Carol is two meters tall, just like a black giant, and his fist is as big as a casserole. He looks terrible. Ordinary people wave his fist at him. Let alone resist, it is estimated that he will be scared silly!

Mengxiaowan was so scared that she screamed. Her heart was full of remorse. If she didn't come here and didn't meet Lin Chen, Lin Chen would not conflict with the black man and would not be hurt!

She didn't know that Lin Chen had conflicts with the other party. She just thought that the problems were caused by herself.

Yaojing sighed, the other party saved her life, but she couldn't save his life!

Ye Boyan laughed proudly and said: "hahaha! Big brother! Kill him! Kill this damn guy, and then have fun with his woman. He is a garbage, and dare to be enemies with the Ye family!"

Kairol's huge fist took up a gust of wind and hit Lin Chen's head hard. Lin Chen was as motionless as before in the hall, and seemed to be scared silly.

Carol's face showed a crazy grin. Let alone a person, even if a stone was hit by him, it would break in two!

In his eyes, Lin Chen was already a dead man. He seemed to have seen the other party's brain exploded by himself. It was red and white!



The sound of her fist hitting the meat rang out. Mengxiaowan's eyes were filled with despair. Carol's action was too fast. She wanted to do something, but she couldn't catch up. She just screamed in time.

Wangbaiyun looked remorseful, Yaojing sighed again, and yeboyan shrieked and laughed!

Only Carol turned pale in an instant!

And when the others saw the situation in the field, their faces changed!

Lin Chen had a light smile on his face. He looked very casual and lazy. His right hand was held above his head. Carol's huge fist fell on his palm, but it didn't make any impact!

Lin Chen's palm didn't even shake!

"Haven't you eaten? Why are you so weak? The red devil mercenary regiment, I think you are from the chubby mercenary regiment?" Lin Chen smiled.

"It's impossible! How can you take my brother's fist! It's absolutely impossible!" Yeboyan growled unbelievably.

"Because I am much better than him, there is nothing impossible!" Lin Chen smiled.

Carol was shocked and angry, and said angrily, "asshole, don't think you'll be better than me if you take my fist. Go to hell!"

He seems to have become a beast. His movements are swift and fierce, and his moves are fierce. He wants to take Lin Chen's life. However, no matter how hard he tries, he can't touch Lin Chen's clothes.

It looks like a skillful matador playing with a tall bull.

People were already dumbfounded at this situation, especially Ye Boyan and others who knew the identity of Carol. They almost fell to the ground!

The deputy head of the red devil mercenary regiment, one of the world's four largest mercenary regiments, can't even touch each other. His strength is not at the same level!

"Asshole, can you just hide?"

Carol was so depressed that he roared: "you bastard, don't hide if you have the ability!"

A fierce light flashed in Lin Chen's eyes: "you are such a cheap guy. You don't smoke!"


He slapped Carol in the face. The noise was so loud that Carol, who was so tall, turned around!

"This slap is because you are always abusive!"


"This slap is because you always do it yourself!"


"This slap is because you want to frame Xiao Wan!"


"This slap is because you insult Chinese Kung Fu!"


"This slap is just for fun. Or you can think I'm practicing iron sand palm. Your face is thick and hard, just like iron sand!"



A terrible explosion sounded. Carol was pumped like a top by Lin Chen. He was dizzy and scared to death, but he didn't even have a chance to speak!

Finally, Lin Chen slapped him on the forehead. He shook his eyes and fell to the ground. He fainted directly!

Lin Chen's mouth was cold, but the slap just now spread his strength to the other party's brain and beat him into a fool. This man is not a good thing, and he must pay a price for framing Meng Xiaowan!

It has to be said that Lin Chen is very protective. Anyone who bullies his friends will not make them feel better!

"Asshole! Don't move!"

Suddenly, yeboyan took out a pistol from his body and pointed it at Lin Chen's head. His face was full of panic. Lin Chen's strength made him afraid!

The distance between him and Lin Chen is not even two meters!

Even if the opponent is strong, he can kill him!

The people present did not expect that yeboyan had a gun on him. Except Lin Chen, all the others suddenly turned pale.

"Yeboyan, put your gun away! If you dare to shoot, the Wang family and you will never die!" Wang Baiyun said angrily.

Yaojing said with an ugly face, "Ye Shao, do you want to kill people here? Put the gun away and don't make it difficult for me to do it. If I get shot, how can I continue to operate in the future? You and Lin Chen can sit down and have a good talk. There's no need to be so extreme!"

"Wang Boyun, get out of here. Why should I give you face? After we get married, you Wang family are nothing!"

"Jingjing, it's not that I want to make trouble for you. It's this kid. He's really rampant. Moreover, his strength is much stronger than I thought, so I must solve him. If there is such a strong enemy, it's better to solve it as soon as possible!"

Yeboyan doesn't pay attention to Wang Boyun at all. At this time, he ignores Yaojing and stares at Lin Chen coldly. His eyes are full of murders!

He shouted at Lin Chen coldly, "kneel down and kowtow to me. I can't kill you. As long as I waste your hands and feet, I can make sure you won't come to trouble in the future!"

Lin Chen didn't seem to hear his threat. His eyes were so cold: "you know, I hate people pointing guns at me."

"Do you hate you? B, get down on your knees. Do you hear me?" Yeboyan yelled. Looking at Lin Chen's cold eyes, he always felt a little panic, which made him even more angry. It was obviously that he was holding a gun, and he should be afraid of the other party!

"You are looking for death!" Lin Chen said.

The icy tone made yeboyan shiver!

"Asshole, since you want to die, go to hell!"

Yeboyan can't stand this strange feeling. When the gun is in his own hands, he has a feeling that his life is in the hands of the other party. He pulls the trigger in an instant!



Lin Chen sneered. If he hadn't stepped into congenital, he might have been hit at such a close distance. But now that he has stepped into congenital, ordinary guns are no longer a threat to him!

He was about to dodge, but he saw a figure pouncing on him!


Mengxiaowan exclaimed, but she rushed towards Lin Chen!

Just now, Carol shot, but she didn't have time to react. This time, yeboyan threatened Lin Chen with a gun, but gave her time to prepare. Seeing yeboyan pulled the trigger, she immediately jumped at Lin Chen, trying to help him stop the bullet!

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