"A quiet chamber of secrets?" Gou Ting was stunned. It seems that it is still a troublesome thing to remove the "ghost killing seal", but it is not surprising. After all, the "ghost killing seal" is a powerful means given by chaos origin to Lei GUI family. It is difficult to deal with it. It is no longer normal


"You come with me!"

He took Lin Chen away from the hall. On the way, the breath kept Lin Chen locked. He was not a fool, and he was cautious. The "Xuan Lei holy armor" was put away by Lin Chen. Naturally, he was always on guard against Lin Chen leaving in front of him.

Fortunately, Lin Chen was honest and had no change.

Before long, they came to the front of a secret room.

Gou Zheng said: "we have some alchemists and tool makers in our Gou family. This secret room is a place for tool refining. You need a quiet secret room, which is very suitable for you."

Lin Chen nodded, walked into the secret room and looked at the layout inside.

The layout inside is very simple. There are some weapon refining materials on several stone shelves. Obviously, as Gou Tingzhi said, this is a place for weapon refining.

Lin Chen looked at Gou Tingzhi and said, "go and call some people in. Wait a while. You can help me."

Gou Tingzhi turned his eyes and said with a smile, "since you need someone to fight, I might as well do it by myself?"

Lin Chen shook his head. "It's OK. It's not appropriate for the Lord of the hall to give me a hand."

"Ha ha! What's wrong? You came here specially to remove the 'ghost killing seal' on the 'Xuan Lei holy armor' for me. For the sake of Gou, I am very grateful to help. That's right!" Gou Tingzhi smiled.

Lin Chen sighed, He said helplessly: "Lord Gou, do you have to make me so clear? The 'Xuan Lei holy armor' is in my hand. I naturally understand that you want to stare at it all the time. The problem is that after a while, all my mind will be used to remove the 'ghost killing seal' and let a person with a higher level stand beside me. It means that as long as you think, I will die at any time! I don't believe you, but

I am not willing to take the risk.

What are you really worried about? Staring outside the room, is it difficult for me to suddenly disappear from here? You brought me here. There should be many array boundaries around here. There is no need to worry! "


To gou Tingzhi's surprise, Lin Chen suddenly spoke so plainly and sharply that he couldn't help smiling awkwardly. He really couldn't trust the other party, so he wanted to stare aside.

Since he doesn't trust each other, naturally he can't blame the other party for being on guard against him and not wanting him to stand beside him.

He thought to himself that what the other party said was right. He was staring outside. Anyway, this guy could not disappear out of thin air.

Besides, doesn't he need someone to fight? I just arranged several confidants to go in and watch!

After making up his mind, Gou Ting said helplessly, "brother Lin, you really think too much. I don't mean that. Since you don't think I'm suitable for watching, I'll go to find some people for you right away."

Before long, several people came here. Gou Tingzhi told them to help inside, and then left the secret room.

These people were smart enough to be found by him. Gou Tingzhi winked at them, and they knew what they were doing here.

Gou Tingzhi waited outside. His eyes fell on the door of the secret room. As soon as the door was closed, he immediately released his mind and locked the breath of Lin Chen in the secret room.

Immediately, Lin Chen's sarcastic voice came from the secret room: "Lord Gou, can't you trust me so?"

Gou Tingzhi's face froze, and he hurriedly took back his mind. In his heart, he said that the boy's realm was under his own, and he could immediately sense that he had locked him with his mind?

Although he doubted that the other party was deceiving himself, he did not infiltrate his mind into the chamber of secrets after all, but covered all the surrounding areas of the chamber of secrets.

As soon as Lin Chen leaves the secret room, he can feel it in an instant!

"Am I too paranoid? Maybe he just came to remove the" ghost killing seal "for the" Xuan Lei holy armor "

Gou Tingzhi murmured to himself.

He also realized that maybe it was because he was not kind to the people of the Tianren clan, so he always felt that the other party might also have some conspiracy.

Half an hour later, the door of the secret room was opened and a middle-aged man came out.

The middle-aged man is one of the few people Gou Tingzhi arranged to go in and fight Lin Chen!

Seeing that the middle-aged man closed the door of the secret room, he walked towards this side. Gou Tingzhi met him at the first time and asked in a low voice, "did he let you out?"

The middle-aged man nodded and said respectfully: "tell the master that he asked me to buy some materials for him to refine utensils. He said that if we want to remove the 'ghost killing seal', we need to use these materials! He, he also said..."

"What else did he say?" Gou Tingzhi asked.

The middle-aged man said, "he also said that after leaving the secret room, domain leader will come to me and ask me to report everything truthfully. He also said that he would show you the list of items he needs, so that you wouldn't doubt what he is trying to do."

With that, he handed a list to gou Tingzhi.

Gou Tingzhi was embarrassed, but he still took the list and looked at it.

The above are several common refining materials.

Gou Tingzhi returned the list to the middle-aged man and asked, "what did he do in it?"

Middle aged man: "he took his armor and studied it. He said that he wanted to determine some details before he could start. After studying for a while, he asked me to buy the materials he needed.

He said that the key points for removing the 'ghost killing print' have been determined. Now, just get these materials and you can start removing the 'ghost killing print'! "

"In that case, go and find these materials quickly! Don't buy them outside the palace. Go directly to the refining room. There must be all the materials on this list!"

Gou Tingzhi didn't doubt that he was there. He told the middle-aged people to go early and return early. Don't waste time because of anything.


The middle-aged man answered and turned to leave. However, just a few steps later, Gou Tingzhi's voice came from behind.


"Domain master, you are......"

The middle-aged man turned his head and saw Gou Tingzhi staring at him sharply.

Gou Ting looked at him up and down, and said, "I heard that there are some methods in the world that can completely change their appearance and posture, and make themselves completely different! Only the breath can not be changed anyway!"

The middle-aged man's face changed: "adult, do you doubt that I was changed by the man inside?"

Gou Tingzhi said coldly, "don't be afraid of 10000, just in case. It's always right to be careful! Stand still and let me feel your breath!" With that, the majestic thoughts came out from his eyebrows and shrouded the middle-aged man!

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