This snake brother was a middle-aged man with triangle eyes who wanted to insult ye menghuang on the high-speed rail, but was taught a lesson by Lin Chen. He made trouble with him but was severely punished by him!

At this time, it is obvious that his injury is not all right. He walks with a limp. Lin Chen even retaliates for this situation. Lin Chen admires him. This guy is really a vindictive leader.

He smiled and said, "so it's you? Do you dare to come to me again?"

The originally noisy scene was suddenly quiet!

People are scared silly!

Lin Chen's words sounded crazy to them!

This is brother snake of Huatian sect! There are more than a dozen big men with machetes behind him. Is this boy crazy? He is looking for death!

Huangchongfan was also shocked. It turned out that brother snake didn't come to find himself, but this guy. It seems that they have something wrong!

His eyes are full of schadenfreude. At this moment, the boy is absolutely finished, and it is impossible to continue to rob women with himself!

Brother snake stared at Lin Chen with a cold and venomous look and sneered: "boy, I know you can fight. This time I brought a dozen good players from the sect and prepared machetes. Even if you are an immortal, I will cut you into 18 sections and bury you directly in the dragon mountain!"

His voice was so cold that it made people feel creepy!

Listening to brother snake's venomous words, everyone looked at Lin Chen sympathetically.

Brother snake is called brother snake because he has two characteristics, extreme lust and very vicious. Since he said he would bury the other person in Panlong mountain, he would certainly do it!

At this time, Lin Qizhi's small face was also a little white with fear. She didn't know how Lin Chen got into trouble with these people. She was too nervous, but she still said: "don't mess around, or I'll call the police!"

Lin Chen asked her to come over together. If something happened, how could she explain it to Bai Lan!

"Eh? There is still such an excellent girl. Shit, this figure is really exciting!"

Brother snake looked at Lin Qizhi. After he was stunned, his eyes showed lust and said with a sneer: "boy, you are really destined for women! This is also your woman, right? Ha ha! I didn't play last time. I must get this tonight!"

Huangchongfan was preparing to watch a good play. Unexpectedly, linqizhi dared to contradict brother snake. He secretly screamed bad. However, he had identified linqizhi as his woman. At this time, he gritted his teeth and came forward to tell brother Snake:

"Brother snake, you've made a mistake! Qi Zhi is not this guy's woman, but my woman. Please don't give him any idea. If you want a woman, I'll introduce you next time. Just tell me what type you want!"

"Oh? Is it your woman? In that case, of course I should give Huang less face!" Snake squinted and smiled at Huang chongfan.

Huang chongfan didn't expect that the other side would really give him such a face. Seeing that other people were looking at him admiringly, Huang chongfan felt a little proud, smiled brightly, and said happily, "ha ha! Thank you, brother snake."

Brother snake suddenly slapped him in the face when his face was cold!


Huang chongfan sat down on the ground, covered his swollen cheeks and looked terrified.

"Brother snake, you, you..."

"You can't even tell that I'm mocking you, can you? To give you face, you're nothing! I still want to give you face? If you annoy me, I'll kill you too! Bah!"

Brother snake yelled at Huang chongfan. At last, he spat on Huang chongfan's face. Then he turned to look at Lin Chen and shouted angrily:

"Boy, I don't care if this woman is yours or his, but it's mine tonight! As for you, put your face forward and let me slap you! Maybe I'm in a good mood and just break your hands and feet instead of cutting you to death!

Those big men with machetes surrounded Lin Chen and Lin Qizhi and glared angrily, just like looking at the lamb to be slaughtered!

"Boy, you dare to fight even the people of our Huatian sect. You really don't know what to do!"

"Anyone who dares to offend our Huatian gang will come to no good end. If you know what to do, give brother snake a few slaps to relieve his anger. Maybe he can keep you alive!"

"Before, those brothers were useless enough. Ah Hui really lost our face. Even this kind of little white face is unfair. We have to take action!"


A dozen big men scolded and scared Lin Qizhi. Although she was usually a little naughty, she was actually a little girl. How could she have seen such a frightening scene.

Don't say it's her. Even those people watching the excitement nearby are scared by this situation!

"A few slaps, right?" Lin Chen said faintly to brother snake.

A proud smile appeared on brother snake's face: "yes! Boy, you can understand each other!"

When they heard Lin Chen's words, they saw that he seemed to admit counsellors. They all despised him. However, they also knew that this was the most rational choice. Otherwise, if they were hacked to death, everything would be over!

Linqizhi's expression was slightly complicated. She knew that Lin Chen was the most rational to bow his head at this time. Otherwise, it would be really troublesome. However, she was disappointed to see Lin Chen bow his head in front of evil forces!

She had seen Lin Chen teach Taekwondo coaches and others at the gate of No. 1 middle school before. She always felt that Lin Chen was very different. She had a kind of heroic spirit, just like a Wulin expert on TV!

Now, my heart is hard to avoid some loss!

Lin Chen nodded without thinking about it. "OK, just slap them. But how many are they? It's better to make it clear first."

"Hum! You are so careful! For your good sense, I will slap you nine times! Ha ha!" Brother snake smiled and joked, like teasing his prey. His voice was full of sarcasm.

"Nine slaps? OK, nine slaps!"

Lin Chen said that and then walked towards brother snake. Those big men automatically made way for him. They all smiled and looked at Lin Chen with scorn in their eyes.

"Boy, it's good to know each other. Otherwise, you'll feel better!"

"Ha ha! I know everything. In my opinion, this is a coward, waste!"

"What can he do if he doesn't know how to look? That's the sadness of a small man. Fortunately, I joined the Huatian gang and followed brother Tian. Now a guy like him is not worthy to give me shoes!"

"This guy is really seedless. Brother snake has said that after being slapped, his hands and feet will be broken, and the woman will also be taken away! If you live like this, you might as well die!"


Many people are in silence for Lin Chen, while Huang chongfan is sneering. He lost his face tonight, and this is because of Lin Chen!

If this guy didn't have a grudge against brother snake, brother snake wouldn't come and wouldn't lose face!

Seeing that Lin Chen was about to be slapped, he felt a twinge of pain in his heart!

Lin Chen walked up to brother snake. Brother snake scolded coldly, "I told you long ago that I came to Guangyang city. That's what I said. Dare to provoke me? What are you!"

With that, he raised his hand and fanned Lin Chen hard!

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