Li Xiuxian quickly calmed down after the initial shock and anger, and looked at Lin Chen who rushed to him. He didn't feel nervous at all, and even showed some disdain in his eyes.

Let alone defeat himself in a quarter of an hour. In his opinion, even if he can only play half of his combat power, it is enough to hit the other side again.

He has enough confidence to believe that he cannot lose to a human being whose realm is not as good as his own.

"Jue Xian Yin! Go!"

With a cold drink, the "Jue Xian Yin" in his hand flew to Lin Chen and rose in the wind. When he came to Lin Chen, the "Jue Xian Yin", which was only the size of a palm, had become like a towering mountain.

"Dahua Tianwei palm!"

When he took the shot, Lin Chen naturally did not wait to die. He clapped it with his palm, and the palm again burst into red light. The slowly rotating red pattern appeared in front of the palm.


Above the sky, the air flow turns into a dark flame. A huge pattern formed by the condensation of black flame turns slowly!

With the explosion of the pattern, nine flame fingerprints with a width of tens of thousands of meters, such as nine stars falling, hit Li Xiuxian one after another!

"Stupid! Even if my current combat power is not as good as before, I can still easily block your intermediate supreme skill! It's a daydream to defeat me."

Li Xiuxian had expected that the other side would fight back like this. He couldn't help laughing,

All the black rivers, after themselves, the stars rushed to him again.

"Nine Youming King's seal!"

He pushed his palm towards the sky, and the stars behind him were filled with black fog, which condensed into a demon God up to several kilometers, and clapped his palm to the sky!

Black weapons, such as the torrent of dike breaking, roared out of the hand of the demon God and turned into a black mark, which looked like a huge shield pushed into the sky.

Block the nine palm prints falling from the sky!

Li Xiuxian was confident that the "nine Youming King seal" could easily block the opponent's attack, so he did not look at the sky, but looked at Lin Chen.

This time, Lin Chen had enough time to react. After performing the "Dahua Tianwei palm", he faced the "Jue Xian Yin" not far from the front. He roared, like Pangu breaking new ground. The Xuanyuan spear cleaved in front and collided with the mountain like "Jue Xian Yin"!


Lin Chen's face turned red, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood. He flew to the rear, "Jue Xian Yin" stopped.

Li Xiuxian sneers at Lin Chen's injury, but soon finds something wrong.

"Even if my strength is suppressed again at present, the 'Jue Xian Yin' should still be enough to severely hurt him. How could he stop me, and he was only slightly injured?"

Instantly, his heart beat wildly!

There is only one answer to this question, that is, Lin Chen's strength has been greatly improved than before!

Strength improvement?

Li Xiuxian's eyes are round!

He looked at the snow mark holding the scepter. He was shocked. Could it be that the scepter could not only suppress his own strength, but also improve the boy's strength?

This ebbs and flows, which leads to the "Jue Xian Yin" being blocked?


Over his head came the sound of an explosion.

When Li Xiuxian looked up, he saw that the black mark had burst, nine flame palms had been offset, and the remaining three flame palms had been smashed at him!

"No! How could this be?"

This time, the "nine Youming King's seal" failed to defuse the opponent's offensive!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The three palms suddenly reached Li Xiuxian's head.

Li Xiuxian shouted angrily, "Jue Xian Yin" turned into a black light and flew into his hand. Obviously, he wanted to use "Jue Xian Yin" to block the attack. As soon as he was about to lift the "Jue Xian Yin", three palm prints hit him one after another!

Li Xiuxian's mouth was full of blood. He was hit on the ground by the palm print. The earth shook and sand flew away, as if the end had come!

Lin Chen still looked at Xue scar in disbelief. Just now he suddenly found that his strength had been greatly improved. He was also shocked. There is no doubt that he was influenced by the scepter in Xue scar's hand.

His eyes were shining and he rushed down to kill Li Xiuxian.

And at this time, the rich darkness emerged from below and spread in all directions!

Lin Chen's expression changed. He still rushed down, and soon rushed into the darkness. He could not see the surrounding scenery with his naked eyes, and his mind could not check the situation in the distance. He rushed to the bottom of the pit on the ground with his memory.

When he reached the bottom of the pit, he found that the surrounding area was empty, leaving only a large amount of blood on the ground.

Lin Chen held his breath and thought that Li Xiuxian would attack him again. However, a moment later, the darkness receded like a tide, and Li Xiuxian disappeared without a trace!


Lin Chen frowned, looked down at the ground, and judged that the other party should have rushed into the ground and absconded underground.

He hesitated and did not choose to pursue.

First, the side effects of the secret method will come soon. Second, I will catch up with the other party alone without snow marks to help suppress the other party and improve my combat power. Even if the other party has been injured, I still have no confidence in defeating the other party.

As for chasing after people with snow marks, if something happens, it will be troublesome.

He turned his head and looked into the dark sky in the distance.

Mo Tu, Xue Hantian and Li Yao are still fighting there.

As Lin Chen looked there, the dark fog rushed to the far sky. It was obvious that Li Yao had seen the situation here. Seeing Li Xiuxian running away alone, he was naturally scared and wanted to run away.

"You can't escape!"

Lin Chen rushed to the sky and soon rushed into the darkness.

In the dark, although it is impossible to see and sense the distant situation, the scene in the surrounding small area can still be seen.

His speed had reached a point that Li Yao could not compare with. He moved quickly in the dark. After a while, he determined Li Yao's position.

"Soul flame killer gun!"


"No! No! Spare your life -"

The voice of Li Yao, who was scared to death, sounded.

A moment later, a body with a hole in its chest and a black flame fell from the sky.

The thick darkness recedes quickly like the tide!

Lin Chen breathed out a mouthful of turbid Qi. The battle was finally over.

The next moment, a strong sense of dizziness surged up to his forehead. Lin Chen, who was relaxed, fell down from the sky after only a few seconds.

"Lin Chen -"

Before he fainted, there was a sound of concern in his ears.

At the last second, uncontrollably, the picture of snow marks bathed in blue fluorescence came to his mind.

The unreal face, set off by the six snow-white wings behind her, was so holy, weak and curvaceous, as if with the temptation of the devil. The girl was as beautiful as a dream.

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