
Mengxiaowan exclaimed with surprise. The frost on her face disintegrated into shame and rosy clouds. She never thought Lin Chen would do this to herself.

"Lin Chen, let me go quickly!"

But Lin Chen didn't care. He slapped him down again!


"Lin Chen!" Mengxiaowan blushed so much that she wanted to bleed. She felt so weak that she collapsed on Lin Chen.

Lin Chen glared: "tell me again, do you need help from others? Do you think you are strong? You will only make everyone worry about you. It is natural for friends to help each other. Your self-esteem is OK, but your self-esteem is wrong! Answer me, do you need help?"

Lin Chen raised his hand and stared, as if I were playing rogue when you answered wrong.

Meng Xiaowan was ashamed and angry: "my problem will be solved by myself!"


"Ah! You!" Mengxiaowan was ashamed and shocked again.

After another slap, Lin Chen continued: "answer me, do you need help? If you answer wrong again, I will continue to fight!"

Mengxiaowan looked at her and raised her hand. She was busy covering her back. "You can help me once, but you can't help me forever. I can't rely on you forever. You're not my man!"

Lin Chen was stunned, thought for a while, and said, "at least I can help you before you find your man and make a boyfriend. Besides, a friend is a lifetime. Why can't I help you forever?"

"What if I never find a boyfriend?"

Mengxiaowan automatically ignored the second half of Lin Chen's words. Looking at Lin Chen's eyes, he stared at him. This guy played a rogue on himself. It's really hateful. But he just can't afford to be angry.

"Er... A friend is forever." Lin Chen felt his nose, embarrassed.

Mengxiaowan ignored his words, stared at him and said, "if I can't find a boyfriend, will you protect me all my life?"

Lin Chen was silent. He felt that what the two sides said was not on the same line. What he said was a friend! How is he a boyfriend and a lifetime!

"If I can't find a boyfriend, you have to protect me all my life!"

Mengxiaowan turned the sentence into a positive one, and finally gritted her teeth and said, "if I never find a boyfriend, you must protect me forever!"

Lin Chen was so stupid that he was so stupid. What is this special? The more he said it, the more strange it became. This is a bit wrong!

"Let's go. From now on, you should protect me. You think you should go to the landlord, so we'll go to the landlord. You have the the final say. I'll listen to you!" Meng Xiaowan said.

Lin Chen looked at mengxiaowan, gaping. He felt that he was confused by mengxiaowan's logic.

Mengxiaowan did not dare to see Lin Chen at all. Her face was as red as blood, and her body was a little soft. It seemed that her words had exhausted her whole body!


A room on the top floor of a residential building.

A middle-aged man with simple and honest appearance, some fat, wearing glasses, and two young hoodlums with dyed hair looking at the screen.

Mengxiaowan's room was in the picture, but it was already empty.

The camera seemed to be thrown on the bed at random, and the picture on the screen was a corner of the room.

Suddenly, the Yellow haired young man gnashed his teeth and said: "the really good cabbage has been eaten by the pig. The beautiful woman even played a rogue on the boy. She said that the other party wanted to protect her all her life. It was clear that she wanted the boy to be his man. How could this good thing not happen to me!"

Another green haired young man also looked envious and envious: "what's so good about that boy? I really want to beat him to death!"

The middle-aged man looked gloomy and did not speak.

The Yellow haired youth looked at the middle-aged man: "brother Li, what should we do now? It seems that the man and the woman are coming to settle accounts with you!"

"Oh! Get even with me? He's a fart!"

The middle-aged man was angry. The woman who had just come here to rent a house fell in love with him at the first sight. His weak and pure temperament made him have a crazy possessive desire.

Unexpectedly, the other party brought a man back, and the woman obviously liked the man. She was so angry that his teeth itched. She wanted to peel off the man's skin!

He sneered: "the woman is a stranger from a small place, and the man is probably not local. What can such a stranger do to me? If he dares to come to me, I will beat him to death!"

He is an aborigine of this village in the city. He owns several houses. He usually idles around and earns his living by collecting rent. Even so, he still earns 10000 or 20000 yuan a month, which is much more than most company employees!

For those who come from other places to work here, he naturally has a sense of superiority and will not pay attention to them at all. In his opinion, he is much more noble than these foreigners!

He doesn't even deserve to lift his shoes!

"Is there anyone inside? Open the door!"

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

The middle-aged man and the other two looked at each other with some surprise, and then a grim smile appeared on their faces.

"Brother Li, I don't think you can handle this woman anyway. Why don't we do what we did last time?" The Yellow haired youth smiled obscene.

A while ago, there lived a nice looking woman in mengxiaowan's room, who also came from other places to work here. The middle-aged man was also naive and honest. He told the other party that the lock had only one key, so it was suggested that the lock should not be changed. The woman had just come here and had no money. In order to save some money, she did not change the lock.

As a result, they secretly opened the door and broke in one night, pressing the woman down on the bed. The consequences can be imagined.

They also recorded a video, threatening women not to call the police. Otherwise, they would send the video to the Internet.

They also said that they have great influence here. If the other party dares to call the police, she will be killed!

That woman came here for the first time. She was not familiar with her life and was afraid of things. Finally, she had to cry and swallow her teeth into her stomach!

The middle-aged man's eyes brighten when he hears Huang Mao's words. This kind of foreigner has little to rely on here and is the easiest to bully. This is really a good idea.

When he thought of mengxiaowan's pure and beautiful face, he just felt very hot in his heart!

"Just do as you did last time, but this time I can only do it alone! This woman is good. I want to marry her!" The middle-aged man's eyes were obscene. He seemed to have seen the picture that he had pressed the great beauty under him!

Yellow hair and green hair looked bitter.

Huang Mao said reluctantly, "brother Li, let's have fun. Why would anyone want to be your wife? She obviously likes that man!"

"Hum! I recorded a video for her. Can she resist? Don't talk nonsense. When you're done, one person will give you fivehundred. Go to the hair salon and solve it by yourself!" The middle-aged man snorted coldly.

Huang Mao and green Mao can only nod. Anyway, money is better than nothing.

When the door was opened, the middle-aged man looked at Lin Chen and mengxiaowan outside the door, smiled and said, "what's the matter with you two? If you have anything, why don't you come in and talk?"

Lin Chen gave him a cold look and took Meng Xiaowan in.

As soon as I entered the door, the door slammed shut!

Huang Mao and green Mao also came out of the toilet. The smile on their middle-aged faces disappeared and became very cold. They joked: "what's the matter with you? Tell me quickly. After that, I have other programs to perform!"

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