Xiewenlong smelled that Yan's face was a little ugly. Unexpectedly, Leng Hanyan was so embarrassed when she spoke. She was angry and hated Lin Chen even more. She stopped talking.

But still glancing at Lin Chen with disdainful eyes from time to time, a look that I will expose you sooner or later.

Soon, the exchange conference began.

First, xiezhenren went up, Smiling and saying: "Ladies and gentlemen, it is a great honor for us in the field of traditional Chinese medicine in Nanhua province to gather here to hold this grand meeting. I am also honored to be the organizer of this meeting. Ha ha, many people here are my predecessors, so I won't say too much if it's useless. When we come here today, in addition to exchanging medical skills, we also discuss how to popularize traditional Chinese medicine and get out of today's dilemma. Wait a moment, my teacher and his old man will also come here. Many of them I haven't come back to Nanhua Province in, and I miss you very much. "

Suddenly, many people in the audience were full of expectation, and even some old people with white temples had respect on their faces. Obviously, they admired xiezhenren's teacher very much.

Xiezhengren smiled and was satisfied with the reaction of the audience. Then he glanced at Lin Chen and suddenly said: "yes, I think we should also discuss medical ethics. Now, one reason why traditional Chinese medicine is declining is that some people are not proficient in learning skills and lack medical ethics. They blend into the circle of traditional Chinese medicine and cheat!"

Everyone in the audience nodded in agreement, obviously agreeing with him.

Lin Chen under the stage naturally hears that xiezhengren's words are really aimed at him. He smiles and doesn't care. It's impossible to stand up and quarrel with each other. That's meaningless.

When xiewenlong heard this, he also knew that his father was aiming at Lin Chen. He felt even more disdain for Lin Chen. He couldn't help smiling back at Leng Hanyan and said, "Miss Leng, since you are interested in traditional Chinese medicine, you should know my Shigong. Hehe, my Shigong is Gu daosong, the old miracle doctor. Don't wait for me to introduce you?"

When he spoke, his expression was even more arrogant. Gudaosong was a leading figure in the field of traditional Chinese medicine and one of several big players in the field of traditional Chinese medicine!

But this man is his Shigong. In his opinion, Lin Chen is a scum compared with himself.

Leng Hanyan was cold at first. Now she was surprised to hear what xiewenlong said. She didn't know that xiewenlong's family was still in contact with Gu daosong and old doctor Gu. Xiewenlong was still the other's grandson.

Gudaosong, she naturally knows that as long as she has a little understanding of traditional Chinese medicine, she will not be unaware of gudaosong's name.

The reason why this old man is respected is not only her wonderful medical skills, but also his noble character.

All his life, he has been trying to promote traditional Chinese medicine, trying to bring it out of its predicament and carry it forward.

She really wanted to get to know the old doctor, but she didn't want to know him through xiewenlong. After thinking about it, she shook her head and said, "I have heard of Gu daosong, and I admire him very much. But forget it. I just know a little about traditional Chinese medicine. I won't waste the time of Gu."

"No delay, no delay. He's my Shigong. What's the delay?" Xiewenlong said with a smile.

Leng Hanyan wanted to continue shaking her head, but Lin Chen nearby said with a smile: "Han Yan, in fact, I also know the old doctor Gu. If you want to know him, I can introduce him to you."

Leng Hanyan and xiewenlong were stunned. Then xiewenlong looked even more disdainful and laughed: "brother Lin, you are really addicted to boasting. How dare you say you know my Shigong as a self-taught Chinese medicine guy? He usually sees either a national leader or a famous figure in the medical field. How can he know you!"

"Lin Chen, do you really know doctor Gu?" Leng Hanyan knows that Lin Chen is not a person who likes to talk nonsense, so she becomes interested.

"Of course." Lin Chen smiled.

He met gudaosong when he helped Mr. Wang to see a doctor. He also saw that his granddaughter was poisoned by ten thousand corpses, and the only way to detoxify them was the other shore flower.

I don't know how the disfigured woman is now. Have you found the other shore flower.

"That's great. Please help me introduce him. Gu Laoshen has high medical ethics. I also want to know him." Leng Hanyan smiled.

"No problem."

Lin Chen nodded. "Didn't someone just say he was coming over? I'll introduce him later. I believe he will give me a face."

Xie Wenlong was so angry that he was about to vomit blood. Gu daosong was his martial uncle. Leng Hanyan refused to introduce herself, but went to find a liar to introduce her!

How could the other party know his Shigong? It's all nonsense. Leng Hanyan actually believes it!

"Hum! Just keep blowing. When my Shigong comes, I see how you can tell a lie!" Xiewenlong glared at Lin Chen and turned his head. He was too lazy to say more.

He felt that Leng Hanyan had been cheated into a fool and could not communicate any more!

I made up my mind to make a mockery of this man when my Shigong exposed his true face and let Leng Hanyan know how humble this man is!

Next, a group of famous TCM experts came to the stage to give speeches. At the beginning, Lin Chen listened attentively, but later he became more and more bored. What these people said were all old-fashioned things. To put it simply, they took out the things in the medical books and said that there was really nothing new. After listening to them, Lin Chen felt bored for a while.

On the stage, xiezhengren was talking about the method of applying medicine to the deficiency cold disease. Because of the previous events, he paid more attention to Lin Chen.

He looked over there and saw Lin Chen shaking his head slightly there. At that moment, he was a little angry!

Lin Chen seems to him to be a boy with little ability, but he doesn't know the greatness of heaven and earth. Now he is talking on the stage, and the other party is not nice to hear. He dares to shake his head!

"That young man, why do you shake your head? Is there something wrong with what I said?" Xiezhenren points to Lin Chen, and his tone is not good.

Lin Chen shook his head unconsciously, but he didn't expect to be seen by xiezhengren and annoyed the other party. Now everyone looked at him.

However, he thought what the other party said was boring. At this time, he stood up and said with a smile:

"Mr. Xie, there's nothing wrong with what you said, but I think it's a little boring. I thought I could hear something new here, but instead you talked about treatise on febrile diseases. If you just read the things in the book, it would be better for everyone to send a book and go back to read it by themselves?"

Lin Chen said this directly, and immediately angered many people present, because what they had just spoken on the stage was almost what was recorded in ancient medical books, but they said it in their own words.

Everyone immediately glared at Lin Chen, and some old Chinese doctors even blew their beards and glared.

Xiezhengren frowned and scolded, "what do you know when you are young? Have you learned all the things handed down by the ancients? If you don't know, don't talk nonsense there. A layman dares to tell me what to do!"

Although his reputation in the field of traditional Chinese medicine is not as good as those of the older generation, he is also recognized as a famous doctor. At this time, he was accused by a young man. How can he not be angry!

In particular, this man is no different from a God in his heart!

When others heard what they said, they all agreed.

"That's right, young man. Don't you think it's ridiculous that you dare to give directions at your age without reading a few medical books?"

"Today's young people are just aiming high. They don't understand much about the things handed down by their ancestors. Is it difficult to achieve innovation?"

"Young man, be careful what you say. As a member of the traditional Chinese medicine community, you should understand the superiority and inferiority of the elderly. Don't just say what you want to say! I don't know the etiquette!"


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