Linqizhi didn't expect that these people would suddenly say such ugly words, including their cousin, which were insulting Linchen!

Suddenly, her eyebrows bristled, and she said angrily, "shut up, you can't take care of my business!"

The little girl was called a man's mother-in-law before, not just because she was flat chested, but because she was upright and hot tempered. At this time, she felt that these people were too annoying in front of her, and naturally broke out!

All the people present did not expect that linqizhi, who originally looked like a lady, suddenly turned into a tigress with open teeth and claws, and her face was a little ugly.

XuYaTing said angrily, "Qi Zhi, how do you talk? We are doing it for you. Do you know?"

Lin Chen was indifferent at first. At this time, she was shocked to hear Lin Qizhi was rude. Then she felt warm in her heart. This girl is really good. She can't see her friend being wronged.

She quarreled with her cousin for her own sake.

Originally, he was too lazy to pay attention to the rich second generation. At this time, he pointed at Huang chongfan with disdain and said, "why, is he very powerful?

XuYaTing was already full of anger when her cousin swept her face in front of so many people. At this time, hearing Lin Chen's words, she sneered:

"Nonsense, of course Huang Shao is powerful! A hundred of you can't compare with him! You don't look in the mirror to see what you are wearing. Huang Shao has a suit of clothes of more than 100000 yuan. Can you earn more than 100000 yuan a year?"

Lin Chen said lightly: "only upstarts need to show off themselves by clothes, and only people without eyesight can distinguish others by clothes."

"Hehe! Fart, what do you mean? Are you still a person who doesn't need to use famous brands to show off?"

XuYaTing smiled jokingly and said contemptuously, "if you can't afford better clothes, you can't afford them. What kind of clothes to wear!"

"That's right. I despise this kind of guy most. He is obviously a poor man. He hasn't known himself yet!"

"Two days ago, a loser like you came to confess to me, and I slapped him directly. He doesn't know what he is. He deserves it!"

"Yes, yes, just these idiots. They are really retarded because they are thinking of soaking up baifumei!"

"Get out of here, boy!"


People sneered at Lin Chen repeatedly, as if they did not hide their disdain and disdain for Lin Chen.

Huangchongfan saw several people taunting Lin Chen, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face. He glanced at Lin Qizhi and saw that her small face was full of anger. He laughed and said:

"Well, don't make any noise. Since he asked me if I was fierce, I'll answer him myself!"

Looking at Lin Chen, Huang chongfan looked down from a commanding position and said faintly, "you asked me if I was fierce, right?"

He said with a confident smile: "in terms of the whole Guangyang City, I am naturally nothing. I have a lot of Childe brothers who are better than my family background and are more powerful than me. But you can't touch childe brothers of that level for a lifetime! If you are compared with you, it's not modest to say that XuYaTing just said that I am 100 times stronger than you, which is absolutely right!"

"A hundred times? You are so confident." Lin Chen couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at? Is it funny?"

Huangchongfan was angry when he saw that Lin Chen was so uninterested. "I tell you, there is really nothing wrong with me in Guangyang city. If I want to deal with a person, there are countless ways! I advise you not to make mistakes!"

At last, his tone was cold, and he was already directly threatening. At the same time, he was very proud to look at linqizhi with his spare light.

He didn't believe it. He was so straightforward. Lin Qizhi still couldn't make the right choice!

Lin Chen was about to speak, but a dozen big men rushed in at the door. Everyone looked fierce and aggressive. It was obvious that the comer was not good!

The most frightening thing is that they are all holding bright machetes in their hands. Their eyes are fierce and look very frightening!

Seeing this scene, many girls screamed out in horror. The dancers on the stage stopped immediately. The DJ also turned off the music. The scene was a bit chaotic!

Several security guards in the bar saw this scene, and immediately someone took the phone to call someone. Then the head of the staff said, "don't call brother Tian, this is brother snake to do business!"

"Boss, who is brother snake?" A new security guard asked.

"It's the brother-in-law of our boss, brother Tian. Do you still need to call? Stupid!"

The leader turned his eyes angrily, and then wondered, "which unlucky guy provoked brother snake? Now, he is absolutely finished!"

Huangchongfan and other people were shocked when they saw these big men rushing in. Then they all looked curious and talked.

"The leader is brother snake. I don't know who has provoked him!"

"Brother snake is the brother-in-law of brother Tian, the eldest brother of the Huatian Gang, and this pan Longshan is the sphere of influence of the Huatian gang. Brother Tian is the owner of the pan long bar. Anyone who provokes him here will have bad luck!"

Lijunhua envied Huang chongfan: "Huang Shao, I remember you seem to have some friendship with brother snake, right?"

Huang chongfan nodded and said with a smile, "I do have some friendship with brother snake. When something bothered him in the past, he gave me face!"

When they heard this, they all looked envious. Huang Shao was really powerful. Even brother snake gave him face. Who else would come to provoke him!

Thinking of how powerful Lin Chen asked Huang Shao just now, they despised him even more!

"Eh, Huang Shao, brother snake seems to be coming towards us. Does he come to say hello to you?"

Lijunhua was excited when he saw brother snake leading a group of people to walk quickly.

Other people are also excited when they hear the speech. Although they are the second generation of rich people, they are not qualified to deal with such big people at ordinary times!

Huangchongfan was a little surprised. Unexpectedly, brother snake had to come over and say hello to him. His smile was even brighter. He glanced at Lin Chen proudly.

But he found that Lin Chen was looking at brother snake with a smile.

Idiot, this guy may not be how powerful brother Dao snake is!

Huangchongfan sneered. Seeing that brother snake had come to him, he said with a smile: "brother snake, you are really polite. Looking at you like this, it is obvious that you have something to do tonight. Unexpectedly, you came to say hello to me!"

Brother snake looked at him, but he frowned and said impatiently, "who are you?"


Huang chongfan's face froze and he hurriedly said, "I'm Huang chongfan. We were drinking together last week."

Brother snake thought for a while and said, "Oh, it's you. The girl you introduced to me last time has good skills, but I also like the one you play. Next time, bring that girl to me!"

With that, he pushed Huang chongfan away.

Huang chongfan's face was full of embarrassment. Especially at this time, Li Junhua's strange expressions made him blush.

Just now, I boasted that I knew brother snake very well and gave him a lot of face. As a result, people don't remember him at all. They only remember the woman he introduced and the one he played with!

When linqizhi heard what brother snake said, she looked at Huang chongfan with disdainful eyes on her face, which made him feel ashamed.

Brother snake walked up to Lin Chen. Before he spoke, Lin Chen said with a smile: "so it's you? You dare to come to me. Are you in debt again?"

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