
The rubble buried by Lin Chen exploded, and a figure rushed out of it. It was Lin Chen. At this time, he was covered in dark red armor, and his face was as usual. It was obvious that Li Xiuxian's blow just now could not hurt him.

Li Xiuxian showed an unbelievable look on his face. He didn't hold his hand just now. As a result, the guy fought hard and didn't hurt at all?

Performed the supreme defense skill?


It will take some time to perform the supreme skill, and it is impossible to have no movement at all!

His eyes fell on the dark red armor on Lin Chen's body surface, and soon thought of something. His mind shook, and he was surprised: "is this the 'Yan magic armor' of Gou Tingzhi, the leader of the Leiyou God domain?"

He immediately thought that the magic eye family had heard that the remnant of the "Tianren" was in the Leiyou God domain. As a result, he took people there himself, but he threw himself into the air.

I thought it was a fake message from who. Now it seems that the message should be true. It's just that these guys took the lead to leave before they brought people to Ziting city. Moreover, they even stole Gou Tingzhi's "Yan magic armor"?

No, "Yan magic armour" is a supreme treasure. Although Gou Tingzhi can't use it, he must carry it with him. How could it fall into this guy's hands?

Li Xiuxian had many problems in his mind. He didn't have time to think about them, so he put away many distractions and looked at Lin Chen, who was still high in the air, saying:

"To have a defensive treasure is to hold you in my hands for a while at most. It will not have any impact on the final outcome! You are still far from my opponent."

Lin Chen didn't answer. "Sword fire wings" appeared behind him. At the same time, star illusions appeared in all directions of Li Xiuxian.

Lin Chen disappeared, a star illusion appeared behind Li Xiuxian, turned into a black light, and the Xuanyuan spear stabbed Li Xiuxian in the head!


Space is like cloth and silk easily torn!

Li Xiuxian found that the opponent's speed had improved a lot. He guessed that the wings behind Lin Chen were the same baby. His eyelids jumped. There were really a lot of good things on this boy.

As he turned around, he stabbed his long sword out of his hand and collided with the Xuanyuan gun. With a loud clang, Lin Chen turned his body. The wings of the "sword fire divine wing" like a sword blade were cut off from Li Xiuxian's chest!

Li Xiuxian gave a cold snort: "ghosts are everywhere!"

In the hall, the wind was blowing. His body was like black smoke, and a shadow formed by a black fog appeared behind Lin Chen. He stabbed Lin Chen with a long sword. Lin Chen was too fast to react. The sharp sword stabbed on the "Yan magic armor" and made a loud noise.

Lin Chen flew to the front with a red face.

Although most of the power of this sword was removed by the "Yan magic armour", the rest of it still made his blood surge and hurt all over!

"You are very strong. If I were at the same level as you, I'm afraid I wouldn't be your opponent at all. I'm a little interested in you! Anyway, you're not a member of the 'heaven and man' family, so you might as well give up the darkness and serve my 'magic eye' family. How about that?"

Li Xiuxian looked at Lin Chen with fierce eyes, and his face showed some appreciation.

"Abandon the darkness and turn to the light?"

Although Lin Chen fell into the downwind, his fearless momentum was not affected at all, and he sneered at his words:

"You demon eye clan, understand the law of darkness, just like a mouse living in a smelly ditch without seeing the sun. It's not like abandoning the dark to the light to take refuge in you. It's almost like abandoning the light to the dark!"

"You may as well abandon the secret to the open, or you may as well abandon the open to the dark. Now you have two choices in front of you. Do you want to die with the people of the 'Heavenly and human race', or do you want to serve me?"

Li Xiuxian looked calm and thought he was in control of the absolute initiative.

"I choose to let you die!"

Lin Chen drank coldly, and the flames in his eyes leaped. The stars behind him and the source of the world turned into a river of energy and converged on him. The Xuanyuan gun ignited a black flame.

The Xuanyuan gun turned into a streamer, set off a violent heat wave, and shot away at Li Xiuxian!

Soul flame killer gun!

"Supreme skill?"

Li Xiuxian had a little more dignity in his eyes.

His palms were placed in front of him in a parallel posture, his five fingers were close together and slightly bent, and the black long sword was suspended between his palms.

The stars behind him and the source of the world also flew out of the river of energy. Black energy poured out of his hands and converged on the long sword.

At the beginning, the tip of the long sword pointed downward, and the back looked like a fierce beast looking up. The tip of the sword slowly pointed to Lin Chen, emitting a fierce and sharp smell of destruction.

"The ghost sword dragon is broken!"


The earth shaking sound of the Dragon sounded, and the long sword flew straight to Lin Chen. The dark fog turned into a black dragon, with teeth and claws open!

What he did was also a inferior and supreme skill!

At the moment when the Xuanyuan gun collided with the black sword, time and space seemed to be at a standstill, and then there was the terrible big explosion. In an instant, the main hall collapsed, and pieces of rubble fell. Then in an instant, the rubble was twisted into powder by the energy afterwaves, and was blown to the sky by the strong wind!

When the dust settled, the main hall had been damaged to a bad shape. All the rocks above the head disappeared. When you looked up, you could see the sky. Snowflakes were falling from the sky.

Lin Chen retreated for a while and looked at the "destiny stone gate". He was relieved to see that although the hall was destroyed, the "destiny stone gate" was still intact.

"Next, I'll show my best. I want to see if you can stop it!"

Li Xiuxian's gloomy voice sounded, and he pushed Lin Chen with his palm.

This palm seemed ordinary, but Lin Chen's heart seemed to be gripped by one hand, and a strong sense of fear appeared in his heart, even making him feel a little hard to breathe!

"Zhongpin supreme magic skill?" Lin Chen's eyelids jumped wildly.

Li Xiu envied the starry sky behind him, filled with black fog, and condensed into a demon God several kilometers high.

The demon God had a ferocious face and fierce eyes. He pushed his palm towards Lin Chen. The black fog rushed towards Lin Chen like a long river, turning into a huge mark halfway!

Time and space seem to be obliterated by this terrible mark. Everything has lost its color. Everything between heaven and earth seems to have disappeared, leaving only a huge dark mark flying towards the forest.

Lin Chen took a deep breath, and his right arm changed. The surface had a hard texture, which made the arm like a crystal forged, and immediately lit a black flame.

The violent energy flew from the stars and gathered on him.

The palm of the hand is blooming with dazzling red light, and a slowly rotating red pattern appears out of thin air!

Lin Chen clapped it out.


Above the sky, there was a terrible whirlpool of air flow, which turned into a dark flame. A huge pattern formed by the condensation of black flame slowly turned!

With the explosion of the pattern, nine flame fingerprints with a width of tens of thousands of meters, such as nine stars falling, hit Li Xiuxian one after another!

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