Lin Chen and yechenglin changed seats, and then the Audi R8 started up again.

This car is a little different from the Lamborghini Lin Chen drove, so he didn't directly raise the speed after he went on the road, but adapted to it a little.

Seeing this, yechenglin sneered: "cut, do you know how to drive? I guess you haven't touched a sports car? If you don't, don't force it. Let me do it!"

Lin Chen looked at him and said, "sit down. You will know whether I can drive a sports car. But I need to tell you first. I won't stop when you tell me to stop. And if you want to throw up, cover your mouth!"

Hearing his words, yechenglin said, "just blow! I really thought you could drive fast. Don't be brave. Don't mess around if you can't drive. I don't want to have an accident with you! Back in those days, when I was racing, you were lying in the trough!"

He didn't say anything. At that moment, the R8 roared like a runaway wild horse. His body hit the seat with his back due to his huge inertia!

He glanced at the dashboard and then his face changed!

In the blink of an eye, Lin Chen mentioned the speed of 150km per hour, which made his body jerk!

If you drive so fast on the urban highway, if you are careless and make a sudden mistake, then both of you will definitely die here!

Ye Chenglin said in panic, "you are so crazy! Slow down, slow down, you can't drive so fast. This is the downtown area. If there is an accident, we are all finished! Don't hold me if you want to die!"

However, Lin Chen didn't pay attention to him at all, and his face was wearing a light smile.


When the accelerator was pressed hard, the Audi R8 roared again, and the speed soared. Yechenglin was hit on the back of his seat again by inertia, and he was very embarrassed!

As soon as he looked at the dashboard, his face turned white. He exclaimed: "NIMA, 180 kilometers per hour! Slow down, slow down, I don't want to die!"

Lin Chen ignored him at all. The speed soared to 200 kilometers per hour and shuttled through the traffic like a lightning bolt. Many drivers were scared to honk their horns!

"Ah ah! There are a lot of cars ahead! Slow down, slow down quickly, this is the city, this is the city!" Yechenglin was scared to pee!

However, the speed was still increasing. When he reached 230km, yechenglin felt dizzy and dizzy. He felt as if death was watching him!

"Brother in law, my good brother-in-law, would you slow down! For the sake of my sister, slow down!"

"Brother in law, I don't want to die. I haven't met my love yet. Would you be kind? Ah! There are several cars in front of me. Slow down! Slow down!"

"My brother-in-law, brother-in-law! Spare my life. I admit that you are powerful. You are a bull and you are a loser. Don't speed up. My God, I am so miserable. I just pretend to be a B. is it necessary for you to play with me like this?"

"I'm going to vomit, I'm going to vomit! Stop the car!"

Twenty minutes later, the Audi R8 finally stopped at the gate of the Guanlan bar of the destination.

As soon as the car stopped, the door of the co driver's seat was immediately opened. Yechenglin rushed down from the car with a pale face, holding a telegraph pole and vomiting!

Several well-dressed girls nearby saw yechenglin coming down from the Audi R8 and wanted to talk to him. When they saw this scene, they all frowned, pinched their noses and walked away with a look of disgust.

Lin Chen got out of the car and patted him on the back. He said with a smile, "as I said, I won't stop if you ask me to stop. But my driving skills are very good. There will be no problem. Otherwise, I can't drive so fast."

Yechenglin feels like crying!

Who knows you're such a loser? You're so good at driving. You're confident you won't have any problems, but don't drag me into the water!

Lin Chen's driving skills did conquer him just now, but they almost scared him out of heart disease!

Yechenglin finally vomited all he could. He looked at Lin Chen and said:

"OK, your driving skills are really good. I'm willing to admit defeat. From today on, I'll call you brother-in-law. I hope you have the ability to drive away all the wild bees and butterflies around my sister!"

Lin Chen touched his nose and said with a smile, "in fact, you don't have to call me brother-in-law. Your sister and I haven't reached that level."

He and ye menghuang are pretending to be. The reason why they are driving around is that the boy is a little too arrogant.

"No, if you lose, you lose. I must call you brother-in-law!" Yechenglin shook his head.

Lin Chen smiled bitterly. The brother-in-law can't even stop the other person from shouting now.

Yechenglin took Lin Chen into the bar and said, "brother-in-law, my friends are really rich children, and I finally got into their circle. Don't talk nonsense and don't provoke them."

As he spoke, he took Lin Chen into Guanlan bar.

The bar was crowded and colorful. On the stage, urban men and women swayed desperately. The music was deafening. The air seemed to have a smell of hormones.

Walking into the bar, yechenglin watched around for a while, and then took Lin Chen to a bar.

On the sofa in the corner of the bar, there were several pairs of men and women. They were talking. At this time, they all frowned slightly when they saw yechenglin coming with Lin Chen.

A young man sitting in the middle, with thick eyebrows and big eyes and a proud look, hugged a beautiful woman with sexy clothes next to him and said to yechenglin:

"Cheng Lin, let you come here. Why did you bring a man here?"

The woman he hugged also said, "yes! We kindly asked you to join our circle. Why did you bring people here? You really look up to yourself! You know, we are a top-level small circle in Guangyang city. Cats and dogs, but we are not qualified to enter!"

As she said this, she looked at Lin Chen and saw that she was a stranger. She had seen all the people in the top circles in Guangyang. At this time, her face was even more disdainful.

"Yechenglin, what do you mean? Who gave you the qualification to bring people here?"

One of them, a young man with a flat head, wearing a vest, had muscle pimples and a bad temper. At this time, he directly stared at yechenglin and shouted.

Yechenglin looked a little embarrassed. The people in front of him had a much better family background than him. After a lot of efforts, they agreed to let him join their circle.

Originally, I wanted to show Lin Chen how awesome these friends were, but I didn't expect that these people would not give him face.

He looked at the young man sitting in the middle, hugging the sexy woman, and said with a smile: "brother Hong, this is my brother-in-law, not a member of the circle. I'll take him out to see the world."

"Your brother-in-law?"

Dudinghong was stunned when he heard what yechenglin said. Yemenghuang and others knew it. Unexpectedly, this guy who looked ordinary was yemenghuang's man.

"In that case, sit down and ye Shao will come. Cheng Lin, wait a minute. You must have a good drink with Ye Shao. You can't let Ye Shao spoil the fun, do you know?" Dudinghong road.

Yechenglin took Lin Chen to sit down and said respectfully, "brother Hong, don't worry. I know what to do!"

"That's right. Just be sensible." Dudinghong nodded and smiled.

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