The words of the Lord of the temple of time startled the people who were watching in the distance. Then they looked left and right, but they didn't see the figure of the Lord of the temple of soul at all.

Two seconds later.

A thick voice rang out.

"Dark Yan demon lord must have used some special means to break out his strength to this extent. This means must have side effects. After a while, I can deal with him naturally."

The crowd was in an uproar. Some people recognize that this is the voice of the Lord of the soul temple! The Lord of the temple of time said angrily, "you have a beautiful idea! If you want to kill two birds with one stone, let this boy destroy me first, and then you kill him. On the land of Lingyue, no one can fight against you? It's a pity that he already knows that you are here

Unless you come out, otherwise, he will not continue to fight with me, but will choose to leave. If you don't come out, I won't stop him and let him leave. Your wishful thinking will come to naught! "

There was a moment of silence, and then the sound sounded again.

"That's all. I'll deal with him with you."

With the sound falling, a dark blue flame appeared from the hillside of a mountain thousands of meters away and swept towards this side.

When he reached a distance of more than 100 meters from Lin Chen, he stopped. The dark blue flame changed into a middle-aged man.

His appearance is ordinary, but he has a pair of beautiful dark blue eyes, such as the stars twinkling in the dark night. With such a pair of eyes, he suddenly becomes eye-catching.

"He is really the head of the soul temple!"

Many people were shocked to see this man.

"What's going on? It's just that the Lord of the temple of time and the Lord of the dark Yan devil have a fight. How can the Lord of the temple of soul suddenly appear?" "I don't think it's strange that the Lord of the soul Temple appears. After all, there is a contradiction between Lord Black Yan and the soul temple! But why did the Lord of the years temple also fight with Lord Black Yan? Is it difficult? Lord Black Yan and the God of years

There are also grudges between the temples? "

"Just now, the Lord of the years temple said, 'if you want to know what he sees in the forbidden mountain, come out right away'. What does this mean?"

"There seems to be some secret in the dark Yan demon lord, which interests both the years Temple Lord and the soul Temple Lord. They will appear here. It is likely that they have been waiting here for a long time!"


People are talking about it one after another, some of which are close to the truth.

More than 50 years ago, what happened between Lin Chen and the years temple was unknown to ordinary people, but it was known by the Lord of the soul temple. The reason was that there were spies of the soul temple among the elders of the years temple.

At this point, the Lord of the temple of time had guessed in his heart that he was secretly angry. Unexpectedly, among the elders of the temple of time, there were not only the people of Yanhuang temple, but also the people of soul temple!

But on the other hand, in the temple of soul, there are also some people who have spent a lot of energy in the temple of years.

In a word, the owner of the soul temple is also very curious to learn that Lin Chen and suyuechan did not die under the strange energy fluctuation of the forbidden mountain.

A small transmission array is arranged here for people to watch.

If there is any news, inform him immediately.

Then, there will be this scene.

"Hum!" The Lord of the years Temple heard that the Lord of the soul Temple wanted to deal with Lin Chen with him. He didn't appreciate it at all, but let out a cold hum.

The Lord of the soul Temple looked at Lin Chen and said in a flat tone, "where is Che Jingyao?"

"Dead." Lin Chen's tone was also very calm, as if he was answering what he had eaten this morning, but at this time his muscles were already tense.

The head of the soul temple, his look hasn't changed at all. I don't know whether he had guessed that Che Jingyao is dead or whether he doesn't care about Che Jingyao's life or death at all. He slowly said:

"More than 50 years ago, you were not the opponent of the left hall leader at all. More than 50 years later, he was almost defeated by you. You should really be on the top of or inside the forbidden mountain.

In a word, tell me, what have you got? Your strength has changed so much in just over 50 years? Tell me everything you know about the forbidden mountain! "

As soon as these words came out, the onlookers in the distance began to boil!

"It turns out that the strength of the dark Yan Demon Lord has been greatly improved, and it has reached the present level! It is actually related to the taboo sacred mountain. It is said that the taboo sacred mountain hides the secret of the origin of the spirit moon continent!"

The curious eyes fell on Lin Chen.

"You're wrong. It's not that he was almost defeated by me. When he called you out, he was already defeated. And that means that his heart has admitted that he is not my opponent." Lin Chen said coldly.

The Lord of the temple of time, his face turned black immediately, but he could not refute it at all, because what Lin Chen said was the truth!

The head of the soul temple was silent and had no expression on his face. This was not what he wanted to hear. He just wanted to know what the secret of taboo sacred mountain was.

Unexpectedly, the strength of the black Yan Demon Lord has been greatly improved.

Can you get the same or even greater opportunity to reach the realm of true God that no one has ever reached on the original continent?

"You want to know what I experienced in the small world inside the forbidden mountain?" Lin Chen smiled.

Taboo small world inside holy mountain!

The Lord of the soul temple and the Lord of the years Temple both had a heart beat and their eyes became hot.

"Yes!" The head of the soul Temple nodded.

Lin Chen smiled. "You don't look very good. You think it's very beautiful."

The Lord of the soul Temple frowned: "no more talk?"

"There's nothing to talk about! Do you think I'm a fool? Even if I told you, you two can't let us go without damaging the reputation of the temple of soul and the temple of years!" Lin Chen sneered.

The Lord of the spirit temple looks to the Lord of the years temple.

The Lord of the temple of time nodded and shouted, "do it!"

Brush! Brush!

In an instant, the Lord of the spirit temple and the Lord of the years Temple disappeared at the same time!

Seeing this scene, someone in the distance shook his head and sighed: "Lord Black Yan, even if he is stronger than the Lord of the years temple, he is not much stronger. Plus the Lord of the soul temple, he has no chance of winning." "In fact, although the two heads of the soul temple and the years temple are listed as the strongest in the spirit moon continent, I always think that the chariot Hall of the soul temple is stronger. After all, he is not only the strongest in the spirit moon continent, but also the first alchemist in the spirit moon continent. He is also in control of the most powerful flame in the spirit moon continent - Tianyou magic fire!"

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