deal with it. By the way, why don't you just let jiangmengshu be my life assistant?"

Anxieyao finished, and without waiting for Lin Chen to answer, he replied, "well, that's a good idea. That's it."

There was a proud smile on her face. Jiang Mengshu will work under his own hands in the future. See how you can hook up with her!

Lin Chen naturally doesn't have any complaints about an Xueyao's words. Jiang Mengshu can work as a life assistant for an Xueyao, and he will have good development opportunities in the future. He doesn't have to be afraid of being made difficult again.

"By the way, Lin Chen, do you know fengkunlin?" Anxieyao suddenly frowns at Liu Mei and wonders.

"Fengkunlin? No." Lin Chen shook his head.

"That's strange. Why did he invite me to the Qunying party and stress that I would take you there and say I wanted to see you?"

"See me?" Lin Chen is also confused. He really doesn't know fengkunlin. What does the other party want to see him for.

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't look like a liar, anxieyao said, "it's ok if you don't know him, but since he invited us both, let's go together. His face still needs to be given."

"Oh? Does he have a big face?" Lin Chen was surprised. It is obvious that Feng Kunlin has a lot to do to make an Xueyao say this.

Anxieyao nodded and said with a dignified expression:

"His face is really great. The Feng family is known as the first family in Yuehai city. They have a huge background in the military and have made great achievements in both political and business circles. Fengkunlin is the eldest son of the Feng family and the future heir. He is known as the first major in Yuehai City. He rarely shows up in front of people, but no one dares to question his strength."

"In principle, you should not have seen him. However, since he invited you to come, let's go and have a look. Maybe he has heard of you and wants to make friends with you. After all, some people still know that you beat back hundreds of people of the Sirius gang."

At this time, Lin Chen's eyebrows were picked. At this time, he remembered that before Wu Hai died, he seemed to have said that he and master Huang were Feng Shao's people, and also mentioned that the Feng family had military background.

It seems that Feng Shao should have found something. The visitors are not good, and there is no good banquet.

However, if the other party wants to provoke him, he is not afraid.

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't speak, anxieyao thought he was still wondering why Feng Shao invited him, and smiled:

"You don't have to think too much. The 'Qunying gathering' is actually a gathering of the crown prince party in Yuehai city established by Feng Shao. At the same time, if any young man in Yuehai shows his strong strength, he will also be invited. It seems that he is very optimistic about you."

Watch me?

Lin Chen touched his nose, thinking that he didn't care about me. He was definitely looking for trouble.

He said with a smile, "since the other party invited us, let's go and have a look."

The "Qunying party" will be held at 8 p.m. at the Qunying club set up by Feng Shao for the purpose of the party.

It is also a place for the prince cliques of Yuehai city to gather for fun. It is not open to the public. If you want to enter, you must bring it in by members. An Xueyao is a member here.

At the gate of the club, there were several security guards with big backs and bulging temples. They had a strong spirit. At first glance, they were not ordinary security guards.

The interior of the club is luxuriously decorated. At the same time, some western oil paintings and Chinese landscape paintings are hung on the walls, which adds a bit of elegance.

When Lin Chen and an Xueyao enter the hall, they see that there are already many people inside, including two acquaintances, Su man and zhangrongkai.

Zhangrongkai's face changed when he saw Lin Chen. Then he pretended not to see him and continued to chat with a young man in front of him.

In my heart, I was surprised how Lin Chen came here.

Su man is being pestered by a handsome but somewhat gloomy young man. The young man seems very enthusiastic and excited. He is chattering about something beside Su man, while Su man is casually dealing with it with some impatience on his face.

When they saw an Xueyao and Lin Chen coming in, they all looked at them, then nodded to an Xueyao, and then turned their heads back.

Obviously, Ann Xueyao is not the first time to come here. These people all know her.

Su man sees Lin Chen and an Xueyao coming in. His face shows a happy look. He walks towards this side, and the young man beside her also walks over.

"Yao Yao, you're coming. Little brother, I didn't expect you to come too. It's really nice. I'll have a few more drinks with my sister later." Su man has a very happy smile.

"Sister man." An Xueyao now has a good relationship with Su man. Seeing her, she seems very happy.

The young man who followed Su man came over, looked at Lin Chen, and then smiled proudly:

"Dude, that's good. It looks like you have taken down the star of Anda. Su man calls you brother. Since you are her brother, we will be a family in the future. Ha ha. If you have anything to do, just come to your brother-in-law. Feng kunyue can't handle it."

"Ha ha, brother-in-law, let's get to know each other." Fengkunyue reaches out his hand to Lin Chen and says with a smile.

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