Longda suddenly stepped down on Li Kaishan's head with a fierce foot, and looked at Lin Chen provocatively, with an air of why I should listen to you and what you are.

All the people in the audience were scared by his cruel behavior. Some women closed their eyes. According to the Thai's terrible ability, Li Kaishan's head would be trampled into rotten watermelons!

However, those who closed their eyes waited for a while, but they didn't hear anything. When they opened their eyes, they saw a scene that surprised them.

Lin Chen's right foot is blocking Li Kaishan's head, and Longda's foot is stepping on his instep. However, Longda's face is red, and Lin Chen's feet are still!


Longda looked at Lin Chen in disbelief, and unconsciously stepped back. His eyes were dignified, and his momentum became like a fierce tiger ready to meet the strong enemy.

"You want to kill him?" Lin Chen said faintly.

"Yes! This is a life and death fight. He lost. Damn it!" Lunda didn't flinch and said viciously.

"How about I fight you instead of him now?" Lin Chen smiled, but his eyes were cold. He was already irritated.

Lose and die?

Who set the rules, fengkunlin?

What kind of thing is he!

Longda frowned and looked at the host. The host did not expect this to happen. He immediately looked at fengkunlin sitting behind him.

Fengkunlin stood up, looked at Lin Chen with joking eyes, and said with a smile: "unexpectedly, Lin Shao was interested in going up to fight, but this is a life and death fight. Are you sure you want to fight him?"

At this moment, everyone smelled a smell of gunpowder smoke. They looked at fengkunlin and Lin Chen. It turned out that Feng Shao didn't intend to let the boy go. Now there is a good play.

Everyone looked at Lin Chen playfully. In their eyes, Lin Chen and fengkunlin were not at the same level at all.

The other side provoked fengkunlin. It was really not ordinary stupidity.

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "it's just because it's a fight between life and death, isn't it? But since it's a fight between life and death, I should have no problem killing Feng Shao's dog?"

Fengkunlin yanked at the corner of his eye. Lin Chen asked the host to say something before responding to him. Naturally, he was telling him that Lunda was the dog with the wrong owner.

He said with a laugh: "Lin Shao is really humorous, but since this is a fight between life and death, you can kill him if you have the ability. I'm afraid you don't have that ability, ha ha."

"Then don't bother. You can watch it." Lin Chen's tit for tat way.

Fengkunlin sat down with a cold face. He felt that there was a cold line of sight looking at him. He turned his head and saw Ye Yi's cold eyes. There was no emotion in them, only a touch of irony.

"Er... Miss ye?"

Fengkunlin was stunned. He didn't understand why Ye Yiren looked at him like this. Then he said with a smile: "Miss ye, who do you think will win on the stage?"

"Lin Chen." Ye Yi's voice seemed to be a little proud.

Fengkunlin obviously didn't expect Ye Yiren to answer so simply. He wondered, "this Lin Chen, I've done some research. He's really good at it, but Longda is not an ordinary person. How can miss ye be so sure that he will win?"

"Of course he will win." Some of the yeyi people don't know what to say.

Fengkunlin frowned and looked up at the stage. His face was a little gloomy. He was used to Ye Yiren's coldness, but the other party was optimistic about Lin Chen, which really made him a little depressed.

On the stage, Lin Chen looked at his Longda, who was staring at him like a beast, and raised his eyebrows. He said indifferently, "you are a student of ancient Thai boxing. Before that, you asked Li Kaishan to attack you. Do you think your bones are hard and your defense is strong? He can't hurt you at all?"

Lunda disdained: "you can't hurt me, you just have more strength!"

Lin Chen just blocked his foot with his foot. He could not shake it. His strength was so great that he was a little surprised, but that was all.

The competition is not about who has great strength, who can win. He has been trained since childhood. I don't believe Lin Chen can hurt him!

"In that case, shall we come and see whose bones are harder?" Lin Chen said.

Lunda's eyes lit up and said with some glee, "how can we compare?"

"It's very simple. Kick your legs hard to see who broke their legs first?" Lin Chen smiled.

"Good! I'll compete with you!" Longda seemed to be afraid of Lin Chen's repentance. He agreed and laughed wildly in his heart.

The other side is looking for death. Almost all of his kung fu is on one leg. Even if a steel pipe is put in front of him, he can kick the bend with one foot!

Can this guy's legs be harder than steel pipes?

"Let's start." Lin Chen nodded.

"Then go to hell!"

Longda smiled grimly and kicked at Lin Chen, whirring like a steel whip!

Lin Chen snorted coldly, and kicked out with one foot. He didn't dodge, and immediately collided with Longda's leg.

All the people under the stage now stared at the simple but soul stirring scene on the stage, holding their breath.

In their opinion, the winner was Lunda. After all, Li Kaishan just punched him in the hand, but his fist became red and swollen. It can be seen how hard this man's bones are!

But then, their faces were stiff and unbelievable.


A crisp noise followed by a painful groan.

Lunda knelt down on the ground, pale and in a cold sweat.

His leg was like a piece of wood that had been kicked off. It was almost broken into 90 degrees. Blood flowed from the wound, and even the blue and white broken bones could be seen inside!

The scene was silent. This unexpected touch made everyone feel a little overwhelmed. They almost doubted that they were dreaming!

Kick a man's leg like this. Is this guy's leg a knife? It's really incredible!

Lin Chen kicked out again and kicked Lunda in the stomach.


Lunda bumped into the fence and bounced back. His face turned red, he vomited blood, his body twitched, and he looked at Lin Chen in horror.

He felt that his internal organs seemed to have been kicked to pieces and hurt deeply.

What kind of monster is this guy? His leg skill, which he is proud of, is so weak in front of him!

He didn't want to believe the fact, but the fact was in front of him!

People used to call him a murderous devil, but he felt that the smiling young man in front of him was the real devil.

A cold-blooded, cruel and powerful demon!

"My people, no one can move, or they will pay a price!" Lin Chen's tone was indifferent and he walked towards Longda step by step.

Longda felt that Lin Chen's slow steps seemed to step on his heart, which made him depressed. It was not the first time that he felt the coming of death, but it was the first time that he was so afraid of death.

Lin Chen's indifference and strength brought him deep fear.

"No, don't kill me." Lunda pleaded.

Lin Chen seemed not to hear his words, and still walked slowly towards him.

Fengkunlin's face was so hard to see. His eyebrows twisted into a knot. He suddenly stood up and shouted, "enough! Lin Chen, I order you to stop!"

"Command me?" Lin Chen looks at fengkunlin with cold eyes.

"Yes! I! Life! Order! You!" Feng Kunlun said word by word, his eyes cold.

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