It's not just Lin Chen's doubts. The rest of the people saw that Gou Tingzhi didn't attack Lin Chen, but just cleaned up Gou Xun. They couldn't figure out what was going on.

Gou Xun was kicked out and rolled out on the ground like a wheel for a distance. After stopping, he vomited blood from his mouth and looked at Gou Tingzhi in horror: "my grandfather..."

"You have the face to call me!"

Gou Tingzhi's face was gloomy and he shouted angrily, "who asked you to capture the people of the Tianren clan to auction them? There is no hatred between the Leiyou divine realm and the Tianren clan. You should be damned if you do such a thing! Say! Who made you do this?"

Gou Xun turned pale and said: "heaven... The Tianren clan has declined, and many people are interested in them. They are willing to pay an amazing price to buy -"

"I'm asking you, who told you to do this? I don't want to hear your bullshit!" Gou Ting's cold voice.

Gou Xun lowered his head: "I feel that doing so can bring huge benefits to the Gou family..."

Gou Yangkai didn't seem to expect that after the arrival of the domain leader, he would scold Gou Xun. He quickly said, "master, Gou Xun did this for the sake of our Gou family. He -"

"Fart! For the sake of our family? From my point of view, he obviously uses this to gather various resources for his own cultivation! He just thinks for himself!"

One of Gou Ting said coldly, looking at Gou Yangkai, "don't speak for him. He can do this kind of thing. It has nothing to do with your connivance! I asked you to manage all the affairs of the divine realm instead of letting the people of the clan behave like this!"

Gou Yangkai did not expect that the other party would scold him, and Shanshan shut up.

Snow scar and snow frost Yue and others looked at each other for a few eyes. The situation in front of them was completely beyond their expectation.

Xue canglan frowned and said, "it seems that Gou Tingzhi doesn't know that Ziting auction will auction our Tianren people as slaves. As far as I know, Gou Tingzhi really put all his mind on cultivation many years ago. All the big and small affairs in the divine realm are managed by others."

Xue Shuangyue said angrily, "even if he doesn't know, so what? It's a fact that the Gou family auctioned our people as slaves. It can't be taken as never happened just because he doesn't know!"

Xue Xue Xiu frowned. Her thoughts were the same as those of Xue Shuangyue. Her anger was still hard to calm down, but she thought that if this matter continued to be investigated, Gou Tingzhi would have a big fight with Lin Chen, which would bring Lin Chen great trouble.

Lin Chen can compete with the middle of the supreme realm, but he may not be able to defeat Gou Tingzhi in the middle of the supreme realm. It is even possible that Lin Chen will have an accident in the end.

She didn't want Lin Chen to take too much risks, so she could only restrain her anger and keep silent.

Snow scar didn't open his mouth, but Lin Chen took the initiative to say: "if the so-called satisfied answer means simply scolding him, then I'm not satisfied with this answer!"

Gou Tingzhi looked at Lin Chen with a straight face and said: "we in the Leiyou divine realm had some friendship with the Tianren people in those days. Naturally, I have more to say to the Tianren people.

I will imprison him for millions of years, release all the Tianren clansmen in the Ziting auction house, and try to find them for you! So, are you satisfied? "

"No! No! Don't lock me up for millions of years, Grandpa. I know I'm wrong! Please -"

Gou Xun's face turned crazy. He immediately begged for mercy and was confined for millions of years, which means that unless he can become supreme in prison, he is doomed to die in a dark and humid cell.

The onlookers were also shocked by the punishment.

This is not just an act. Obviously Gou Tingzhi is really angry!

Before Gou Xun finished speaking, one of Gou Ting slapped him in the air and shot him out again. This time, Gou Xun fell to the ground, rolled his eyes and fainted directly.

"Master, this......"

Gou Yangkai wanted to help plead for mercy. Gou Tingzhi said coldly, "shut up!"

Lin Chen didn't feel sorry for Gou Xun at all, but the punishment of the other party was really not light.

He looked at xuescar. It was not up to him to decide whether he was satisfied with the answer, but to see what xuescar meant.

Seeing the snow mark nodding, he said: "then I'll trust you and do what you say."

Gou Tingzhi smiled: "don't worry, I always keep my word!"

He looked at the snow mark and sighed: "brother Xue kuangtian and I met each other a few times and admired him very much. I deeply regret what happened to the Tianren clan. Don't worry, I will help you find the Tianren clan people who were auctioned off at Ziting auction house!

You go to the imperial palace with me first, and I will immediately have someone arrange to bring the Tianren people from Ziting auction house to you. "

"No, we don't have to. We can just stay at the inn next to here."

Lin Chen looked at an inn next to him, and said in a flat voice, "I am a humble man, and I am not used to living in the magnificent place of the imperial palace. I am kind. Please bring out the Tianren people in Ziting auction house and give them to us immediately!"

Gou Tingzhi smiled bitterly, knowing that the other party still couldn't trust him. He was afraid that there would be an ambush when he went to the palace. He didn't force it. He looked at Gou Yangkai and said:

"Go and bring out the Tianren people in Ziting auction house."

Snow scar and snow frost Yue were waiting.

After a while, a pair of men and women were brought out. The men were sixteen or seventeen years old and the women were only eleven or twelve years old. They looked like brothers and sisters.

The two men were brought out by Gou Yangkai and several bodyguards. Their eyes were full of fear, like small animals that had been imprisoned for a long time.

Their eyes were full of surprise when they saw the snow marks.

Snow scar had no impression on them. After all, there were many Tianren people in those days. She didn't know every one of them, but any Tianren people knew the existence of snow scar, and the appearance of snow scar was also engraved in their minds.

Even in the Tianren clan, where both men and women are outstanding, every time snow marks appear, they still stand out from the crowd. No one can forget her.

Although the appearance of the snow mark at present is much more mature than that at that time, she can still be easily recognized.


"Miss snow trace!"

The two surprised and ran to the snow scar. The man was calm and the little girl's eyes were red.

Snow trace took her hand, and she sobbed. She didn't know how many wrongs she had suffered.

"These two people are the people of Tianren clan who were originally going to auction in a few days by Ziting auction house." Gou Yangkai said.

Lin Chen looked at them and asked, "are there any other Tianren people in there?"

Gou Yangkai's forehead is green with veins. The boy is too arrogant. It doesn't matter if you don't believe us, but can't you go back and ask again?

If you have to ask in front of us, you obviously don't take us seriously!

The boy looked at Lin Chen curiously and shook his head to show that he was not in there and had seen other Tianren people.

Linchen, Xuecheng and others took them to the Inn and opened several rooms. Gou Tingzhi personally sent them to the inn, showing great sincerity.

"Then I will go back first. Once there is news from other Tianren clansmen, I will come and inform you immediately!" After Gou Tingzhi arranged everything properly, he said goodbye to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen was still hesitating. When he wanted to exchange the "Yan magic armor" with the other party, someone had spoken first.

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