Countless flowers turn into statues of six winged goddesses, and then turn into colorful air currents, merging into the body of snow marks?

Linchen, xueshuangyue and others held their breath and thought that the scene described by the snow trace was like a picture in myth and legend, which was incredible. However, it seemed that the "destiny stone gate" was related to the origin of chaos. No matter how strange things were, they became acceptable.

"After that, my consciousness became chaotic. I felt that I was fluctuating with the tide in the sea tide, and I felt that I was flying in the clouds with the wind. With the passage of time, I felt that the power in my body was constantly improving at an amazing speed.

When I wake up, my realm is actually the initial stage of immortality, and I am promoted to the great perfection of immortality. The power of 99 stars in my body is fully transformed into the power of the world. "

Over the years, xuecanglan, Xuelan and others have used a large amount of the remaining resources of the Tianren family on xuescar, which has made her realm advance by leaps and bounds. During her path of cultivation, she has reached the early stage of immortality and the soul level, which is also the early stage of the divine realm.

Although such strength, let alone compared with Lin Chen, is far inferior to Xue Shuangyue and Xue Qianyu, it is amazing that the strength has been greatly improved in just 20 or 30 years!

At this time, Xue hen said that her cultivation realm was already a great perfection of immortality, and even the power of the 99 stars in her body was transformed into the power of the world. Everyone was happy for her from the bottom of their hearts, and marveled that the "destiny stone gate" was indeed extraordinary.

The snow scar continued, "and when I wake up, I have a scepter in my hand, and its relevant information also comes to my mind."

"Is it a supreme artifact?"

Lin Chen's eyes lit up, which was what he cared about most.

Although snow scar's strength has been greatly improved, it is still not a powerful help, but the scepter in her hand can definitely play a key role.

Lin Chen basically concluded that the scepter was the supreme artifact. Otherwise, how could it be so powerful!

Snow scar nodded and said: "the scepter of Goddess' embrace is indeed a supreme artifact. It has three functions, namely 'Goddess' Blessing', 'Goddess' sigh' and 'Goddess' Guardian'.

The 'blessing of the goddess' can be used to heal the wound. No matter how serious the wound is, as long as there is still one breath, both the body and the soul can be cured in a short time;

"The sigh of the goddess" is used to limit the strength of the enemy‘ The guardian of the goddess' can be used to enhance the strength of others or yourself. "

Lin Chen immediately realized that these three abilities had been used by xuescar before, and he was amazed. The xuescar with the scepter of "goddess's embrace" was like a super assistant in online games.


It is much better than the auxiliary in the game. After all, the "Goddess' guard" can be used not only for others, but also for herself.

"However, these three abilities also have their limitations!"

The snow scar looked at Lin Chen and said, "first of all, these three abilities can only be used on one object at a time; second, they can only be used once a day and can only last for a quarter of an hour at a time; and then, the realm of the object can not be higher than that of me."

Lin Chen had long guessed that even if it was a supreme artifact, there would always be a limit no matter how bad it was.

For example, the "star of the abyss" can be used to shoot the supreme when he was only immortal. However, it can only be used once for 5000 years.

The role of the scepter of "goddess's embrace" is auxiliary, not as abnormal as that of "abyss star", but it should also be limited.

After listening to this, even if the secret path can only be used once a day, and there is a time limit, it is still very rebellious.

As for the last point, it doesn't matter at all.

Snow trace is now the great perfection of the immortal realm, that is to say, "the embrace of the goddess" can play a role in the existence of the supreme realm, including the great perfection. At present, we and others have no enemies above the supreme realm.

Lin Chen thought of something and asked, "has your soul state been improved?"

"It is still just the beginning of the divine realm."

Snow trace shook her head in frustration. If her soul had grown to the perfection of the divine realm, it would be considered that one foot had stepped into the supreme realm. Unfortunately, the experience in the "destiny stone gate" did not play a role in the growth of her soul.

She is still far away from the supreme realm.

"Even so, your harvest this time is enough to make the Supreme Master jealous."

Lin Chen comforted and asked, "yes. Is the 'destiny stone gate' still in its place?"

He didn't envy the harvest of snow mark, but he was more or less envious.

I thought that the snow mark had come out of the "destiny stone gate" and that the next predestined person of the "destiny stone gate" might be myself?

Push the door again, maybe you can open it?

Everyone knows why he asked this. In fact, MOTU and xuecanglan had the same idea before. Seeing Xueji, they not only improved their strength, but also got a supreme artifact. Who can be unmoved?

What a pity

"After the battle, we looked at the 'tianmingshimen' and found that it had disappeared automatically. Later, it was not surprising. Every time the 'tianmingshimen' appeared, it was in a different place, and it could not stay in this snow field all the time." MOTU had some annoyed and helpless words.

Xue Shuangyue said excitedly, "now the magic eye clan has lost a supreme master. Although the young lady is not the Supreme Master, with her help, even in the middle of the supreme realm, she is not Lin Chen's opponent. The magic eye clan has nothing to fear!"

Xuecanglan was not so optimistic, and hurriedly said: "don't think so! Lin Chen can really deal with Li Xiuxian with the help of Miss Lin.

But Lichang, the head of the magic eye clan, is stronger than Li Xiuxian, and he also has the supreme artifact in his hand. Now if we go directly to the magic eye clan for revenge, it is likely that the whole army will be destroyed! "

Xueshuangyue thought for a while and said, "then we will wait for Lin Chen to break through to the middle of the supreme realm. At that time, with the help of the young lady, we must have cleaned up the magic eye clan!"

This time, no one opened his mouth to refute. Mo Tu, xuecanglan and Xuelan all had a faint smile on their faces. Obviously, they also thought so.

They believe that with the speed and talent of Lin Chen's strength improvement, he will certainly become the existence of the middle term of the supreme realm in the future. At that time, it will be the time to really fight back!

Today, for the first time, they feel that revenge against the magic eye clan is no longer a distant thing.

Xuehantian and xuehuayuan, father and son, stood not far away and looked here like two outsiders.

Xuehantian's eyes fell on the snow scar and stared at the scepter in her hand.

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