Linchen and yechenglin sit down. Dudinghong and Linchen have a chat. When they know that he is a stranger and that he is from a rural area, they let him drink by himself and ignore him.

Next, several pairs of men and women chatted with each other, without any intention of talking to Lin Chen and yechenglin.

They are all well-dressed and famous brands, as if they are afraid that others will not know how noble they are, and their words are full of contempt for the people at the bottom.

One of them, a girl with heavy makeup and purple eye shadow, was still talking proudly. Today, a loser wanted to chase her at school, but she was severely humiliated and slapped her directly.

When she said this, she glanced at Lin Chen with scornful eyes, as if Lin Chen was the smelly loser.

Looking at their childish behavior, Lin Chen felt funny and whispered to yechenglin:

"These people are like 250000. What are they? Do they think they are ancient princes and princesses?"


Yechenglin was startled and hurriedly made a silent gesture to Lin Chen. Seeing that the other party didn't hear Lin Chen's words, he was relieved.

Then he whispered in Lin Chen's ear, "brother-in-law, don't talk nonsense, or you will kill me!"

"They are all from the high-level circle of Guangyang city. It is said that there is a loser chasing her. Her family runs a real estate business and her father has billions of assets!"

"And the muscular man with a flat head, that is, brother Hao, whose father is the deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau!"

"The most outstanding person is brother Hong. His father is worth tens of billions. His grandfather is a major general, and he himself is already a department level cadre of the government. Are you serious about such a person?"

While yechenglin was talking, his eyes were full of longing and envy. Looking at Lin Chen, he solemnly charged: "in short, we can't afford to offend these people. I finally got into this circle. You must not make trouble for me!"

When Lin Chen saw his nervous appearance, he felt really speechless. After all, he nodded and asked, "what about the big Ye family figure you mentioned?"

Yechenglin thought Lin Chen couldn't wait to meet a big man. He couldn't help laughing and said, "don't worry, young ye, a big man like ye, who said he would come, will come. He won't break the appointment. Brother Hong will introduce us to him later!"

Speaking of Ye Shaoshi, he seemed a little excited, and his voice also increased. Several men and women who talked next to him also heard what he said and looked over here one after another.

The flat headed young man sneered: "yechenglin, a big man like Ye Shao, of course, won't break the appointment. But it's not that easy to get involved with Ye Shao. It depends on whether you can be a man!"

Yechenglin hurriedly smiled and said, "brother Hao, don't worry. I absolutely know how to be a man. If there is anything wrong, you can point it out. I will change it, younger brother!"

Seeing ye Chenglin's hospitality, several men and women smiled at each other and were very satisfied with his humble attitude.

However, I heard a discordant voice nearby.

"Cheng Lin, since you call me brother-in-law, I want to tell you not to be humble. No matter how humble and respectful you are, you can't make friends with others. You will only be looked down upon. Ye Shao may not be as great as you think." Lin Chen said faintly.

Looking at yechenglin's servile manner, he thought that Yefu and Yemu were very friendly to him. He felt that he couldn't stand it.

As soon as he said this, all the people present turned pale.

"Do you know what you're talking about? Do you know that ye Shao is a Ye family, what does the Ye family mean in Guangyang city? Don't be humble. As long as you can get Ye Shao's help, even if you kneel down, there are a lot of people rushing to do it!" The flat headed youth was furious.

The others frowned at Lin Chen. They were very upset. In their eyes, Lin Chen was a country bumpkin who didn't know anything and liked to pretend to understand!

Dudinghong's face sank and said to Lin Chen, "for the sake of your brother-in-law Cheng Lin, we just let you sit here. If you dare to talk nonsense again, then I need to let you leave! The strength and terror of the Ye family's business empire are beyond your imagination. Everything comes out of your mouth. Take care of your mouth, or you will kill yourself one day!"

"I don't think there's anything wrong with my words, let alone kill myself. But I'm very interested. What can you do to let me leave?" Lin Chen smiled with scornful eyes. He really didn't like these ye family pugs.

The flat haired young man was furious and said, "you really want to die, son? Believe it or not, I will kill you now? I tell you, if you are such a thing, I will kill you like stepping on an ant!"

The other several people all despised Lin Chen.

"What kind of person do you really think you are? You look like a bumpkin. You dare to be arrogant in our circle!"

"If you're a little guy, you can stay honest with me, or you can get away!"

"What a wet blanket! I said yechenglin, did you mean it? You brought a loser here. I don't want to take a look at such people!"


Yechenglin was also a little confused at this time. Unexpectedly, Lin Chen would say such words.

How dare you say ye Shao is not so great? It's really rampant!

Ye Shao is a member of the Ye family, and the Ye family is one of the four families in Nanhua province. It would be a great honor to meet the Ye family!

Lin Chen's words just now were for his good, but in his opinion, they were really stupid!

Now it seems that the man my sister is looking for, although he has some skills, is still too young. The rural people can't hold their breath and are doomed to fail! Yechenglin gets angry with Lin Chen.

Looking at Lin Chen, he said, "don't worry about my business. The power of the Ye family is beyond your imagination. If you don't want to stay here, just leave!"

On the other hand, he thinks of Lin Chen.

That muscular, flat headed young man, named chenshihao, was a tall and burly Sanda expert. As far as he knew, he almost beat others to a lifelong disability!

Compared with chenshihao, Lin Chen seems to be a little thin, not at the same level!

He doesn't want Lin Chen to be beaten. In that case, it will be difficult to explain to his family at that time!

Lin Chen glanced at him, then took up a glass of beer and said with a smile, "since you think my words are unreasonable, then forget it. I'll stay here and see how different Ye Shao is!"

Yechenglin nodded and said in a dignified way, "OK, then don't talk any more."

Chenshihao smiled grimly: "if you can't control your mouth again, I don't mind helping you!"

Lin Chen took the beer in his hand and was about to look at chenshihao. At this time, a voice came from everyone's ears.

"Ha ha, Ding Hong, ah Hao, haven't you waited too long? I seem to be a little late?"

A handsome young man who was well dressed and even had his hair tidied up came over with a smile.

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