Seeing the Lord of the temple of time and the Lord of the temple of soul, they took action against Lin Chen at the same time. In some people's hearts, they thought that they would bully Lin Chen with more. Even if they won, they would be invincible. However, the world of monks is so cruel that they always only look at the results. As for the process, tens of thousands of years later, some people will go deep into the process. They will only know that the black Yan demon lord who was famous at that time provoked the Lord of the temple of years and the soul God

The Lord of the temple was killed!

Lin Chen looked alert and carefully sensed the changes around him.


The sound of a breeze sounded.

Lin Chen felt a chill in his heart. The spear in his hand stabbed out in front of him. With a tear, the space was torn.

There was nothing ahead, but the tip of the Xuanyuan gun clearly collided with something, splashing sparks and generating terrible explosions and waves.

"The reaction was quick!"

The figure of the head of the soul Temple appeared in front of Lin Chen, said something coldly, and then withdrew a few steps. His right hand was bent, like holding something, but he couldn't see anything.

Seeing this scene, the onlookers were not so surprised.

Because they have heard about the special weapons of the Lord of the soul temple. "It is said that the weapon of the leader of the chariot Hall of the soul temple was made by him with some of his own soul origins and several special materials. It is an invisible knife. It is colorless and has the name 'cut spirit'. It can be cut on people's bodies, not on meat

The body leaves a little scar, but it will hurt people's soul. If the soul is not strong enough, the origin of the soul will be directly cut and annihilated! "

Someone's face was full of fear.

Just as Lin Chen's attention was on the main body of the soul temple, behind him, there was a hurried piano sound, such as ten thousand horses collapsing, and Ling lie's killing machine shrouded Lin Chen.

"Kill one first!"

Lin Chen whispered. He knew that the only way to deal with the siege was to kill one of them and then deal with the rest.

The most important thing is that the side effects of "flame spirit demon body" will come soon.

If you can't break the game before that, you will die.

At this time, the master of the soul Temple released his "soul chopping knife" in his hand. The "soul chopping knife" swam around him like a fish. His hands burst out with dark blue flames and began to seal. It seemed that he was going to use some killing moves.

The zither sound behind Lin Chen was even more sharp. It was obvious that the Lord of the temple of time was using some means!

In the face of the two men's siege, Lin Chen chose not to pay attention to the Lord of the soul temple, and turned to rush towards the Lord of the years temple.

The Lord of the temple of time has been injured. It is obviously easier to solve him than to solve the Lord of the temple of soul!

"How dare you turn your back on me? You are really looking for death!"

"The holy seal of killing evil!"

The head of the soul Temple looked cold and pushed his palms towards Lin Chen. In front of him, a complex mark appeared, like a gate. The gate was opened, and streamers of light twined around the dark blue flames, swept away towards Lin Chen.


He let out a low cry.

The invisible "soul chopping knife" also glanced at Lin Chen's back.

Lin Chen turned around and saw waves invisible to the naked eye. With the rapid sound of the piano, he was already in front of him. Even though the Lord of the temple of time had been injured at this time, he tried his best, and Lin Chen dared not underestimate it. The Xuanyuan spear danced, split, stabbed, or swept, annihilating the strange wave that contained the law of time. At the same time, he did not stop. At the age of chaonian, the moon god

The hall leader rushed away.

Although he still rushed to the Lord of the temple of time, he resisted the piano attack of the Lord of the temple of time. After all, the speed became much slower.

Lin Chen had not rushed to the front of the Lord of the temple of time, but there was a sound of space being broken behind him!

Lin Chen's heart sank and he could only turn back. The Xuanyuan spear turned into an illusion and split the streamers twining the dark blue flames out. Then he stabbed in front of him and collided with the "soul chopping knife" in front of him.


The explosion of the "soul chopping knife" stunned Lin Chen.

In his opinion, the weapons of the Lord of the soul temple should not be so fragile.


Lin Chen's face changed dramatically. A bloody air stream poured out of his body, and a bloody scale appeared on his body surface.

The "soul chopping knife" exploded and turned into streamers, shooting at Lin Chen. Although Lin Chen hurried to avoid, there were still several rays of light passing through his body.

Lin Chen didn't have any scars on his body, but he snorted that his face had lost its color, but his eyes were red with blood!

At this time, the pain Lin Chen experienced was more terrible than that of ten thousand swords piercing his heart. The feeling that his soul was pierced like a few holes could not be explained clearly in words.

Even with Lin Chen's willpower, he suddenly blackened, and his body fell down uncontrollably.

"It's good for you to let the two of us work together against you." The Lord of the soul Temple looked at Lin Chen falling down. His tone was indifferent and his light came back to his hands and condensed into a "soul chopping knife" again.

Next second.

Lin Chen then regained his consciousness. The falling trend slowed down and he stood in the air again.

"EH. This boy has terrible bearing power. His soul was penetrated by the light of the spirit cutting knife, and he was able to bear it in a moment!"

The head of the soul temple was surprised for the first time. He just felt that it was incredible.

In fact, the soul realm of the Lord of the soul temple is a great perfection of the divine realm. If Lin Chen hadn't performed the Cang Xue Ming armour in time to weaken those streamers, even if Lin Chen's willpower was strong, he would have fainted directly!


"Boy, you lost!"

However, at the moment when Lin Chen stopped, the terrible explosion sound and the voice of the Lord of the temple of years sounded at the same time.

A bright pillar of light came towards Lin Chen. In an instant, it was not far from him.

Lin Chen immediately wanted to dodge, but found that his speed was extremely slow compared with the speed of the light column.

The Lord of the time Temple sneered repeatedly. When Lin Chen fell, he was not idle, but used his means to affect the time flow around Lin Chen.

With this blow, the opponent can't escape at all!

"No! Don't kill him!"

Just as the pillar of light was about to fall on Lin Chen, a woman rushed over and blocked Lin Chen's face.

It's su Yuechan!

She opened her hands to block Lin Chen. It seemed that she took her body as a shield to block the fatal blow for Lin Chen, but she forgot that she was only flesh and blood. In terms of defense, she could not compare with Lin Chen!


The pillar of light struck her.

In a flash, suyuechan changed from a girl with thick skin and long hair to an old woman with gray hair and wrinkled skin, falling down! Lin Chen's eyes were red with blood. At this time, blood gushed out. He roared, and the dark flame spread in all directions. His speed increased by another level. Although he was affected by the change of time and velocity, he still rushed to Su soon

Beside Yuechan, hold her.

Su Yuechan is like a candle in the wind, and her vitality is still disappearing rapidly.

Before Lin Chen could speak, Su Yuechan said to him with tears in her eyes, "don't think you killed me. In fact, I have selfish intentions. In this way, I don't have to face the difference with you. Moreover, you will always remember me."

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