From the guard's mouth, Lin Chen learned the exact location of MOTU's detention. With snow marks, he came to the crater of the volcano.

Standing in the dark red crater, he looked at the snow marks:

"Although it is said that there are only three immortal realms below, I am not afraid of tenthousand, just in case. I will put you in the God prison tower, and then go down to have a look alone."

Although Lin Chen had no doubt about the words of several guards, his long experience made him extremely cautious at all times.

Snow scar several people naturally have no opinion, listen to his arrangement, successively turn into streamers, and fly into the center of Lin Chen's eyebrows.

Lin Chen leaped down from the crater, fell for more than 1000 meters, and then suspended in the air. Below him was a red magma lake, emitting an amazing high temperature.

Lin Chen completely restrained his breath and looked around for a week. All he could see were uneven rock walls.

Not far ahead, there is a magma River 34 meters wide. On both sides of the river, there are places of 30 or 40 cm each, which is the only channel.

On seeing this, Lin Chen judged that it was unnecessary to release his mind and make a rash investigation. If MOTU was really trapped at the bottom of the volcano, he should be able to see the prison in the guard's mouth along the only channel.

Just as he was going to walk towards the passage, he sensed that there were several breath moving from the other side of the passage to this side.

One of these smells completely attracted Lin Chen's attention!

"It's the breath of the supreme. If you're right, it's the other of the three supreme beings of the thunder ghost clan, except leichangyi and the leader of the thunder ghost clan! I met the Lei GUI clan leader in his room.

What's more, the people around him are all immortal realm Da Yuanman. Doesn't it mean that there are only three immortal realm Da Yuanman guarding master Mo? Why are these guys here? They came here by chance and are about to leave now? "

Lin Chen was really surprised.

However, he was very clear that he could sense the breath of the other party at present, but even the supreme one at the same level could not sense himself.

Although Lin Chen was not disturbed, he fell on the magma lake below, like a huge stone slowly sinking into it, without making a sound, and disappeared without a trace in the twinkling of an eye.

Lei Xu and several elders came from the other side of the passage. As they walked, they stood in the air and stepped on the space above the lava river.

An elder walked along the sidewalk: "the patriarch is too cautious. If the Tianren people come, they will be lured here. There is a patriarch guarding here, and none of them will want to leave. Now you have specially asked the Supreme Master Lei Xu to go to his residence to guard MOTU instead of him, which is a bit superfluous."

Lei Xu said slowly, "as the leader of the clan, he naturally strives to be cautious and can't make any mistakes. We just need to follow his words and shouldn't talk more."

The elder hurriedly said, "the supreme Lei Xu said yes. The clan leader was considerate. It's my shortsightedness! Alas, it's the damn Tianren clan. The supreme Chang Yi hasn't returned yet. Don't do anything wrong. If something happens to him, it will be an incalculable loss to our Lei ghost clan!"


Several people said as they walked, walking higher and higher, like a flying immortal, walking towards the crater above.

When they disappeared from the crater, Lin Chen emerged from the magma lake. There was an invisible barrier around him, and the surrounding magma was pushed away by invisible forces.

Lin Chen's expression was gloomy. He had heard the conversation of the other party and guessed a lot.

Looking at the passage not far away, he whispered: "the Reggae clan leader is waiting for me here. Elder MOTU is imprisoned in the Reggae clan's nest. That is to say, this is just a trap that lures us to fall into the net?

Those guards are lying to me. The question is, how can they lie to me when their consciousness is under my control? "

Lin Chen was puzzled at first, but after thinking for a while, he probably understood what was going on.

What I can ask is the "truth" that the guards think, but the question is, if the "truth" of these guards is the wrong information provided to them from the beginning, but they think it is true?

"So, those guards are specially arranged around the mountains, waiting for us to ask them, and then cheat us here? The old man has already guessed that after we come here, the first step must be to find someone to inquire whether elder Mo has fallen into the hands of the Reggae clan!"

Lin Chen was amazed at the old fox's thoughtfulness and cunning, but he didn't feel afraid, because the Lei GUI clan leader wanted to break his head, but he didn't think that he dared to come here again because he thought he had the strength to compete with the other party!

The plan of the leader of the Reggae clan is to lure Lin Chen and others to run to him.

In fact, he doesn't use any tricks. As long as Lin Chen determines that Mo Tu is in the hands of the "thunder ghost clan", the next step is to meet the leader of the thunder ghost clan!

"Originally, even if you didn't do anything, I would go to you and exchange hostages with you. But now, I'm just not as good as you want!"

Lin Chen thought of something. His smile became very bright. He took his eyes back and quickly left the bottom of the volcano.

When he came outside, he released the middle-aged guard who had been included in the first floor of the divine prison tower and controlled him to lead the way for himself.

Before long, Lin Chen came to the valley where the Lei ghost family lived again.

He took the middle-aged guards back to the first floor of the divine prison tower and flew straight to the village where the thunder ghost people lived.

Several hundred meters away from the village gate, several guards next to the gate noticed Lin Chen and flew to Lin Chen.

At the front and back of Lin Chen's face, the chief guard shouted, "who are you? How did you appear here?"

Another guard looked at Lin Chen suspiciously: "how does this human feel a little familiar? It seems that he is the one who came with the guy of Tianren clan not long ago?"

Lin Chen smiled and said something that made the guards' faces change: "it's me, I'm back. This time, I'm back to take you all away!"

Before the guards made any response, their heads ached, their eyes darkened and they lost consciousness.

After Lin Chen collected them into the divine prison tower, he swaggered into the village and said to himself with a smile:

"If the leader of Lei GUI clan finds out later that not only Lei Changyi, but also the rest of the clan have all fallen into my hands and become my hostages! His expression should be wonderful?"

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