The middle-aged man can only be obedient, stand still and let Gou Tingzhi check his breath.

After a while, Gou Tingzhi took back his mind and said, "breath is OK. But it doesn't rule out that you may have been controlled by him. What you just said may not be true!"

With the sound falling, the middle-aged man found that Gou Tingzhi's eyes seemed to become two huge whirlpools, like trying to pull his soul out of his body. In an instant, he was dizzy, and then his expression became dull.

After controlling the middle-aged man, Gou Tingzhi asked the previous questions again. After getting the same answer, Gou Tingzhi woke the middle-aged man up.

"You can go now. Go and come back quickly!" The way of gouting.

"Yes!" The middle-aged man turned and left.

Gou Tingzhi looked at the closed door of the secret room and said to himself:

"It seems that I am a little too sensitive. However, be careful. This boy always gives me a sense of tact. I must not take it lightly! I hope you'd better wait for the people of the demon eye clan to come. If you want to fight me, you're still too young!"

There is a special tool refining room in the imperial palace. The tool refiners of the Gou family usually stay there. If the Gou family needs a tool refiner to help them refine weapons, they go there to find someone.

There is also a treasure house where there are various kinds of refining materials. The refining materials listed by Lin Chen are very common, so Gou Tingzhi asked middle-aged people to go directly to the refining room to avoid wasting time.

The middle-aged man walked quickly towards the tool refining room, recalled his previous experience, and whispered:

"The domain leader was a little too cautious. He was so wary of that guy. How could he dare to mess around in front of the domain leader if he had the courage to do so?"

"He doesn't have the skill to kill me."

A voice suddenly sounded.


The middle-aged man was startled. At this time, he was walking in an empty alley. Suddenly, the sound made him look back and forth nervously, but he didn't see anyone.

"No! The sound just now seems to come from my arms? How can it be! Can I still hide someone in my arms?"

Although the middle-aged man thought it impossible, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that the voice just now seemed to come from his arms. He reached out and groped in his arms.

"Eh! What is this?"

It really made the middle-aged man find something in his arms.

"When did I have a space ring in my arms? How could I have no memory at all?" The middle-aged man was full of fog. He really didn't know what was going on.

He only has a space ring, which is now on his hand. That is to say, this space ring belongs to someone else.

And he confirmed that he had never stolen other people's space ring, and then put it in his arms. The only explanation: this space ring was put in his arms by others while he didn't know it!

Thinking of the sudden sound just now, the middle-aged man finally realized something. His eyes were round. His performance was like that an ordinary man found himself holding a bomb and was so scared that he immediately threw away the space ring.


But it was late.

Bang -!

The space ring makes a muffled sound and dissipates into dust, just like a castle piled up with sand and scattered in the wind.

The middle-aged man's pupils contracted and saw a dark tower the size of a palm appear in front of him. Immediately, his soul felt a sharp tingling. Then, he was unconscious and fell to the ground with a plop.

While the Dark Tower appeared, a figure appeared in front of him, but he fainted before he could see it.

Lin Chen grabs the divine prison tower and throws it at his eyebrows. The divine prison tower turns into a streamer and escapes into his eyebrows.

He glanced at the surrounding environment, turned his mouth around, and said to himself, "it seems that everything is going well. I also thought that if it doesn't go well, I will inevitably have to fight Gou Tingzhi. Although I don't have the confidence to defeat him, I should be able to do it if I just want him to escape in front of him who has never had the most valuable weapon."

Lin Chen controlled the consciousness of the middle-aged man. From his mouth, he learned the route to the gate of the imperial palace. When he came out of the alley, he had become a middle-aged man and swaggered towards the exit of the imperial palace.

"Gou Tingzhi never thought that there was a divine prison tower on me that could completely help me hide my breath! So he wouldn't think that I didn't control his men. I just hid in the divine prison tower and used his men to take us out on the way! Just leave in front of him. This wonderful function of the divine prison tower has really helped me a lot!"

In fact, the strength of the middle-aged man is not weak. He is a strong man at the peak of the immortal realm, but he is really not good enough in front of the supreme Lin Chen.

Don't say that Lin Chen just wants to put some things on him without knowing it. It's easy for him to kill him without knowing it.

Of course, the divine prison tower cannot be directly placed in the arms of middle-aged people. After all, there is a palm sized thing in the arms. How can it not be felt?

Therefore, he first put the God prison tower in a space ring, and then put the space ring in the arms of middle-aged people.

When the middle-aged man turned to open the door to leave the secret room, he immediately solved the other people in the secret room, and then entered the space ring in the middle-aged man's arms.

The inner space of the space ring could not accommodate living creatures, but Lin Chen moved from the inner space of the space ring to the inner space of the divine prison tower in a flash. In a flash, the inner space of the space ring would not collapse.

Lin Chen had already prepared for the worst, that is, there was an accident in the middle, so he had to fight with gou Tingzhi.

Fortunately, however, things are not going in a bad direction!

Gou Tingzhi waited outside the secret room for half an hour. He was completely impatient. It was not that Lin Chen had not come out of the secret room for so long, but that the middle-aged man had not come back for so long!

"That fool, obviously told him to go and return quickly. How can he go to the refining room? It takes so long?"

Gou Tingzhi was so angry that he ordered his men to go down to find the middle-aged man and ask him to get back quickly.

Before long, the middle-aged man was brought to him, but he was stunned before he could scold the other party, because the middle-aged man was in a coma!

"Report to Lord Yu. When we found him, he was lying in an alley and had passed out in a coma!" The bodyguard reported.

Gou Tingzhi froze and turned pale. Suddenly, he shouted, rushed to the door of the secret room and kicked the door open. When he saw the situation inside, his eyes darkened!

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