A loud bang!

Zhoujingchen's body was shattered and flesh and blood were flying. Lin Chen reached out and grabbed it. A transparent "man" flew towards him. He grabbed his throat and carried it in the air.

This "person" is Zhou Jingchen's soul!

"Now, is it time to answer my question? What is the abyss star? What does it mean to say that Xiao Qi is a sacrifice?" Lin Chen asked coldly.

Zhou Jingchen's soul, with an unreal face, was full of fear. Then he was fierce but weak. He was full of hate and roared: "are you crazy? I am a royal family of the Haotian divine domain. You dare to destroy my body. You are finished. You are absolutely finished! Our ancestors will never spare you! You and all the people in the city master's residence will die miserably. When the time comes, you will die even

Death will become an extravagant hope for you! " The body was destroyed and only the soul was left. It was almost impossible to get a perfect fit of the body again. This undoubtedly caused a great blow to Zhou Jingchen. The hatred in his heart even made him ignore his fear of Lin Chen at the moment


However, Lin Chen is happy to remind him who is in charge now!

The dark flame spread from Lin Chen's hands, like gangrene, and wound around Zhou Jingchen's soul.

"Ah --! No!"

Zhou Jingchen screamed so sharply that he didn't look like a human being. He struggled violently. However, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't escape from Lin Chen's hands.

The burning of the soul is more terrible than the burning of the body. Zhou Jingchen's will is not weak, but he surrendered before long.

"Spare me! Please spare me!" He shouted loudly. At the moment, Lin Chen with a indifferent face was like a ruthless God of death in his eyes.

Looking at the scream, Zhou Jingchen, who had no power to resist in front of Lin Chen, felt that there was a cold breath rushing from the bottom of his feet to his forehead.

Someone retreated quietly, then retreated for a distance, and rushed to the sky, trying to escape.

Lin Chen didn't even look. He stretched out his hand and flicked his finger at the fleeing man. He saw a flash of black light. The guards who had already flown into the air screamed and burst into a black flame. For a moment, their form and spirit were all gone!

The rest of those who wanted to escape were so scared that they stood up straight and dared not even move.

"Now, would you like to answer my question?" Lin Chen stares at Zhou Jingchen and asks.

Zhoujingchen nodded desperately: "yes! Yes!"

The dark flame returned to Lin Chen. Lin Chen said coldly, "then don't talk nonsense. Speak quickly!"

Zhou Jingchen said: "the 'abyss star' is a treasure born in the chaotic origin. Millions of years ago, it appeared in the middle of the continent of origin. Every time it appeared, it was accompanied by the fall of a supreme!"

Lin Chen jumped at the corner of his eye. "What do you mean, the fallen supreme was killed by someone with this treasure called 'abyss star'?" abyss star 'is a weapon? "

Zhou Jingchen nodded: "the star of the abyss is a big bow. It is said that even the weakest cultivator can rely on it to kill the supreme as long as it is recognized by the spirit!"

Lin Chen couldn't help but take a breath. No matter how weak the cultivator is, he can kill the supreme by relying on the "star of the abyss"?

He can't imagine that there is such a terrible thing in this world!

Even if it is true, there are some restrictions on using this treasure.

Moreover, the supreme also has strong and weak points. It may not be able to kill all the supreme!

But in any case, it's amazing that a weak monk can kill the supreme!

"Go on. What does this' abyss star 'have to do with Xiao Qi? What does it mean to take her as a sacrifice?" "The 'abyss star' fell into our ancestors' hands by chance. However, its spirit fell into a deep sleep for some reason. If it could not wake up, it would not be able to exert its power. Our ancestors spent countless hours

Time and energy, finally learned a way to wake up the spirit of the "abyss star"

The scene was silent, only the voice of Zhou Jingchen.

In addition to Lin Chen, the eyes of all the people in the Lord's residence were also looking at Zhou Jingchen. They also wondered why they made the idea of Xiao Qi because of the terrible existence of Haotian divine realm.

According to the principle, Xiao Qi should have little capital and can arouse their greed. "The way is to use the lives of those who own the divine body to revive the spirit of the 'star of the abyss'! The holy body owned by your disciple is called' picking the star holy body '. There are many holy bodies in the original continent, but' picking the star holy body 'can rank in the top ten, extremely

Be strong!

Our grandfather was also the owner of the "star picking holy body" at the beginning. The reason why we say "original" is because he has transformed his "star picking holy body" into a "Haotian holy body" by special means! "

Hearing this, Lin Chen's eyes were so cold that he could understand what was going on. He said in a deep voice:

"To put it simply, you can't find anyone with a divine body. So you want to change Xiao Qi's constitution into a 'Haotian divine body' like your ancestors, and then use her life as a sacrifice to revive the spirit of the 'abyss star'?"

Seeing Lin Chen's eyes flash, Zhou Jingchen dare not speak and nods.

"Damn it! Damn you!"

Lin Chen gave a cold drink, and the dark flame poured out of his palm, drowning Zhou Jingchen. With Lin Chen's palm, the dark flame suddenly contracted, and with a bang, Zhou Jingchen's soul was annihilated!

People in the Haotian divine realm thought that Lin Chen would have scruples about Zhou Jingchen's identity anyway and would not kill him. As a result, they were scared to death when they saw this scene.

"It's all my fault! It's all my fault. I shouldn't have promised to let Xiao Qi and zhouheling leave. I pushed Xiao Qi into the abyss."

Su Xi ran was talking to himself. He was black at the moment. His body shook and fell to the side.

"Sister Xixi!"

Lin Chen was startled, rushed to her side, held her, and said, "don't think so. Even if you didn't agree, Zhou Heling would take Xiao Qi away. It's not your fault!"

When he saw Ye Yiren, Su man and others, his face was a little dark. He knew that they all thought it was their fault, but this was just wishful thinking. Even if they objected at that time, nothing could be changed.

Su Xi ran knew that Lin Chen was right, but she was still very sad. She thought that she had not protected herself properly. Her head leaned against Lin Chen's chest and she couldn't help crying.

Lin Chen sighed and hugged her tightly. At this time, his eyes fell on the face of the maid next to him. He frowned and said, "who hit your face?" The horse faced guard standing not far away was already trembling all over. At this time, his legs softened and plopped. He was so scared that he sat on the ground!

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