When Lin Chen woke up, it was already the past day.

It was in a cave more than ten meters deep. Outside the cave, the snow was flying and the wind was blowing. He was covered with some kind of animal fur. Snow marks surrounded him. He was holding a wet handkerchief to wipe his face.

MOTU, xueshuangyue and others, as well as xuehantian, xuehuayuan and their sons, are not far away.

Seeing Lin Chen open his eyes, snow scar was delighted: "Lin Chen, are you awake?"

Xue Shuangyue, Mo Tu and others immediately looked at Lin Chen in surprise and gathered around him.

Although he knew that Lin Chen was just too tired, plus the side effects of the secret method, so he passed out in a coma. However, he didn't really feel much relieved until he saw Lin Chen wake up.

I don't know when, Lin Chen has become the core figure of the team in the hearts of the people. Once something happens to Lin Chen, everyone is restless.

Lin Chen looks at xueshuangyue and xuecanglan in doubt. First, he wonders how they came out of the divine prison tower. As a result, xueshuangyue tells Lin Chen that ling'er said it was safe outside and let them out.

"You've woken up! If you don't wake up again, our young lady will cry anxiously." Xue Shuangyue winked and laughed.

Snow scar's face was slightly red and he stared at Xue Shuangyue helplessly.

She has been with xueshuangyue for a long time. Now when xueshuangyue faces her, she not only doesn't speak carefully as she did when she first met, but also becomes more and more reckless. She even likes to tease herself.

She didn't want to think about it. The reason why xueshuangyue was like this was not only that she had never lost her temper, but also that she had never shown her rejection and anger for such a move. Otherwise, xueshuangyue couldn't tease her so much.

"Just wake up." MOTU smiles.

"As I said before, he was just in a coma and nothing would happen." Xuehan Tian didn't come to Lin Chen's side. He said something in a flat tone, which seemed a little indifferent.

MOTU looked at him with a sneer and said, "you don't have the right to talk here!"

Xuehantian's face sank and he shouted, "MOTU, you know, I'm the elder of Tianren clan, and you're just an outsider! What's the meaning of not having my share here? Be careful when you talk!" MOTU sneered: "fortunately, you also know that you are the elder of the Tianren clan? Lin Chen tried his best when facing the people of the magic eye clan, but you and I had joined hands to deal with Li Yao before. You didn't do your best at all. You were greedy for life and afraid of death. Otherwise, the two of us

I killed Li Yao early! If we join hands to deal with Li Xiuxian, we will not let Li Xiuxian run away! "

"Don't spit! Who said I didn't try my best? I was just careless and was plotted by Li Yao!" Xuehantian flew into a rage, as if he had been greatly insulted.

When Lin Chen saw that Mo TU was so angry with Xuehan Tian, he was puzzled at first, and immediately understood what the situation was.

Once, Mo Tu had fought with Li Yao. In Lin Chen's opinion, it was enough for Mo Tu to deal with Li Yao alone. Even if he could not defeat him, he could suppress him.

As a result, a snowy sky was added, but Li Yao was unable to win. Now it seems that snowy sky did not use all his strength at all?

Or, being greedy for life and afraid of death, and afraid of hands and feet when fighting, so it doesn't help at all?

In any case, Lin Chen's eyes toward xuehantian also became bad. If the two of them could quickly abolish Li Yao, then the three would join hands and maybe even Li Xiuxian could not leave.

If Li Xiuxian is killed, there will be two supreme masters left in the magic eye clan. It will be much easier to deal with them!

Xuecanglan, xueshuangyue and others looked at xuehantian and his son in a less friendly way than when they first met.

They don't think that xuehantian deliberately didn't do his best. More importantly, they think that xuehantian is greedy for life and afraid of death, and hasn't played a sufficient role!

Thinking of Lin Chen and Mo Tu, who are not members of the Tianren clan, they all try their best. Xuehantian, as an elder of the clan, is greedy for life and afraid of death. They are ashamed of xuehantian in their hearts!

Seeing the atmosphere in the cave, some people were at war, and the snow marks rounded the scene and said:

"Please don't do this. Anyway, it's a good thing that Li Yao was killed and the magic eye lost a supreme. We should be happy."

Although she was also dissatisfied with xuehantian's performance, anyway, xuehantian took the initiative to meet the enemy. It was not good to criticize blindly, and it might even have a negative effect.

Lin Chen was too lazy to continue talking about xuehantian. Looking at the snow scar, her eyes fell on the three pairs of wings behind her, and she said curiously:

"Tell me, what have you experienced in the 'destiny stone gate'?"

Everyone was quiet.

Xueshuangyue, Mo Tu and others have learned from xuescar about her experience in the "destiny stone gate". However, when Lin Chen asked, no one interrupted, waiting for xuescar to tell Lin Chen himself.

Hearing Lin Chen mention this, a smile appeared on Xue scar's face, and she was excited to tell Lin Chen about her experience.

"After the 'destiny stone gate' was opened, I saw that there was an endless grassland. The grassland was covered with unknown beautiful flowers, just like a sea of flowers. All kinds of nice smell of flowers, like a breeze, came face to face."

In the snow scar's eyes, there is a bit of longing. Obviously, there is still a bit of nostalgia for the beauty of the blooming flowers.

'a sea of flowers?'

Lin Chen secretly thought that, as expected, only those who pushed the "destiny stone gate" open could see different scenes. At that time, he only saw the darkness inside, and other people should be the same.

"I went inside. After the stone gate was closed, flowers of different colors flew into the sky and turned into a six winged goddess statue. The goddess statue is really beautiful!"

At this point, the snow mark couldn't help exclaiming.

When Lin Chen saw her silly look, he suddenly said, "are you beautiful?"

Snow scar blushed and lowered his head. "That's a statue of the goddess. I... I can't compare."

In fact, although the statue of Goddess is beautiful, the snow mark is no less than half of it, and it is better than it. Moreover, the temperament and charm of a living person can not be compared with the statue in any case.

She was afraid that Lin Chen would put forward some embarrassing questions in front of the public again. She said angrily, "don't ask any more questions. Just listen to me, or I will be angry!"

"Good! I won't interrupt." Lin Chen smiled, only feeling that the snow mark with a small temper was unspeakably cute.

Of course, the key lies in that the beautiful evil woman has a lovely expression... Snow trace continued: "countless flowers converged into a huge statue of the six winged goddess in the air. I tried to communicate with her, but she flew towards me. When I came to my face, it turned into a colorful airflow and merged into my body!"

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