When Lin Chen heard this, his eyes were extremely cold.

It seems that fengkunlin has guessed 7788 about his killing of Wuhai, and now that Li Kaishan has followed him, he has also found out.

That's not surprising.

After all, the people in the villa at that time, besides themselves and zhangyuerong, Li Kaishan was still alive.

Now the words of the host on the stage are naturally what fengkunlin said to himself.

He thinks that Li Kaishan is his own dog, and now he is going to kill the dog and warn his owner!

Lin Chen's eyes narrowed slightly. There was a fierce light in them. Anyone who wanted to move him would have to pay a price.

He didn't look back at fengkunlin. It was meaningless. He didn't directly go up to pull Li Kaishan down. At this time, although Li Kaishan looked a little depressed, his eyes were full of great fighting spirit.

Li Kaishan is a soldier. Since a soldier is on the field, he needs to fight. It is an insult to him to go up and bring him down directly.

He also wants to see how strong the Thai Super Champion is.

On the stage.

Lunda and Li Kaishan were already standing face to face. Their faces were cold and their eyes were sharp.

Longda's mouth was full of grimace and disdain, while Li Kaishan's face was fearless and indifferent. They looked at each other like tigers and lions.

The audience was also infected by the tense atmosphere. They were all absorbed and waiting for the impending war.

Tonight is destined to be a memorable night.

The host walked out of the stage, put the microphone to his mouth and said loudly: "now, the game begins. Let's witness the duel between the strong! Who will continue to live and who will die, we will wait and see!"

At this time, the grim smile and disdain at the corner of Longda's mouth spread to the whole face. He raised his right thumb and frowned at Li Kaishan. His thumb suddenly turned down, and the sarcasm and disdain on his face did not hide!

This is a naked insult!

The people under the stage are a little upset. Anyway, Li Kaishan is also a Chinese and once the king of war. Now he is so insulted by the Thai people that they feel ashamed.

"Why, the foreigner is so arrogant!"

"Li Kaishan, go on, fuck him!"

"Kill him! A foreigner went to China to show off his prowess. It really gave him a face!"

"Show him some Chinese Kung Fu! Hurry up!"


People under the stage shouted at Longda. Longda didn't look at them at all. He stared at Li Kaishan like his own prey.

Li Kaishan's face is very ugly, and his forehead is blue with veins. Although he is no longer a soldier, he has never lost his glory. His glory is not allowed to be trampled by anyone!

He is not a man who likes to talk nonsense. He likes to solve things with his fist.

In an instant, Li Kaishan stepped out with his right foot and punched out. He could even hear the sound of the air popping. We can imagine how terrible this punch was.

"Those who insult me will die!"

Li Kaishan burst out, and his fist was in front of Longda's eyes.

Lunda grinned and instantly put on a Muay Thai defensive posture, which was very fast. Li Kaishan hit his forearm hard, making a dull sound like hitting a stone.

When people saw that Lunda used his forearm to block him, they all secretly scolded idiots. The bones of his forearm were thin and fragile, and he simply didn't know what to do to block a soldier's fist.

But the next scene, they were stunned.

Lunda was still motionless. Li Kaishan let out a groan. The fist that hit Lunda's forearm was black and red!

Everyone was stunned. Is this Thai arm made of steel?

Lin Chen showed a dignified look on his face. This Longda was an ancient Muay Thai master!

Ancient Muay Thai masters have to undergo inhuman cultivation since childhood, or even torture. They use trees, rocks and steel as training aids and beat their flesh and bones to achieve great success. Their body is no different from steel. Compared with the golden Arhats in Shaolin Temple, they are no different.

However, this kind of cultivation method is too painful and cruel. It seriously overdrafts the human body. Therefore, people who practice ancient Muay Thai generally live a short time. Now it is very rare.

I didn't expect to see a master of ancient Thai Boxing here tonight.

On the stage, Li Kaishan failed in one blow and launched a series of stormy attacks. However, he could not cause any damage to Longda.

Lunda is just like a huge rock. No matter how fast the river blows, it will not move.

His face was full of ridicule and disdain. When Li Kaishan kicked his carotid artery with a whip and leg again, he finally moved!

As soon as his neck was bent, he clamped Li Kaishan's leg. Li Kaishan immediately felt that his leg was like being clamped by a pair of pliers. He could not get rid of it at all.

Just as Li Kaishan's face changed, Longda had kicked him in the stomach.

Wow, Li Kaishan vomited a mouthful of blood. Longda's face showed an excited and bloodthirsty smile, and two elbows hit Li Kaishan under his shoulder.

Li Kaishan's eyes suddenly widened. He felt as if he had been hit twice by a huge hammer. He let out a beast like cry. He fell to his knees, his hands fell to the ground feebly, and his head was supported on the ground.


Lunda scolded in some awkward Chinese, then looked down at the stage like a winner, and made a gesture of cutting his neck with his thumb. His face was an excited and bloodthirsty smile.

Some of the people in the audience were still shouting, but they dared not say a word. Lunda's strength scared them.

The whole audience became quiet, and then there was a curse:

"Shit! Damn soldier, it's useless! Waste!"

"That's right. You can't hurt people if they let you kick them. Go home and drink milk!"

"He has lost. Kill him!"

"Yes! Kill him! Kill him!"


These people seem to have found a way to vent their emotions, and they have targeted Li Kaishan with some morbid madness in their eyes.


Lunda also gave a big shout, walked to the kneeling Li Kaishan and licked his lips like looking at the prey, especially excited.

"That's enough. Let me fight you." Lin Chen stood up at this time, his tone was indifferent, with some anger. Since Li Kaishan had lost, he could not really let the other party kill him.

Everyone present was startled by his move and looked at him in surprise.

Isn't this guy dead? Dare to provoke the monsters on the stage.

Only fengkunlin's face wore a faint smile, as if everything was under his control.

Yeyi people have complicated eyes.

Anxieyao and Su man are also startled. They don't know why Lin Chen wants to go up and fight the horrible guy on the stage.

Although they know Lin Chen is very powerful, the one on the stage is a murderer and a super monster!

"Lin Chen, don't go up there. It's too dangerous! This has nothing to do with you." Anxieyao discouraged.

"Yes, you can't take risks. The guy on the stage is a murderer." Su man also hurried. She had guessed what the relationship between Li Kaishan and Lin Chen might be, but she really didn't want to see Lin Chen take risks.

"Don't worry, this guy can't hurt me."

Lin Chen said a word, and then walked away like on the stage.

Longda kept staring at him with a cold look. It was obvious that he understood what Lin Chen had just said.

Just as Lin Chen stepped onto the stage, a ferocious smile appeared on Longda's face. Suddenly, he stepped down on Li Kaishan's head with a fierce foot!

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