Lin Chen glanced at the horse face guard who was scared to sit down on the ground and asked the maid, "did he hit him?"

The maid said angrily, "Lord, it's nothing to slap me. You don't know how disgusting these evil guards are. They are full of filthy words and dirty thoughts to the city master's men.

This guy had a dirty mouth on Mrs. Xi ran before. What's more, what happened today is that the two guards were flirting with the big and small sisters, and the big lady couldn't help picking them up. That's why they clashed with Zhou Jingchen! "


The middle-aged man with a horse face knelt down to Lin Chen with fear on his face.

The rest of the guards, who were just waking up from a dream, were busy kneeling down with Lin Chen and wanted to beg for mercy. Even Zhou Jingchen dared to kill them, let alone make them!

Poop poop——

However, before they could beg for mercy, their eyebrows had been pierced by a black flame, turned into bodies, and fell to the ground.

"Drag it to the forest outside the city to feed the monster."

With Lin Chen's order, the body was quickly dragged away.

Su Xi ran left Lin Chen's chest, grabbed Lin Chen's hand, and sobbed: "Lin Chen, what should we do now? Can we really just watch and see that Xiao Qi was caught as a sacrifice?"

Lin Chen reached out his hand and gently wiped away her tears. In a soft voice, he said, "elder sister Xixi, you know my character very well. How could I watch Xiao Qi become the bullshit sacrifice of Haotian Shenyu!"

"But -"

Su Xi is worried. Although she doesn't want to see something happen to Xiao Qi, she also doesn't want to see something happen to Lin Chen.

When Lin Chen came back this time, the strength he showed surprised everyone, but no one would think that he had the strength to rival a supreme divine realm.

Seeing that the people were worried, Lin Chen was also a little heavy, but still in a relaxed tone and said:

"Don't worry, I really can't compete with a supreme realm, but I'm not stupid. There's no need to fight them. It's enough to save Xiao Qi! However, there will be a problem."

"What trouble? Dad, you must not let Xiao Qi have an accident." Lin Panpan said.

"Xiaochen, are you worried about the global city?" Yeyi asked. "Ha ha! I doubt Yiren. You are a worm in my stomach. How can you always guess what I am thinking? We must be the so-called 'no colorful Phoenix with two wings, and the heart has a touch of intelligence'. Fairy sister, you are really my old man

Grandma! "

Lin Chen smiled and looked at Ye Yiren.

Yeyi's eyes are full of sweetness.

Wu Qianye snorted, "yes, Yi Ren is your good wife. She has a good connection with your heart. Where can we compete with each other?"

The other women pursed their lips, stared at Lin Chen, or ground their teeth.

Lin Chen was startled: "no, no, no! I didn't mean that. I said Yi Ren was my good wife, but I didn't say you were bad."

Seeing him like this, all the people in the city Lord's residence could not help laughing. The original dignified and repressed atmosphere was immediately diluted. Su Xi ran also smiled.

"Cough! Keep talking!"

Lin Chen coughed for two times, but was busy changing the topic. "If it was just a group of people like us, I would have no worries if I included you all in the God prison tower. But now, we must consider all the people in the global city.

Although the inner space of the divine prison tower is vast, it is not enough to accommodate all people in the global city. I can't take all the people of the Earth City away with me!

If I succeed in rescuing Xiao Qi from the Haotian divine domain, the royal family of the Haotian divine domain will not find me, and will certainly vent their anger on the people of the Earth City. "

"Why don't we let everyone in the Earth City return to the earth in the star sea?" Wu Qianye said. Lin Chen nodded: "that's what I mean. I not only need to return to the earth in the star sea, but also need to take the earth to a more hidden place with the help of the star moon ark to prevent it from being found by the Haotian divine realm! However, in this way, I have to be wronged

The people of the ball city. "

Lin Chen felt sorry. After so many years, the people of the earth have finally got used to living in the global city and have taken root here. However, at present, they are required to move again, as if they had left their hometown again. Lin Chen is really a little confused


Ye Yiren looked at Lin Chen with a frown and couldn't help laughing.

Lin Chen looked at her suspiciously.

Ye Yiren chuckled: "after so many years, my Xiaochen has become a big man who can kill even the top power in the supreme realm, but he is still that kind-hearted boy who thinks of others. I am really happy."

When she said this, all the girls were looking at Lin Chen with affection.

Lin Panpan and Lin Tian were laughing.

Optimus, the blood demon and others were also laughing, with a noisy appearance.

Lin Chen's face is red.

Yeyi said softly, "don't worry. You have done so many things for the people on earth. I believe no one will blame you for this time."

Today's global city is extremely prosperous. The streets and alleys are crowded and bustling.

After people on earth got used to living here, they found that living here was actually quite good. With the improvement of the overall strength of people in the global city, their average life expectancy was nearly ten times higher than that of the earth before the recovery of aura.

"Mom, look! There is a man in the sky."

"Nonsense, you must have read it wrong. Monks are not allowed to fly over our global city. Eh, there is really someone! That person... That person seems to be the city master?"

"Look, everyone! It's the city Lord!"


The people of the earth city soon found Lin Chen in the air. They all looked up at Lin Chen and wondered what the city master wanted to announce?

Lin Chen's voice resounded through the whole global city! "Ladies and gentlemen, I have a little trouble now. My enemy may come here in the near future. I can't deal with it for the time being, so I can only grievance you and leave the Earth City. I will take you back to earth and need to stay on earth

For a period of time, as for how long it will be, I am not sure yet! I am really sorry for you. "

At last, Lin Chen showed an apologetic look to the countless people below.

The whole global city is silent!

Then, the sound of the wild waves broke out.

"Lord, what did you say? We can live well now because of you. You don't need to apologize to us!" "Yes, it's just to leave the global city. As long as we stay together, where is home? It's good if people are all right! Lord, you must be careful who you've provoked. Don't worry about me

How will you feel? "

"If anyone has no conscience and dares to have any bullshit feelings, first ask me if my fist agrees!"

"If we people on earth want to live here well, we need to work together to overcome difficulties! I only hate that I am weak and have not grown up. I can't help you, Lord. Alas!"


In Lin Chen's heart, a warm current was surging, and his eyes were hot.

He looked at the direction of Xiang Haotian Shenyu and whispered to himself, "Haotian Shenyu, zhouheling!" He swore in his heart that he would not only save Xiao Qi, but also turn the world upside down in Haotian divine realm, which he thought was superior!

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