The old man said, "we don't know much about 'Xuanyan ancient tree'. At first, Lord Cassia only told us that she was looking for 'Xuanyan ancient tree', but she didn't explain what kind of tree it was and why she wanted to find this ancient tree."

Lin Chen was disappointed. However, at least he was surprised to learn that Cassia came from Yunlan prairie. This was the news about Cassia. It could be said to be an unexpected joy.

Seeing that it is impossible to get other information about Cassia from the golden Viper family, Lin Chen will leave with snow marks. The golden Viper family wants to stay and want to thank Lin Chen grandly, but he refuses.

Finally, under the respectful escort of the golden Viper family, Lin Chen and his party came and went in a hurry, and soon disappeared in front of them.

What Lin Chen didn't know was that one month later, cassia's statue was repaired. At the same time, there was another statue beside her!

The statue is a human man. The person carved is clearly Lin Chen!

On the way to the thunder ghost clan, xuescar asks Lin Chen if he wants to find Cassia.

Lin Chen shook his head and smiled at her: "I really plan to go to find cassia, but it's not urgent. She should also be a supreme. She and I have an infinite life. It doesn't matter if we find her sooner or later.

At least, we should go to her after we have dealt with your 'heavenly people' affairs. "

Hearing this, Lin Chen was worried that she would leave herself and others to look for Cassia's xueshuangyue and xuecanglan. They were all relieved.

Xueshuangyue gave a voice to Xuecheng and said with a laugh: "Miss, it seems that in Lin Chen's heart, you are much more important than that Cassia."

Snow scar asked her not to talk nonsense, but she had a sweet feeling in her heart.

When they came to the front of the mountain where the thunder ghost family was based again, the people of the "Tianren family" all looked at Lin Chen, as if they were waiting for him to give instructions for the next step.

"First of all, we have to find out whether elder Mo has really fallen into the hands of the 'Reggae clan'." Lin Chen said.

Xue canglan nodded: "I think so too. If elder Mo didn't fall into the hands of the 'Reggae' clan, we would go to the 'Reggae' clan head and exchange hostages with him. It would be asking for trouble."

Lin Chen said, "let's see if we can catch the 'Reggae' in the mountains, and then ask him for some information we need."

Several people gathered their breath and searched in the mountains. To their surprise, the last time they came here, they saw no one around the mountains. This time, they saw a lot of thunder ghost guards patrolling around the mountains.

Lin Chen appeared at a hillside. Xue canglan looked at the guards patrolling nearby and whispered:

"Is it because leichangyi hasn't come back here for a long time? The 'Reggae' are on alert and suspect that leichangyi has an accident! Let these guards patrol around to prevent us from coming back to trouble?"

Xue LAN agreed: "it should be like this. Lei Changyi hasn't come back for so long, 'Reggae' can't have no doubt! Out of caution, it's normal to send some people to patrol around the mountains!"

Lin Chen said with a smile, "it's great to have these guards patrolling outside! Maybe we can get the information we want from them."

After a while, several "Reggae clan" guards patrolling nearby appeared beside Lin Chen, but their expressions were dull and had been controlled by Lin Chen.

Lin Chen looked at the middle-aged man who looked like the head and asked, "did MOTU fall into your 'Reggae' hands?"


The middle-aged man answered without any emotion, but it made Xuehong and others' hearts thump and worry.

Lin Chen looked solemn: "where is he being held by you now?"

"In a prison at the bottom of a volcano."

Linchen's eyes lit up. "The bottom of the volcano, that is to say, is not in your 'Reggae' clan?"

"No." The middle-aged man shook his head.

Lin Chen asked again, "who is guarding him?"

"Three elders of the immortal realm." The middle-aged man replied.

Xue hen looked at Lin Chen happily and said, "it's just that the immortal realm is guarded by a full man, and it's not in the 'Reggae' clan, so we can directly rescue uncle MOTU. There's no need to negotiate with each other and exchange hostages!"

Xueshuangyue and xuecanglan all looked happy.

Lin Chen didn't answer. Instead, he asked several other guards of the "Reggae clan". Finally, he got the same answer from them.

Until then, Lin Chen just showed a smile.


This is a dark, extremely stuffy underground chamber, located at the bottom of the volcano. Not far from the door is a flowing lava River, like boiling water, constantly emitting bubbles and amazing heat. Ordinary people simply can't survive in this place.

In this secret room, there are a large number of important figures of the "Reggae clan", clan leaders, another Supreme Master, and several elders of the immortal realm. They are all here at the moment.

Lei Xu and several elders have just been sent here and have just learned about the clan leader's arrangement.

Lei Xu stood in front of the leader of the Lei ghost clan and said, "leader, do you really think Lei Changyi might fall into the hands of that boy?"

The leader of the leigui clan shook his head and said in a deep voice: "naturally, I wouldn't think that leichangyi might be defeated by an immortal realm, but it's possible that 'Tianren' found another helper, and leichangyi was defeated by that one!"

For a moment, Lei Xu and several elders frowned. It was really possible.

A pudgy elder said, "I think the clan leader's practice is infallible. In any case, it is a good move!"

Someone agreed: "yes, if the Tianren clan really has helpers in the supreme realm, they will not see MOTU to join them. Naturally, they know that MOTU has fallen into our hands, and most of them will come here to find out the information! When they see the guards patrolling outside, they will naturally want to talk from the guards.

However, they could not imagine that the memory of those guards had been changed by the clan leader. Even if they controlled the guards, the 'truth' they said was actually false!

Knowing that there are only three great perfect guards in the immortal realm, they will definitely want to come and save people! "

Someone smiled and nodded: "but they never thought that MOTU was not here at all. It was the patriarch himself who was waiting for them here! They came here and totally threw themselves into the net! I have to say, Jiang is still old and spicy. The move of the patriarch is really wonderful!"

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