Everyone was sarcastic about Lin Chen. Lin Chen looked at these people without anger, but felt a little disappointed.

The problem with zhaozhengren is not that he talks about treatise on febrile diseases. The problem is that he simply copied treatise on febrile diseases without adding his own opinions and thoughts. In the final analysis, it was just a package. Anyone with a clear eye could hear it.

No matter how good the things of the ancients are, they also need to keep pace with the times and cannot be blindly copied.

However, these so-called famous people in the field of traditional Chinese medicine are all like him. No wonder traditional Chinese medicine is declining now.

Lin Chen shook his head and said no more.

Xiezhenren was even more annoyed when he saw this, but Lin Chen was just a suckling boy in his eyes. He really didn't bother to pester him.

With a cold snort, he went on with his speech.

But they all looked at Lin Chen's eyes at this time, and they were not good at it.

After the speech, the second step will be taken.

This part is to find some patients and have them treated by the famous doctors present, and then explain to the audience while seeing the doctor. In this way, the effect is much better than a simple speech.

First of all, a fat middle-aged man walked onto the stage. An old Chinese doctor felt his pulse and said it was fatty liver. After prescribing the medicine, he explained the symptoms of the body one by one and how to prescribe the medicine.

Then another young man came on stage and another old Chinese doctor diagnosed him.

These patients are basically from rich and noble backgrounds. Otherwise, it is impossible for them to enter here and get such an opportunity for expert consultation.

At ordinary times, they pay attention to their health. They are basically minor diseases.

When xiezhenren arrived, the patient was an elegant middle-aged man with fair skin and glasses. Xiezhenren took his lower pulse and asked about some symptoms, laughing:

"It's not a big problem. It's just too much pressure and getting angry because you often stay up late. I'll give you some medicine to reduce fire and keep cool. It won't take long for you to recover."

As soon as the middle-aged man heard this, he quickly thanked him. Xiezhengren smiled and waved his hand. He was about to write a prescription. When he thought of something, he turned his mouth to Lin Chen and said:

"Young man, since you didn't think much of my speech just now, it seems that your medical skills should be good. I've already said all the symptoms of this patient. What's left is to prescribe a prescription. Why don't you prescribe this medicine for this patient?"

When xiezhenren spoke, his eyes were cold. What Lin Chen had just said was to hit him in the face. He was a famous man who hit a hairy boy in the face. He was naturally angry.

So he couldn't help but want Lin Chen to make a fool of himself. At the same time, he also helped his son to hold the beauty back.

It's not difficult to say that this medicine can reduce fire and cool, but it's not very easy to prescribe it properly. Lin Chen said that his medical skills were self-taught. When xiezhengren wanted to come, his medical skills were extremely poor. The prescription was certainly not much better!

Xiewenlong's eyes lit up when he heard the speech. He understood his father's meaning and immediately turned back to Lin Chen and said with a smile: "yes, Lin Chen, you said your medical skills are very good. In that case, why don't you go up and have a try?"

A lot of others are also because of what happened just now. Lin Chen is a little uncomfortable. He thinks he is young but doesn't know the rules.

At this time, some people are sarcastic.

"That's right, young man. Why don't you try it?"

"Yes, yes, it's just a medicine for reducing fire. It's very simple. If you can't even prescribe this medicine, then you'll be honest and don't talk nonsense! But this prescription for reducing fire is also a little particular. According to the physical condition of each patient, the prescription will be different. I hope you can understand!"

"I'm not old enough. I spoke a lot just now. In that case, let's see what you can do. Don't even be unable to write the simplest prescription!"


Lin Chen saw that he had observed the patient for a few eyes, but his smile was a little playful. He shrugged his shoulders and walked straight to the stage without delay.

The middle-aged man on the stage obviously didn't expect this to happen. Seeing a young man in his early twenties coming on stage to prescribe a prescription for himself, and listening to what he said just now, it seems that this man's medical skills are not very good, so he can't help feeling a little unhappy. But after all, this is also a small problem of getting angry. He still smiled and said: "doctor, do you still need to feel your pulse?"

Lin Chen shook his head and said, "no need."

"Then please help me to prescribe a cool medicine to reduce fire." The middle-aged man nodded, but his eyes were full of doubt.

"You don't need any medicine to reduce fire and cool. That will only aggravate your illness." Lin Chen said faintly.

As soon as these words came out, Xie Zhengren changed his face and said angrily, "what do you mean? Do you mean I made a mistake?"

The rest of the people looked at Lin Chen at this time with a mocking look on their faces. You know, xiezhengren is a famous scholar, and he has been famous for a long time. For such a simple disease, Lin Chen even said that he had made a mistake. This is nonsense!

Leng Hanyan was also puzzled at this time. She knew that Lin Chen's medical skills were superb, even magical. But it would be strange to say that Xie Zhengren, a famous traditional Chinese medicine expert, and the vice president of the first people's Hospital of Sichuan Province, even made a mistake in getting angry.

Lin Chen still had a flat face and said, "you really made a mistake. He is not angry, but Yang is full of Yin. If you prescribe a cool medicine to reduce fire, the stronger the effect, the more serious the disease behind him will become. Minor diseases will become serious diseases."

"Full of nonsense!"

Xiezhengren's face sank and he directly scolded: "the patient has some flushes on his face and hot pulse. According to his own words, he also has headaches, swollen gums and sore throat. This is a typical hot and hot phase. Where is Yang deficiency and Yin excess? It's nonsense“

Seeing xiezhenren's words, the people looked at Lin Chen with disdain. They thought he was pure nonsense, grandstanding, and stupid!

Xiewenlong looked at Leng Hanyan and said with a smile, "look, Miss Leng, I said he is a liar. He can make mistakes even if he gets angry! It's ridiculous to say that he has good medical skills!"

Leng Hanyan glanced at xiewenlong with some displeasure, but in fact, she also had some doubts in her heart. She couldn't figure out why Lin Chen was even wrong about getting angry.

When Lin Chen heard xiezhenren's scolding, he was also a little upset. He frowned and said, "he looks hot on the surface, but in fact, it is Yang deficiency and Yin excess caused by external cold hurting Jueyin meridians. You must use the medicine to drive away the cold with strong Yang. From the beginning, you made a mistake!"

After that, he did not wait for the other party to speak, "His face is flushed and his pulse is hot. This is exactly the virtual image caused by the external cold hurting Jueyin meridians. In addition, although his skin is normal, his lips are dry and cracked. If there is no accident, he should always feel thirsty. This is a symptom of Jueyin fire! In addition, he has obvious bad breath. His gums and throat are swollen and painful not because of fire, but because of oral inflammation!"

The middle-aged man listened, but his face changed. Then he couldn't help but breathe, smell it, and exclaimed:

"Ah! It's really bad breath. It's strange. I didn't have it before! Also, I've always felt thirsty recently. I've been to the hospital's traditional Chinese medicine department before, but it didn't work. Ah! I remember that the doctor said to prescribe the medicine to reduce fire and cool me. Now it seems that I'm not really angry?"

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