"I wipe!"

Lin Chen was not afraid of the bullet. Seeing mengxiaowan coming, he was startled. He hurriedly pulled mengxiaowan apart and held her in his arms, narrowly avoiding the bullet!

With a bang, the bullet hit the wall, leaving a small smoke hole!

"How could that be!" Ye Boyan shouted, his voice full of fear!

Everyone is stupid!

Lin Chen even dodged the bullet, and it was still less than two meters away. It was incredible!

Although they have heard that some super ancient martial arts masters can do this, they are still shocked to see it with their own eyes!

They know that Lin Chen is very strong, but at the moment, Lin Chen is not only strong, but has simply become a superman!

They almost suspected that it was an absurd dream!

Yeboyan's pupil shrank suddenly, and then he hurried to pull the trigger again. However, Lin Chen kicked him hard, and the gun fell off!


Yeboyan uttered a shriek and felt that several ribs were broken. He lay on the ground and looked at Lin Chen with extreme fear.

Lin Chen puts Meng Xiaowan, who stares at him with round beautiful eyes, on the sofa and walks towards Ye Boyan step by step, with a cold face.

"What do you want to do? Don't mess around. I'm a junior of the Ye family. Yeminghao and I are not of the same level. If you mess around, the Ye family will not let you go!" Ye Boyan said in horror.

"Give you two choices, kneel down and kowtow, or die." Lin Chen picked up the gun on the ground. His tone was indifferent, like a god of death without any emotion.

"You... You can't do this! I'm the Ye family! I'm the eldest child of the Ye family and the future owner of the Ye family! You can't do this! You can't insult me! If you insult me, you insult the whole Ye family!" Ye Boyan's face is fierce and his heart is weak.

"Brother, I think it's better to forget it. Otherwise, the Ye family will really live forever!" Wangbaiyun hurried.

"Lin Chen, you are too impulsive. Now, it's really troublesome!" Yaojing looked at Ye Boyan, who was so miserable that she was helpless.

At this time in her heart, Lin Chen's strength and ruthlessness shocked her again and again!

"It seems that you choose to die!"

Lin Chen said, pointing a gun at Ye Boyan's forehead!

"No! I kneel, I kneel right away! Don't kill me, I don't want to die!" Ye Boyan struggles to get up, kneels down in front of Lin Chen and kowtows.

"I really knelt down and begged for mercy."

Lin Chen couldn't help but be disappointed. He shook his head and then pointed the muzzle of the gun at Ye Boyan's thigh!

Bang! Bang!

Two shots were fired, and then two blood holes appeared in yeboyan's thigh. He was crying and howling.

If the other party shoots at him, he will return two shots!

He didn't expect that things would get so bad tonight. Now he really has a big feud with the Ye family, but so what? He acts like this. He is happy with gratitude and hatred, and won't change because there is a strong family behind him.

For him, the Ye family attracted his attention not because it was the four families in Nanhua Province, but because there were yeyi people.

Should she come back to me soon? Will you accuse me of beating the Ye family in the face? Lin Chen thought.


Walking along the road, the night wind blew mengxiaowan's long hair. She secretly looked at Lin Chen beside her and felt that the experience tonight was so incredible.

Lin Chen can even dodge bullets. It's not true.

Maybe this is a dream? Mengxiaowan also had some doubts in her heart. She couldn't help looking at Lin Chen all the time.

"Why did you stop the bullet for me just now?" Lin Chen smiled.

Mengxiaowan's face turned red and her voice was as low as a mosquito's voice: "I didn't think so much, and I don't know why, so I rushed over."

Lin Chen nodded, "thank you. You are still the same as before, one track minded."

Mengxiaowan wrinkled her nose and said, "do you think I'm as stupid as before?"

"It's not stupid, but living a pure life. It's hard to follow your feelings and do things." Lin Chen shook his head with a smile.

"You must think I'm stupid. That's why you rejected me at the beginning. You also made up a strange reason to say that you like Yu Jie. Hum!" Mengxiaowan stares at yuan meimou playfully, as if to make Lin Chen feel his murderous spirit.

Lin Chen smiled, with a sense on his face: "now when I think of it, I feel that the previous things are really far away, and some of them are not true."

Mengxiaowan's face darkened: "that's because you have experienced too many wonderful things and better people. It's like your girlfriend is much more beautiful than me."

She thought of Lin Chen's blonde half blood girlfriend, who was so beautiful and sexy that she felt ashamed of herself.

Lin Chen shook her head and said with a smile, "you are not in the same style. You don't have to compare with her."

Mengxiaowan thought of Lin Chen's girlfriend, and her heart sank and she became silent.

"Why did you go to the imperial club to work?" Lin Chen asked again.

"Nothing. Don't ask."

Mengxiaowan was in a low mood. Just after she finished speaking, she stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

Lin Chen hurriedly held her up and said, "be careful. You are in poor health now. Obviously, you haven't paid attention to a good rest. Your body is a little overloaded. Don't work too hard. You can't make enough money."

Mengxiaowan was in a very poor state at this time. On the one hand, she had just been shocked, and on the other hand, her body was in a very tired state. Although she was wearing light makeup, she could still see light dark circles under her eyes, obviously lacking rest.

Maybe she was short of money. Lin Chen could also give her money, but he didn't do that.

Because he knows that he looks very weak, but his character is very strong. He doesn't accept any favors from others at all.

"I'm fine."

Mengxiaowan smiled, but his face was full of fatigue. "Thank you tonight, otherwise, I'll be in trouble. But hurry back, your girlfriend may still be waiting for you."

"I'll take you back. It's easy for you to get a lift back in the middle of the night." Lin Chen cares.

"No, go back!" Mengxiaowan shook her head.

Lin Chen cares about her, and she feels very sweet in her heart. This feeling makes her feel flustered. She knows that she has always had this man in her heart. He has lived in her heart since adolescence, and still can't forget it until now.

However, he has a girlfriend. Is he going to be a junior?

At this time, a taxi stopped beside them.

Lin Chen opens the door and directly pulls mengxiaowan into the car.

"I'll give it to you as soon as I say so. How do you feel like you're losing your temper?" Lin Chen smiled.

"I'm not losing my temper!" Mengxiaowan pouted, but was inexplicably happy. She let him go, but he didn't really go.

Mengxiaowan said an address to the driver and the taxi started to run.

Next, mengxiaowan and Lin Chen were silent, and the atmosphere in the car was somewhat dull.

The taxi driver was a man in his fifties and sixties, with vicissitudes and an optimistic smile on his face. As he drove, he smiled and said, "young man, did you make your daughter-in-law angry?"

Lin Chen touched his nose and said embarrassedly, "No."

The other party is just a stranger. He is too lazy to explain too much.

Mengxiaowan, however, did not know why. Suddenly, she said, "he just makes me angry. It's very annoying!"

There was a kind of grievance in the tone.

Lin Chen is a little confused. What's the situation?

The driver shook his head and said with a smile, "young man, don't be ignorant of your blessings. You have married such a beautiful daughter-in-law, but other men have provided it as a treasure. It's not good that you make her angry and don't admit it. But your daughter-in-law loves you very much. She has secretly looked at you for more than a dozen times before two minutes last time."

"Ah? I didn't!" Mengxiaowan's face turned red at once. She looked out of the window, her eyes panicked and shy.

"Ha ha." The driver smiled, shook his head, and said nothing more.

In his eyes, Lin Chen and Lin Chen are a pair of awkward, but actually very loving little lovers. Even if they quarrel, they all have a sweet smell. He doesn't need to persuade them.

However, he stopped talking. Lin Chen and Meng Xiaowan were embarrassed. The atmosphere was really ambiguous. Meng Xiaowan blushed without saying a word.

About an hour later, the taxi drove into a village in the city and stopped in front of an old residential building.

Lin Chen was even more puzzled. As far as he knew, Meng Xiaowan's work was pretty good. He had said that he would introduce him to work. How could he live in such a poor place.

However, since mengxiaowan did not intend to say so, he did not ask.

The other party had safely returned home, and Lin Chen also planned to say goodbye to her. However, mengxiaowan bit her lips after getting off the bus. Finally, she seemed to have made up her mind. Her face was slightly red. She leaned into the taxi and pulled Lin Chen's clothes out, saying softly, "Lin Chen, get off the bus."

Lin Chen was wondering what the other party wanted to do, but the taxi master was angry and said urgently:

"Ouch, young man, what do you mean? You're so awkward that you don't even go home? You leave your daughter-in-law at home? I said you're still a man? I told you, you must get off the bus. I won't pull you! No matter how much money you give me, I won't let you leave in my car! Get down! Get down! Hurry up! Go home with your daughter-in-law!"

Lin Chen was confused.

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