The relationship between Leng Dongliu and Lin Chen is also a teacher and a friend. Both sides regard each other as an object of comparison.

For a long time, master Leng Dongliu could not even look at Lin Chen's back. Later, he left the global city to pursue a breakthrough in strength. Although it was related to his own pursuit, he was also stimulated by this disciple.

Compared with the time when he left the Earth City, his strength has been a miraculous leap. As a perfect immortal, he not only condenses 99 stars, but also has the power of 87 stars, which has been transformed into the power of the world.

In his opinion, he is more powerful than Lin Chen. When he speaks, he inevitably feels a little proud. You are my disciple after all. Although you were better than me, you are not my opponent now.

Lin Chen's answer, however, made Leng Dongliu's face twitch a few times, "have you broken through to the supreme realm?"

Lin Chen nodded and took the initiative to release his breath. He had already formed the habit of restraining his breath. If he did not take the initiative to release his breath, lengdongliu would not feel anything.

With Lin Chen's breath revealed, Leng Dongliu felt startled, as if his life was threatened. He had seen the supreme more than once, and naturally understood that this was the breath belonging to the supreme.

He smiled bitterly: "supreme! You boy..."

Lin Chen hehe smiled.

Leng Dongliu laughed and scolded, "look at your complacency. Even if you become the supreme, I will still be immortal. You are still my disciple! Can you step on my head?"

"I dare not!" Lin Chen smiled.

The clan leader of Muling clan, Xueji and xueshuangyue kept quiet. The two masters and disciples talked about their experiences over the years.

When Leng Dongliu heard that the global city had encountered great difficulties, he was afraid for a while. He also heard that Lin Chen had experienced all kinds of dangers. He said that his disciple was also blessed with great fortune. In addition to luck, he also relied on his extraordinary courage and temperament to get to this step.

After Lin Chen had simply explained the main things, he told Lin Chen about his experiences over the years.

His experience is much simpler than that of Lin Chen.

Although we have also experienced many dangers and opportunities, the most important thing for us to grow to this stage is to get the appreciation of an existing person and become the registered disciple of the other party. It is also relying on the gifts of the other party that we have made an amazing leap in strength.

When he mentioned the existence, Leng Dongliu had a longing in his eyes, "teacher, he once took me to an upper God realm. The domain master is a super strong man at the top of the supreme realm, and he is also the teacher's registered disciple! You should know what this means?"

Lin Chen naturally knows what this means.

The so-called named disciple, in the final analysis, is not qualified to become a personal disciple, which means that the super strong at the top of the supreme realm is not qualified to be a personal disciple of that person?

This conclusion appeared in his mind. Lin Chen's eyes were full of shock. The snow mark and snow frost Yue on one side were somewhat frightened.

The super power at the top of the supreme realm?

Such existence can sweep through any of the seven original ethnic groups with the power of one person.

However, even if it is strong enough, it is still unable to become a pro disciple!

How strong is this person that will lead to the condition that he should be on the top of the supreme realm?

Lin Chen noticed that when Leng Dongliu mentioned the existence, the head of the Muling clan beside him was full of awe, which made him more curious about the existence.

He asked Leng Dongliu about the strength and identity of the other party, but Leng Dongliu shook his head and said he didn't know:

"The teacher said that if I could become supreme within a hundred years, I would be accepted as my own disciple. At that time, I would naturally know his identity. At that time, his title could be changed from 'teacher' to 'teacher'."

Lin Chen secretly said that master Zhenyan's request for himself is to become supreme within a thousand years, and this man's request for master is to become supreme within a hundred years. Does this mean that his strength is far above that of master Zhenyan?

Soon he denied the speculation, saying that it could not be inferred in this way.

After all, I have met my requirements. Master Zhenyan just gave me a supreme skill, so my requirements will naturally be much more relaxed. If I want him to take me as an apprentice, I'm afraid it will be many times more difficult.

Moreover, more stringent requirements do not necessarily mean stronger strength!

Lin Chen said with a smile, "master, you should cheer up. If you become a disciple of that kind of existence, I can also touch some light!"

"Light?" Some of the cold easterly current didn't react.

Lin Chen blinked: "your master is my master. You have a powerful master. Don't I have a powerful master to be a backer?"

Leng Dongliu understood what he meant, and laughed and scolded him as a "little slick", but he did not refute his words. In his opinion, Lin Chen's business was his business, and it was no different.

"You haven't said yet, what's the matter with you coming to the Muling clan? Elder Mu Huang and I have some friends. If you need any help, I, the master, have the cheek to help you beg him." Leng Dongliu asked with a smile.

Lin Chen was delighted. Shifu was indeed a Shifu. It was obvious that he was talking for himself. It was equivalent to saying to Mu Huang that this was my disciple. If you can help me, please help me. I don't really need you, please?

Old Chengjing, a man from Mu Huang, said with a smile, "brother Leng, you are so kind. Since I am your disciple, I will help you if I can help. Why do you need to ask me."

When he said this, he was secretly distressed. He didn't know whether the other party should say that there was nothing he could do to help deal with the evil eye family, or go to discuss with the other two supreme masters of the family?

Lin Chen didn't hurry to say what he wanted, but first said what happened after coming here.

"What! Someone dares to put his mind on us' Muling clan '. Mu Jingtian still regards his enemy as his benefactor. I can't spare him!"

After hearing this, Mu Huang was furious. He could hardly wait to clean up Mu Jingtian. Looking at Lin Chen, he became more friendly. He didn't expect that he was not only a disciple of Leng Dongliu, but also a benefactor of his own Mu Ling family.

Leng Dongliu was a little sad. Unexpectedly, the red Yan giant beast that forced the earth to travel through the stars became the supreme and died at the hands of his disciples.

When Lin Chen saw that the heat was almost over, he came straight to the point: "I want 10 drops of 'Heavenly fire spirit milk'."

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