The two gangsters felt the steel pipe hit the target, and their faces showed a proud smile.

The middle-aged man also raised his eyebrows at Lin Chen. In his opinion, Lin Chen was so timid that he was stunned and even forgot to dodge!

Mengxiaowan looks frightened. She doesn't know why Lin Chen can even hide from bullets, but apparently she can't even hide from two steel pipes!

But then, all the people were stunned, because Lin Chen was still motionless, as if he didn't feel the steel pipe falling on him, and didn't frown!

"Haven't you had supper? Why are you so weak?" Lin Chen didn't have any pain on his face. Instead, he took some sarcasm!

Suddenly, everyone was stunned.

If it weren't for the cold touch from the steel pipe in his hand, the two little thugs would almost doubt that they had taken the wrong thing!

"Lying... Lying trough, how can this be possible! This is a steel pipe!" Huang Mao exclaimed, looking at Lin Chen as if he were looking at some monster.

"What's the matter, he? Is he Superman?" Green Mao also stares at him with round eyes and is terrified. Which time did the steel pipe hit the other side before, and the other side didn't scream?

But the boy seems to have no feeling at all!

"Well, you're done. Is it my turn now?" Lin Chen smiled.

The two gangsters suddenly turned pale, and again waved the steel pipe and fell down on Lin Chen. This time, they aimed at Lin Chen's head. Lin Chen's strange made them panic. It was going to kill them!

Then, the two of them turned pale again, because the steel pipe had not yet fallen, and Lin Chen caught them in mid air. Lin Chen's hand was so fast that they couldn't see it clearly!

No matter how hard they tried, even with two hands, they couldn't pull the steel pipe out of Lin Chen's hands!

"Let go, you... You must let go quickly!" Yellow hair looks fierce but weak, and his eyes are full of panic!

"Yes, let go. We know people on the road. Can you believe that someone will kill you? Damn it! Let go quickly!" Green hair is also a pale face.

Seeing this kind of time, the two men were still threatening themselves. Lin Chen's eyes were colder. He made a little effort in his hands, so he grabbed the two steel pipes. Then his hands danced, and the two steel pipes fell on the two men!

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

"Ah! Brother, I'm wrong. I'm wrong. Stop beating! Ah! My ribs are broken! Please stop beating!"

The two gangsters were beaten by Lin Chen, crying and howling, desperately begging for mercy. When Lin Chen stopped, the two men lay on the ground screaming and couldn't get up.

Lin Chen is also disgusted with these two guys who are trying to make trouble for the tiger. The middle-aged man is attacking the female tenant. Obviously, these two guys are also involved!

He looked at the middle-aged man, who was already pale and in a cold sweat!

He didn't expect that this guy who doesn't look very strong in front of him would be so strong. This time he kicked the iron plate!

After seeing Meng Xiaowan not far away, he flashed a fierce look in his eyes and rushed towards Meng Xiaowan in an instant!


However, before he took two steps, a sharp pain came from his waist. He screamed and fell to the ground.

At the same time, a steel pipe also fell beside him!

One end of the steel pipe was covered with bright red blood, but there was a blood hole in the middle-aged man's waist, which was terrible.

Lin Chen sneered. This mole ant also wanted to catch mengxiaowan to threaten him. If he hadn't just taken his strength, he could even use a steel pipe to pierce the middle-aged man's body and kill him on the spot!

"Don't... don't kill me..." the middle-aged man's voice was full of fear. At this moment, Lin Chen, in his eyes, was a murderous God, an inhuman monster!

He covered the terrible wound on his waist, his voice trembled, and his intestines were almost blue with regret. How could he have provoked such a monster? Had he known that the other side was so powerful, he would not have provoked him if he had killed him!

"Are you willing to lose money now? 100000!" Lin Chen is indifferent.

"Yes, I'll lose money right away. But I don't have any cash." The middle-aged man said in panic.

Lin Chen's eyes stared. The middle-aged man was scared and trembled. He said in panic, "you misunderstood me. I mean, I don't have any cash, but I can transfer money to you. I'll transfer money now!"

"Xiao Wan, tell him your bank card number." Lin Chen looked at mengxiaowan and said with a smile. The icy cold on his face disappeared, which made people doubt whether he was the murderer just now!

Mengxiaowan was stunned, then shook her head and said, "no, it's not my money. I can't take it. If he wants to give it, I'll give it to you!"

She knew that Lin Chen saw that she was in financial difficulties, so she wanted to help her get some money, but because of this, she was even more reluctant to take the money.

She is a person with high self-esteem and doesn't want to be a burden to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen looked at the middle-aged man and said with a sneer, "it seems that your money is too dirty. Xiao Wan doesn't want it. In that case!"

He didn't finish, but the chill in his voice had made the middle-aged man's scalp numb with fear!

The middle-aged people are so miserable that they don't want to give money. They almost want to cry.

"Miss Meng, please do me a favor. Please give me your bank card number. I'll transfer the money to you now. Just be merciful!" The middle-aged man looked at mengxiaowan and begged.

Mengxiaowan was speechless. He looked at Lin Chen angrily and funny. This guy is really cunning. He even asked the bad man to beg for himself.

But she was not angry at Lin Chen's cunning. Instead, she had a warm feeling of being taken care of.

Finally, she gave her bank card number to the middle-aged man, who immediately transferred the money.

"Now... Can you spare me now?" The middle-aged man said cautiously.

Lin Chen shook his head. "I said that after giving money, we still need to be punished, not for ourselves, but for the women you have insulted before! How can you let go of such scum?"

The middle-aged man's face turned white instantly, but Lin Chen had already stepped on his crotch without waiting for him to turn and run away!


The crackling sound came from the middle-aged man's crotch. The middle-aged man made a scream that was not like human beings. His eyes turned over and he fainted directly.

"Lin Chen, you......" mengxiaowan was also a little dumbfounded when she saw this scene. This guy is really too violent. However, in the face of such scum, she also thought Lin Chen was right.

She said anxiously, "you're breaking the law. What if the police come?"

Lin Chen smiled and comforted him. Then he called Wang Baiyun. It was just a few shrimp. He wouldn't give him any trouble at all. He also asked Wang Baiyun to check the case records of the three people.

According to what they said, it was enough to throw them into prison.

Lin Chen likes to say that mengxiaowan finally stopped letting Lin Chen run away from Guangyang city.

Back in mengxiaowan's room, Lin Chen was wondering whether it was time to leave. Mengxiaowan suddenly blushed and said, "Lin Chen, why don't you stay tonight and rent a house with me tomorrow?"

With that, she hurriedly explained, "don't think about it. I'm just afraid I'll meet another bad landlord."

Lin Chen looked at the only bed in the room. It was hard not to think about it.

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