Linzifan frowned when he saw Lin Chen appear.

Few people know that mengxiaowan sent a love letter to Lin Chen. He doesn't know it, but he also knows that Lin Chen and mengxiaowan had a very unusual relationship with Lin Chen for a period of time.

Mengxiaowan kept a respectful distance from other men at that time, but he was different from Lin Chen!

This guy doesn't like reading, just can't help the mud on the wall. As a result, mengxiaowan always takes the initiative to give this guy tutoring. When he doesn't come to class, she makes an extra note and puts it on his desk!

He was so jealous!

Fortunately, somehow, they seemed to fall out and didn't talk again.

At this time, Lin Chen's arrival gave him a sense of crisis.

However, seeing Lin Chen dressed in ordinary clothes and somewhat poor, a sneer came up at the corners of his mouth.

This guy is just a rural loser. When he comes to Guangyang City, does he still want to rob himself of women? He is nothing!

Seeing Lin Chen coming, many people greeted him.

Lin Chen didn't have many friends at that time, but he was a righteous person. He would help anyone in the class who was bullied. Therefore, his relationship with these students was not bad.

In addition, people are always a little happy when they meet old friends in other places.

However, there was one person who had been staring at him viciously. That was Meng Xiaowan's best friend wangyifang.

Lin Chen feels his nose awkwardly. At that time, he refused mengxiaowan. Wangyifang knows that. It seems that she helped mengxiaowan put the love letter under her schoolbag. Later, she knows that she refused mengxiaowan. Every time the woman sees herself, she stares at herself like she is a heinous fellow.

"Zhiqiang, Lin Chen is also coming tonight. Why didn't you tell him earlier? Hum! I wouldn't have come if I knew he was coming, and Xiao Wan wouldn't have come either!" Wang Yifang snorted coldly.

Wangzhiqiang said with a smile, "I said Miss Wang, there's no need to target Lin Chen like this. But I didn't know that Lin Chen was also in Guangyang city. I drank too much just now. I ran to the toilet and saw him going to the elevator. So I pulled him over."

Everyone was stunned. Unexpectedly, there was such a coincidence.

Then he looked at Lin Chen suspiciously. Lin Chen didn't look like a person who could afford to live here!

As far as they know, the cheapest suite in the Venus Hotel costs 3000 a night, which is almost equal to many people's monthly salary!

Lin Chen didn't even go to university, and they also know that Lin Chen's family is ordinary. He is a rural man. He has no education background and is destined to be a low-income group. How can he live in such a place!

Don't mention Lin Chen. Even they can't afford to live here!

Even the KTV here is paid by Lin Zifan. They just came here. It's scary to know the box price of 999 an hour.

Suddenly, linzifan hissed, pointed to the Malatang on Lin Chen's hand, and said, "Lin Chen, you didn't come here to deliver Malatang?"

Everyone was stunned, and then looked at Lin Chen's hot and spicy hands. Their faces became strange, and a touch of disdain appeared in the depths of their eyes.

Although they all came from the same small place, they can't say how good they are. However, they don't need to run errands outside to deliver Malatang!

Lin Chen shrugged and said with a smile, "I really came to send Malatang to someone. A beautiful woman likes to eat Malatang, so I specially sent it to her."

"Ha? Come here to give Malatang to beautiful women? Do you want to say that you know the beautiful women living here? Lin Chen, you are really humorous! The people living here are all rich people. How can you know them, and they are still beautiful women! Besides, there are still beautiful women who like Malatang these days? Beautiful women only appear in high-end restaurants. Where do you eat such dirty things! Your job is to give Malatang to people. Just say it frankly, everyone You won't look down on you. You haven't even gone to college and can't find a good job. You can understand why you should tell such a stupid lie! "

Yuzifan had a strange way, and he saw through Lin Chen's nonsense.

The rest of the crowd also looked like they wanted to laugh but were embarrassed to laugh.

How can Lin Chen know any beautiful women? Besides, she still lives in a five-star hotel and likes to eat spicy hot beautiful women!

This guy didn't go to college, but now he doesn't use his head to lie. It's really funny!

When wangzhiqiang saw Yu Zifan's face full of complacency, he frowned angrily and said, "Yu Zifan, whether Lin Chen delivers Malatang or not, what work do you do is none of your business? I warn you not to find a sense of existence in him!"

He has a straight temper. Seeing Yu Zifan's hypocritical face, he has long been unhappy. At this time, the other party insulted his brother, and he was a little fried.

Yuzifan's face was cold. "Wang Zhiqiang, what's your attitude? Who's looking for a sense of existence in this guy? If he isn't a high school classmate, I don't even look at him! You think I'm too idle, and still looking for a sense of existence in him? Hehe! You look up to him!"

"That's enough. How about Lin Chen sending Malatang? He lives on his own. It's no shame! Why should you insult him?"

Mengxiaowan was also curious about what Lin Chen was doing now. Unexpectedly, he came to deliver Malatang. He was inexplicably sad. Seeing Yu Zifan's cold words, he couldn't help getting angry.

Everyone was stunned.

Wangzhiqiang is Lin Chen's best friend. Everyone can understand him. Mengxiaowan is so excited, but they are surprised.

When she was in high school, she felt that mengxiaowan was very close to Lin Chen for some time. They gave people a feeling of ambiguity. Now it seems that mengxiaowan still likes Lin Chen!

They looked at Yu Zifan strangely.

Yuzifan's pursuit of mengxiaowan is known to them. Now it seems that this pursuit may fail. Meng Xiaowan doesn't like him at all. Instead, he likes Lin Chen who gives spicy hot!

Lin Chen is a little speechless. He really brought the spicy hot to send beautiful women. Why do these people think he is lying and that this is his job.

Yuzifan's face was extremely gloomy. Unexpectedly, mengxiaowan was still protecting Lin Chen. He secretly scolded me for killing you sooner or later. He smiled:

"Xiao Wan, I'm sorry. What I said just now is really too much."

He turned to look at Lin Chen and said with a smile, "Lin Chen, I hope you don't care."

Lin Chen shook his head and said with a light smile, "it's all right. The dog barks at me. I can't scold back."

Yuzifan's face froze, while the others almost laughed out loud. NIMA, this guy is really bad at talking.

Wangzhiqiang gave Lin Chen a thumbs up, while mengxiaowan gave Lin Chen a coquettish look. This guy, as before, will never suffer.

Wang Yifang turned her eyes and suddenly said, "by the way, Lin Chen, do you have a girlfriend?"

When she said this, mengxiaowan suddenly gathered all her attention and clenched her hands. Her palms were sweating. She didn't know why she was so excited.

Wangyifang's face froze when she saw that her best friend was so nervous that she could not help sighing.

This girl is so beautiful that the rich second generation can't find her. She has to work hard by herself. She's so tired. It seems that she still remembers her old love for this boy. Isn't this a living suffering!

With the life of my little grandma, I just want to live a hard life with a loser!

Thinking so, she felt that some of her girlfriends were worthless and helpless. In fact, she helped mengxiaowan ask this question.

She said angrily, "I guess you don't have it either. Who can look up to you if you send Malatang?"

Everyone nodded at the words. It's not easy to find a girlfriend in the city these days. It's necessary to have a car, a house and a local hukou. Some mother-in-law even asked the man's parents to die. Lin Chen sent Malatang as a gift. Where can we find a girlfriend? Even if we can find one, it's definitely a crooked melon and split dates!

Yuzifan began to gloat, glanced at mengxiaowan, and then smiled: "hehe, it's not that I despise Lin Chen's career, but to tell the truth, it's not easy for him to find a girlfriend with such conditions! Women with better conditions don't like him!"

"Er... Have a girlfriend." When Lin Chen finished, he added in his heart that there was more than one

When Yu Zifan heard this, he couldn't help laughing. He joked: "haha! I'm really curious. You can find a girlfriend. Your girlfriend looks a little sorry for the country? A factory girl from other places? Have you ever been to junior high school? Sorry, I'm a straight talker. Don't care! Haha!"

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