Seeing that the door was closed, mengxiaowan came out with two young thugs with ugly faces. The middle-aged man sneered at this time, which was completely different from his simple and honest appearance!

It's almost certain that the camera was installed by the other party!

Her heart was cold for a while. Fortunately, Lin Chen found the camera in time. Otherwise, she would be miserable!

"You installed that camera?" Lin Chen didn't go to see the two thugs at all. He opened the door to the mountain path.

"I pretended, boy. How are you?" There is no panic on the face of middle-aged people, but only rampant.

"Very good. Just admit it." Lin Chen said.

The middle-aged man sneered, "of course I admit it. What dare you admit? It's my house. What I want to do is my freedom!"

Mengxiaowan said angrily, "but you've rented it to me! And you clearly said that there was only one key!"

"What about renting it to you? I'm the landlord. I can go in whenever I want! As for the key, I just found it." Middle aged people smile arrogantly and casually.

"This is an invasion of my privacy. If you rent the house to me, you shouldn't go in without permission, let alone install a camera in it! Do you believe that I will call the police and arrest you?" Mengxiaowan blushed with anger. No matter how good-natured he was, he was furious when he met such a person.

This middle-aged man is simply a pervert and a megalomaniac!

Hearing her words, the middle-aged man and the two gangsters laughed out loud.

"Ha ha! Beauty, we are so scared. Hurry up and call the police to catch us!" The Yellow haired youth laughed.

"Beauty, have you seen too many righteous movies? Call the police? Ha ha! Then you should try and see if you can catch brother Li!" The green haired youth also laughed.

The middle-aged man raised his mouth and sneered: "Xiao Wan, you should tell evidence when you talk and do things. Otherwise, be careful that your brother accuses you of slander!"

"You -"

The other side even took a bite back, which made mengxiaowan tremble with anger, but she was helpless. She really had no evidence.

"You return the rent of 2400 yuan to me. I won't rent your house. I'll leave tomorrow!" Mengxiaowan's way. She has already paid the rent for three months. Now that they have come to settle accounts with each other, they should at least get the rent back.

This money is a lot for her now.

The middle-aged man shook his head, smiled and joked: "sorry, the money in my pocket will not quit."

Speaking of this, he looked at Lin Chen proudly and said to mengxiaowan, "well, I have a suggestion."

"What advice?" Meng Xiaowan frowned. At this time, she didn't have any good feelings for the landlord. Some were just disgusted.

"My suggestion is that you kick this man off me and become my woman. Then you will be a charterer and don't have to do any work. How nice it is for us to lie in bed all day counting money." The middle-aged man smiled and looked at Meng Xiaowan's eyes, full of greed and lust.

"You can't think of anyone who wants to be your girlfriend. Even if I die, I won't have anything to do with people like you!" Meng Xiaowan said angrily.

Lin Chen was also angry and said sarcastically, "you've had a good day dreaming!"

The middle-aged man's face sank and stared at Lin Chen and said, "boy, shut up. What kind of thing are you? Where are you talking here? Do you know where this is? This is the capital of Nanhua Province, and Lao Tzu is a local. He has several houses. What qualifications do you have to compete with me? Is it difficult for her not to follow me, but to follow you?"

"That's right. You don't have any qualifications to compare with brother Li, a dead stranger!" Huang Mao despised.

"A stranger dares to run in front of us and be arrogant. Ha ha, I tell you, brother Li doesn't know that he has a car or a house, and he also knows the eldest brother on the road. You can't even compare with his fart!" Green hair sneered.

The middle-aged man listened to what they said, and felt very useful. He looked at Lin Chen with contempt and sneered: "I advise you two to be more sensible! The man should get out quickly, and the woman should stay with me. Otherwise, hum!"

"Otherwise, what do you want?" Lin Chen's eyes were cold again.

"Otherwise, I would have beaten you up a long time ago, and then I would have sex with your woman in front of you and let you see a good play! Anyway, I would have made up my mind whether you agree or not to enter this room!" The middle-aged man smiled arrogantly and didn't pay attention to Lin Chen at all.

Hearing his words, Meng Xiaowan turned pale with fright and said angrily, "how dare you! Do you know what you are talking about? You are breaking the law!"

"Breaking the law?"

The middle-aged man turned his mouth and shrugged his shoulders, "What about breaking the law? What can you do with me? I haven't done anything to force a tenant. I still have a good life. It's thousands of times better than those forced workers! I advise you to be honest. I know the eldest brother of the Taoist priest. Can you still fight me? I still like you very much. I will be my wife and have children. I won't treat you badly in the future!"

Mengxiaowan was so sick that she wanted to vomit. At the same time, she was shocked and angry. Unexpectedly, the other party still knew the Taoist priest.

"The compensation for 10 times of the rent is 24000 yuan, 10000 yuan for privacy infringement, 10000 yuan for mental loss, 10000 yuan for disgusting speech, 10000 yuan for bad breath and 10000 yuan for ugly appearance. In total, you need to compensate us 100000 yuan. Give us the money first, and then I'll think about the next step to punish you idiot!" Lin Chen suddenly reaches out his hand to the middle-aged man.

"What?" The smile on the middle-aged face was frozen, and some did not react.

Mengxiaowan and the two thugs were also stunned and could not react.

It's OK to pay for it, but what the hell is it that you talk disgustingly, have bad breath, and look ugly? Nima is just swearing on purpose!

And that adds up to seventy-four thousand? How could it be 100000!

All of them were black faced. Looking at the pondering smile on Lin Chen's face, they were sure that this guy was definitely intentional!

"Boy, do you really want to die?" The middle-aged man's face was so dark that he felt that his dignity had been greatly challenged. He was just a poor man. He dared to be so arrogant to himself.

In his opinion, Lin Chen is definitely a poor man. Otherwise, how could Meng Xiaowan, such a beautiful woman, live in such a place? If he had money, he would have been a golden house and a charming woman!

"Why, you don't want to give money?" Lin Chen's eyes were cold, as if the other party really owed him money.

The middle-aged man is so angry that the other party is blackmailing!

It's so strange that someone blackmailed him and said that he would punish himself after giving money. Damn it!

"Give it to NIMA. Give it to me! Since you are so ignorant, I must kill you today! I will directly fuck this woman in front of you and record the video. I will be kind enough to give you a copy!" The middle-aged man scolded angrily.

"What are you waiting for? Hit him, shit!" The middle-aged man roared at the two thugs.

The two gangsters showed a grim smile on their faces, but they had already prepared. They directly copied two steel pipes from under the cushion of the sofa and smashed them at Lin Chen!

"Go to hell, boy!"

"Even brother Li dares to offend me. You really want to die. Just wait and see how your woman is played with later!"

There were two muffled bangs, and the steel pipes all fell on Lin Chen!

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