Lin Chen heard Leng Hanyan's words and said with a smile, "of course, come here. I'm in box 206A on the first floor of the KTV."

After hanging up the phone, he looked at yuzifan with some displeasure. This guy was always looking for trouble. If it wasn't for the sake of his old classmates and didn't want to spoil the party, he would have slapped him in the past!

"Your mouth stinks. Keep it clean. This is my friend, not a financier! Don't use your disgusting ideas to speculate on other people's relationships!" Lin Chen said coldly.

Yuzifan was stared at by Lin Chen. For some reason, he was beating drums in his heart. It seemed that he was stared at by some fierce beast. He shrunk his neck, and then reacted. He could not help feeling angry!

It's so special. It's just a smelly B loser. How dare you be so arrogant to yourself!

Yuzifan sneered, "why am I not clean? I have wronged you! What are you talking about tonight? Do you have a girlfriend? A very, very beautiful girlfriend? Do you come here to send Malatang to beautiful women? It's a lot of nonsense. Can you blame other people for thinking? Look at you. You're so bad. You like to pretend to be B. If you don't keep your rich woman, you're still your girlfriend!"

Yuzifan became more and more proud. He was just a loser. He was arrogant when he was in school. He dared to pretend in front of himself when he was out of society. He really thought he was something!

Lin Chen was almost delighted by yuzifan's anger. This guy was always looking for trouble. In his mouth, he became a liar and pretended to be a B.

He said sarcastically, "OK, then I'll say that I'm here to send Malatang to my girlfriend? She's very, very beautiful, and she has money to live in such a place. Why, you don't agree? Don't you agree to bite me?"

Yuzifan was embarrassed by Lin Chen's Rogue words. He couldn't help it any longer. He stood up and pointed to Lin Chen and angrily scolded: "bah! What do you really think you are? Just you found a beautiful and rich woman? Ha ha! You still don't look at yourself in the mirror. A bumpkin, a local bun, a local dog from the countryside, still pretended to me when you came to Guangyang?"

At this time, he became angry with shame and spoke without scruple, but he offended everyone in the box!

The people here are from the same place as Lin Chen. Although some of them are from the county seat, they are all Hicks here!

Everyone looks a little ugly!

Yuzifan was already angry at this time, and didn't care about other people's reactions. What's more, he wanted mengxiaowan to know the difference between himself and Lin Chen, a ground beetle!

This ground beetle can only blow, but he is a city man. He is the second generation of rich people, 10000 times stronger than him!

"Good! Lin Chen, since you like dead ducks so much, why don't we have a bet?" Yuzifan's eyes were filled with a touch of malevolence.

"Lin Chen, don't gamble with him."

Mengxiaowan pulled Lin Chen for a moment, then his eyes became cold and looked at Yu Zifan. "Yu Shao, Lin Chen is just joking. Do you need to go online like this? Put your mind away. He won't gamble with you! You look down on us, why come here?"

Wangzhiqiang was also annoyed. He patted Lin Chen on the shoulder and said, "don't pay attention to this evil pen. He must have some crooked thoughts!"

Yuzifan saw that mengxiaowan was the first time to stand up for Lin Chen and let himself leave. His lungs were almost blown up. What kind of insight does this woman have!

In his heart, in fact, all the people present except himself were Hicks. If he hadn't wanted to get Meng Xiaowan, he wouldn't have been at this bullshit class reunion!

A group of hillbilly, have a fuckin 'friendship value!

"Lin Chen, don't you even have the guts to bet with me? No wonder you're so spineless that you'll be taken care of!" Yuzifan sneered, trying to arouse Lin Chen's anger.

"What do you want to bet on?" Lin Chen said faintly.

Yu Zifan's eyes lit up, but he didn't expect the other party to take the bait so easily. He scolded loudly and said:

"Simple, if your girlfriend is really so beautiful and rich, then I lose. On the contrary, I win! If I lose, I will give you 100000 yuan. If you lose, I don't want your money. Just admit to everyone that you are a liar!"

He sneered in his heart. As long as Lin chenzhen said that, according to mengxiaowan's arrogant temperament, he could not have any more ideas about him!

Lin Chen shook his head.

Yuzifan suddenly thought that Lin Chen didn't dare. He again used the method of provocation: "why, you don't dare. Do you still have seed?"

The crowd looked at Lin Chen with some disdain in their eyes. Lin Chen didn't dare to gamble at this time. No doubt he indirectly admitted that what he had just said was false!

He is just a little white face kept by a rich woman!

Mengxiaowan looked at Lin Chen with a trace of disappointment on her face. Could it be that the boy who once helped himself fight off bullies has really become so spineless and has been taken care of?

Wangzhiqiang frowned and didn't speak. He just made up his mind to pull Lin Chen down to work in his company tomorrow. He can't let this former friend degenerate!

However, Lin Chen's words made everyone dumbfounded.

Lin Chen smiled and said, "of course I can bet with you, but I don't want 100000. If you lose, take off your clothes in this box and run out. How about playing?"

Hearing Lin Chen's words, the crowd was a little confused, and then their faces were speechless.

Nima, you want people to run out naked!

This is too cruel!


Mengxiaowan couldn't help laughing. Her disappointment vanished. This guy still likes to be bad as before!

Wangzhiqiang gave Lin Chen a thumbs up. Man, you can play!

Yuzifan's face turned a little red, and then he said, "OK, you can run naked, but if you lose, you have to run naked!"

"No problem." Lin Chen smiled lightly.

"Just pretend!" Yuzifan sneered.

At this time, he was in a difficult position to ride a tiger. His bet had to go on anyway!

Besides, he absolutely didn't believe that Lin Chen could make a beautiful and rich girlfriend. Just like him, he would at most become a little white face, or find an ordinary looking woman to live, and he wanted to soak in Bai Fumei. It was a daydream!

The crowd also thought the same as him. When they thought about it carefully, didn't Lin Chen pit himself again!

The bet itself was yuzifan's intention to pit him. As a result, he made the bet so hard that he really couldn't hold his breath and was provoked by yuzifan!

Wangzhiqiang is suspicious. He knows Lin Chen very well. He knows that his best friend is not stupid at all. In fact, he is very smart. According to the truth, he won't pit himself like this!

Mengxiaowan frowned slightly, but she began to think about how to help Lin Chen avoid running naked when he lost.

Just then, the door was pushed open, and a top-notch blonde appeared at the door.

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