"Lord Gou, please stay. We came here to exchange something with you."

Snow scar doesn't want Lin Chen to delay his own affairs because of the Tianren clan. Seeing that Lin Chen hasn't said that he wants to exchange the most valuable weapon with the other party, he takes the initiative to say it.

"Exchange things?"

Gou Tingzhi was surprised and said curiously, "do you know what you want to exchange with me?"

Seeing the snow Mark said it, Lin Chen took out the "Xuan Lei holy armor" on his own initiative. After seeing the "Xuan Lei holy armor" suspended in the air, Gou Tingzhi's pupil contracted and said in surprise: "is this?"

"The most noble weapon, 'Xuan Lei holy armor'! Have you heard of it?" Lin Chen asked.

"Xuan Lei holy armor!"

Gou Tingzhi's face changed and he said in disbelief, "to tell you the truth, it is very difficult for me to continue to improve my realm and strength. At this time, I will naturally be very interested in foreign objects that can improve my combat power!

What I understand is the law of thunder. Naturally, I have some understanding of the 'Xuan Lei holy armor', a supreme treasure. It's not that I don't believe you, but as far as I know, 'xuanlei holy armor' is in the hands of the Reggae clan, which is the same as the Tianren clan as the seven source clan!

All the people of the Reggae clan understand the law of thunder. It is absolutely impossible to hand over the 'mysterious thunder holy armor' to others! "

Lin Chen interrupted his words and said: "you said so much, but you suspected that the 'Xuan Lei holy armor' was false? In that case, you went into some careful observation, and it was true or false. Can't you see it by yourself?"

Gou Tingzhi doesn't care about Lin Chen's unfriendly attitude. He has been excited for a long time. He immediately steps forward and observes carefully.

He noticed that around the "Xuan Lei holy armor", the law of thunder and lightning was affected to some extent, and there was a sense of indestructibility. In the armor, there was an amazing smell of destruction.

Instantly, his heart beat faster!

"It seems that this is really 'Xuan Lei holy armor', but it should be in the hands of the Reggae clan?" Gou Tingzhi's eyes were hot and misty.

"You mean, it should belong to the thunder ghost clan, so you are not interested, and you dare not be interested?" Lin Chen's tone was bland, giving people the feeling that he did not have to exchange with each other.

He knows very well that the more he wants to negotiate with others or exchange anything, the more he needs to be calm, so that he won't be led by the other side.

"Hahaha! You're kidding, my friend. The Reggae clan is not easy to provoke, but is it easy to provoke us in the Leiyou divine realm?

I don't beat around the bush. I'm very interested in it! I don't know. What do you want to exchange? If what I expected is right, it should be to exchange my 'Yan magic armor'? "

Gou Ting smiled.

What the other party wanted to exchange, he thought about it and knew that only because there was only one "Yan magic armor" in his hand, which was at the same level as the "xuanlei holy armor".

It's really a tangle to have a supreme treasure that everyone admires but he can't use. Gou Tingzhi wanted to exchange the "Yan magic armor" for a treasure of the same level that he can use. The problem is that the supreme treasure is so rare that it is even less suitable for him. Over the years, he can't replace the "Yan magic armor" with a suitable treasure.

Although he doesn't want to provoke the thunder ghost clan, if he can get the "Xuan Lei holy armor", he will not hesitate to offend the thunder ghost clan.

Lin Chen nodded: "yes, it is' Yan magic armor '!"

Gou Tingzhi smiled and stopped talking nonsense. A dark red thing flew out of his space ring.

This is a dark red armor. The material is carved from some dark red rock. The surface of the armor has dark red lines. It looks messy, but it seems to conform to some laws. It has a very mysterious feeling.

With the appearance of armor, the temperature in the room rose sharply.

The space next to the armor is slightly twisted, like the plastic that is about to melt. When staring at the armor, there will be an ancient, hot and thick feeling in my heart.

"Is this the Yan magic armor?"

Lin Chen's eyes lit up. Even though he was still calm, he was already breathing fast. Obviously, he was eager to get a treasure that could be used!

Gou Tingzhi smiled and nodded.

Before long, one of Gou Ting came out of the inn with a smile on his face. Gou Yangkai and several others were waiting for him outside the inn. Seeing that he was in a good mood, they didn't understand what was going on.

"Domain master -"

One of the elders was about to speak when gou Tingzhi interrupted him.

"If you have anything to say, you can talk about it when you go back to the palace!"


After returning to the main hall in the Imperial Palace, Gou Tingzhi turned to look at Gou Yangkai and said: "you want to ask, why do I still take them seriously, even if I want to confine Gou Xun for millions of years, since the Tianren clan has obviously declined?"

Gou Yangkai nodded.

Gou Tingzhi really never asked about the Tianren clan, but they all know that the intelligence network in the divine domain is in the hands of the domain master. Any disturbance will never escape the domain master's eyes.

Gou Xun must have known about the auction of the Terran. If he didn't stop it, he would acquiesce in it.

In the past, he was directly divorced from Gou Xun. It felt like he was afraid of the Revenge of the Tianren clan. The problem was that the Tianren clan was now in decline. They really didn't understand why gou Tingzhi wanted to do so.

Gou Zheng sneered: "you have been in the Leiyou divine realm for too long, so you don't feel any sense of crisis. I'm not afraid of the Tianren clan, but I'm afraid of the boy's details. I don't want to make a rash move until I know the boy's details!"

"The boy?"

Gou Yangkai knew that the boy in the other party's mouth was the Terran youth who had previously let himself eat. He wondered:

"That kid is a leader in the early days of the supreme realm. How could he be your opponent! Why do you take him seriously?"

"Does the domain leader doubt that there is any powerful power behind that boy? After all, he looks so young, but he is already the supreme one!" Someone thought of something and asked aloud.

Gou Yangkai was shocked. Yes, the means that the boy used to suppress his own strength was at least comparable to the supreme magic skill of middle grade. He is also a human being. He looks so young, and there may be a terrorist force behind him!

At present, the Tianren clan is not afraid, but the forces behind that boy may not be so easy to provoke?

Anyway, it's always right to be cautious!

Then he realized why gou Tingzhi said that he had to find out the details of the boy first.

Gou Tingzhi suddenly smiled and said, "I didn't want to interfere in the affairs between the magic eye clan and the Tianren clan. But now it seems that it's time to send the news of their presence here to the magic eye clan."

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