In the calm hall, the wind roared like a storm. The blue air flow condensed into the image of Mo Tu in front of Li Xiuxian. He held a long blue staff and threw it at Li Xiuxian!

"Nine days of wind!"

As the long staff smashed into Li Xiuxian, a sharp voice sounded, and the long green staff in Li Xiuxian's hand was shining. The world was shaking violently, as if it could not bear the power of this staff and might collapse at any time.

Facing this terrible blow, Li Xiuxian hissed. His right palm became dark and filled with black air. Then his flesh swelled and was very ferocious, like a devil's claw, and he grabbed the long green staff that hit him!


A loud noise!

Li Xiuxian had cracks in the ground under his feet, but he did not move as fast as a mountain. Unexpectedly, he blocked MOTU's blow with his hands.

The long green staff was caught by him, and he smiled scornfully at the corners of his mouth. He stared at Mo Tu and said, "you are far from fighting me."

As soon as he pulled his right hand, MOTU flew towards him, loosened the long staff, and the palm was like an eagle's claw, so he wanted to grasp MOTU's heart. However, before the palm reached MOTU's chest, his face changed, and he turned around in an instant and clapped it with one hand!

Lin Chen didn't know when he appeared behind him. The Xuanyuan gun wrapped around the black flame and stabbed him at the back of his heart!


Xuanyuan's spear tip collided with Li Xiuxian's palm.

"Divine fire?"

Li Xiuxian was surprised that the black flame on the opponent's long gun made his palm feel burning. Not surprisingly, it was not only divine fire, but also definitely ranked on the list of divine fire.

"Hum! What about the divine fire? You, a human being in the early days of the supreme realm, dare to be presumptuous in front of me. You're looking for death!"

"Black bone devil's palm!"

His right palm changed again, and it was much larger. The thick bones almost cracked the skin and looked very terrible.

Li Xiuxian sneered and held the Xuanyuan spear tip with his palm!

When Lin Chen was about to take the long gun, his body turned into a dark flame, and his breath rose sharply, making Li Xiuxian's heart jump.

"Secret method?"


Li Xiuxian was shocked. A sharp pain came from his palm. He turned into a black fog and disappeared. He suddenly appeared more than ten meters away.

He looked at Lin Chen, whose eyes turned into black flames, and then looked at his palm. His face was very ugly.

There was a blood hole in the palm of his hand. The whole palm was burned to pieces. You can see the bones like black spar inside!

"I underestimated you, Terran imp! I thought MOTU was the main force of the two of you. Unexpectedly, your strength should be higher than MOTU!"

Li Xiuxian stared at Lin Chen, and his voice was angry.

The flesh of his right palm wriggled and soon recovered. This little injury was nothing to him at all, but it was a great shame to be hurt by a Terran whose level was lower than his own!


A long dark sword appeared in front of him.

The space behind him began to distort and evolved into a starry sky. Lin Chen and Mo Tu were covered with terrible pressure, which made them feel as if their hands and feet were bound by invisible silk threads. It was very difficult to move. MOTU looked dignified and said, "be careful! This guy is going to use his real skills. They are the magic eye clan, and they have the most superior magic skills. If I guessed right, his cards should be the special means and skills that the magic eye clan is born with

Zhongpin supreme magic skill! Never be careless. "

Even if he joined hands with Lin Chen, Mo Tu had no confidence to defeat Li Xiuxian. If he had a choice, he would choose to run away with Lin Chen separately.

The problem is that the snow mark is still in the "destiny stone gate". If the two of them escape, the snow mark will surely fall into the hands of the evil eye clan.

That is to say, there is no retreat at the moment, only a desperate battle!

Lin Chen nodded. Hearing that the other party should master a middle-class supreme skill, his heart was also a little heavy.

"I am for the world!"

Almost at the same time, the space behind him and MOTU began to distort, evolving stars, which were the external manifestation of the inner world.

The appearance of the starry sky and stars overlapped with the mountains and rocks behind them, making it difficult to distinguish between the actual and the actual.


Lin Chen drinks low.

The divine prison tower appeared in the origin of the world behind him. The golden light filled the hall. Li Xiuxian had a huge tower shadow.

Above the huge tower, there is a big character - "prison"!

Li Xiuxian felt a terrible energy enveloping him. This energy could not suppress him, but it brought him great pressure. He estimated that he could only play 70% of his real combat power when he was fighting with others!

"What is this means, the supreme skill of the middle class?"

Li Xiuxian was not aware of the divine prison tower in the origin of the world behind Lin Chen. He was a little surprised and was really scared.

As Li Xiuxian was suppressed, MOTU felt that the pressure from Li Xiuxian was much less. He was relieved and finally had the confidence to work with Li Xiuxian.

Just as Lin Chen and Mo Tu were about to attack again, xuehantian's voice for help came from one side.

"I can't beat him alone. Come and help me!"

Lin Chen and Mo Tu look at Xuehan sky.

When they were fighting, xuehantian and Li Yao had already fought. At this time, they formed a confrontation. Li Yao sneered. Xuehantian had a ferocious wound on his chest. It was bloody. He had been badly hurt.


Seeing this scene, Mo Tu could not help scolding. He thought that xuehantian could hold Li Yao back even if he was defeated by Li Yao.

But I didn't expect that xuehantian would be badly hit in such a short time. If Li Yao came to help Li Xiuxian after defeating xuehantian, he would have no advantage in number of people on his own side, and was doomed to have no chance of winning!

Lin Chen also secretly scolded xuehantian, but it was useless to get angry at this time, so he told Mo Tu:

"Master Mo, you go and help him! I'll hold the old guy down. You two can quickly solve Li Yao, and then the three of us will have a better chance of winning against the old guy!"

MOTU's eyes lit up. Yes, if he and xuehantian quickly cleaned up Li Yao, and the three men besieged Li Xiuxian at that time, wouldn't the odds be much better?

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated. He disappeared from his place and went to support xuehantian.


Just after Lin Chen said this, the dark fog was like a long knife. It blew him away and hit the rock wall behind him. The whole hall shook violently and the gravel fell from above!

Li Xiuxian looked at the rubble that had buried Lin Chen and sneered: "you are trying to kill me if you dare to distract and talk with me. Hold me back? Believe it or not, I will kill you before the two of them work together to defeat Li Yao!"

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