Lin Chen nodded and said, "that day, when you were in the Reggae clan, you fell into the hands of Lei xingjue. You said that you had loved someone and had kissed. Have you forgotten?"

A pair of beautiful eyes of snow trace stared round slightly.

Xueshuangyue was also surprised. Could miss Cheng really have a good friend, but she didn't know it, but after careful consideration, she immediately denied the guess.

Over the years, the young lady has been staying with herself and others. The only men she has been in contact with for a long time are senior Mo and Xue Qianyu. Obviously, she doesn't like Xue Qianyu.

And kissed each other?

Xueshuangyue thought of something and smiled angrily, staring at Lin Chen and said, "I'm sorry, you guy. I don't know -"

Before she finished, snow scar covered her mouth with a red face.

Xueji naturally knows that xueshuangyue wants to tell Lin Chen that he is the one who has intimate contact with him. But he still feels very embarrassed when he thinks of a girl who has taken the initiative to do that kind of thing to him, even to save him.

She subconsciously covers xueshuangyue's mouth and pulls xueshuangyue to go back to her room.

"Sobbing -"

Xue Shuangyue was pulled to the door with her mouth covered. She was helpless. She said in her heart, miss ah, miss, it is clear that you are not afraid of death. How come you are so shy about this kind of thing? When will you have a result!

Just as they were about to go out of the door, two figures appeared out of thin air at the door, which startled them. Surprised by the snow mark, they let Xue Shuangyue go.


On the wrist of the old man, there was a small golden snake, which was huffing and puffing long and thin snake letters and staring at Lin Chen with golden pupils like copper coins. Then it turned to look at the old man and made a "hissing" sound in its mouth.

"I see!"

The old man nodded to the Golden Snake and looked at Lin Chen. He was not good at it: "boy, why do you have a similar breath to the 'mysterious spirit Turtle'? Is the 'mysterious spirit Pearl' on you? Give it to me!"

When he saw Leng Dongliu beside him, he suddenly walked towards Lin Chen. All he said was that Leng Dongliu couldn't wait to snatch the "xuanlingshenzhu", but he didn't expect Leng Dongliu to walk up to Lin Chen with a kind smile on his face:

"Why are you here?"

"What... What do you know?" The old man was astonished.

Lin Chen looks at Leng Dongliu in front of him, rubs his eyes, confirms that he is not mistaken, and cries out in surprise:

"Shifu! You haven't heard from us for so many years, which makes us worried. It turned out that we came from the middle part of the country. It's a long story. I'll talk to you later. Where's Shifu? Why isn't she with you?"

Lin Chen looked behind Leng Dongliu and didn't see Murong Xuan.

"Don't worry. Your Shiniang is very good. She is staying in a very safe place now."

Leng Dongliu smiled and turned to look at the old man. "Elder, this is Lin Chen, the only disciple I took in Zuxing when I was still weak."

The old man is a little stupid, and Xue Shuangyue is also stupid. Just now she saw the old man's bad face. She thought they were looking for trouble. One of them turned out to be Lin Chen's master!

Leng Dongliu introduced Lin Chen again: "this is the patriarch of the Muling clan, senior Mu Huang!"

Mu Huang laughed: "after a long time, the 'xuanlingshenzhu' was taken away by his own people. If we had known this, we would not stay at the Qihuang River and come back as soon as possible!"

Although he thought that most of the "wood spirit beads" were in Lin Chen's hands, Mu Huang asked: "how did the" Xuan spirit beads "fall into your hands?"

As long as Lin Chen answered, it naturally represented that the "Xuanling God bead" was in his hand.

Lin Chen told the story of the day when he came out of the divine prison tower and was in the stomach of the "mysterious spirit turtle", and then defeated it.

After listening, Mu Huang and Leng Dongliu sobbed.

"We spent so much time and didn't get the 'xuanlingshenzhu'. You didn't do anything. The 'xuanlingshenzhu' was sent to you by yourself." Leng Dongliu smiled bitterly.

At this time, Xue scar went to Leng Dongliu's side and said hello to him. Before Leng Dongliu left the global city, he had seen Xue scar long ago.

The appearance of the snow mark became much more mature than before. Leng Dongliu was not sure whether she was the little girl of that year at the beginning. At this time, it was clear in her heart.

He also saw the white wings behind Xueshuang Yue. With his understanding of Lin Chen, he already had a guess in his heart.

"I've heard about the affairs between 'heavenly people' and 'magic eye'. You boy, should you be involved now?"

Leng Dongliu looks at Lin Chen again. Although he is asking, he already has an answer in his heart.

"I can't ignore the snow marks." Lin Chen responded with a smile.

This simple words made snow scar feel a warm current surging in her heart. She knew very well how much risk Lin Chen would face when she decided to intervene in this matter.

Mu Huang had noticed that Xueji and xueshuangyue were members of the Tianren clan. He wondered whether lengdongliu's disciples came with the Tianren clan and wanted to invite the Muling clan to fight against the magic eye clan?

If so, even if he is a disciple of Leng Dongliu, I'm afraid he can't agree to this request!

As a clan leader, you should first consider the whole clan. It is undoubtedly stupid to take the whole clan into the struggle between the Tianren clan and the magic eye clan.

However, he thought that Leng Dongliu would probably become the existing disciple in the future and have a promising future. If he could have a good relationship with their teachers and disciples, he would probably have unimaginable benefits in the future.

For a while, Mu Huang was troubled. He didn't know whether Lin chenruo should refuse or reconsider if he asked him to help him deal with the magic eye clan.

When all kinds of thoughts appeared in his mind, Lin Chen had taken the "Xuan Ling Shen Zhu" out of his arms and handed it to Leng Dongliu.

"Xuanling divine beads" can not only play a role when the immortal realm completely breaks through to the supreme realm, but also wear a layer of armor on your soul origin at ordinary times. They can play a role at critical moments, especially in case of sneak attacks.

Therefore, Lin Chen didn't collect it in the God prison tower, but took it with him and made the best use of it.

However, for him, who is now the supreme one, the function of this thing is the same. Since Leng Dongliu needs it, he will not be stingy at all and will give it to Leng Dongliu.

Leng Dongliu was not polite to him, so he took it over and said with a smile:

"Shifu, I am not far away from the perfection of the immortality realm. Once I can try to break through the supreme realm, this' mysterious spirit Pearl 'will play a vital role for me! I will take it first. When you reach the perfection of the immortality realm, you can take it with me."

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows. He clearly heard a little complacency from the master's tone. Indeed, it's only a few decades. It's great to be able to grow to the great perfection of immortality.


He said: "master, I have broken through to the supreme realm, so I can't use this thing. Don't give it back to me."

The smile on Leng Dongliu's face became a little strange for a while. It looked a little embarrassed and stunned, but he was still trying to calm himself down and maintain his style as a teacher.

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