Lin Chen subconsciously wants to catch up and ask, but after thinking about it in his head, he naturally understands what snow marks mean.

He found that his heart beat a little faster, and he was still chasing after her, but he deliberately slowed down and followed behind the snow marks without rushing to stop her.

Although he wanted to ask for clarification, on second thought, xuescar must have summoned up great courage to catch up with him and get to the bottom of the matter. It's not very good.

What's more, he himself was startled. He didn't know for a while. What should he say after asking?

He already knows what the so-called intimate contact is.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that xuescar said that after the devil eye family paid off their blood debts, he wanted to return to the Earth City. Now it seems that it is obviously because of himself.

She likes me?

Lin Chen is also a little dizzy, which is completely different from his original guess!

If something really happened with the snow mark, I'm afraid that after returning to the Earth City, elder sister Xi Xi and Yi will have a three court trial?

When Lin Chen walked into the cave, he saw that the snow mark did not run back to her stone chamber, but talked with xuehantian at the entrance.

Snow scar's face is not so red. Seeing Lin Chen, he seems afraid that Lin Chen will come up and ask something. He is busy telling Xuehan Tiandao:

"Uncle Han Tian, what do you want to say to me? Let's go outside and talk about it?"

"That's fine. I don't like talking. There is an outsider present!" Xuehan gave Lin Chen a cold look.

Lin Chen retorted, "I'm an outsider. Are you your own? You can't deal with the enemy. You're greedy for life and fear of death. I'm afraid you're far less popular than an outsider like me! You don't seem to know anything about yourself?"

Xuehantian was very angry, but he had nothing to say.

What the other party said was indeed true. He had realized that not only Mo Tu and Lin Chen, but also their own people of the Tianren clan, and even Xueyuan die's brother and sister, were not very close to their father and son.

"Hum! I'm too lazy to see the same as you!"

Xuehan Tian brushed his sleeve and walked outside the cave without looking at Lin Chen.

Snow scar followed him. Seeing Lin Chen, he thought for a while and quietly explained, "Uncle Han Tian said he had something to say to me."

Xuehan Tian, who was walking in front of him, was a little dark. In his opinion, he and xuescar were his own people. To talk to xuescar, xuescar didn't have to explain anything to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen told him, "don't go too far."

"Yes." Snow scar nodded cleverly. With Lin Chen's eyes, he and Xuehan disappeared from the cave.

Lin Chen thought to himself, what does xuehantian want to say to xuescar, maybe to separate xuescar from himself?

He was not at all worried about this.

Although Xue scar looks like a weak little girl, she is extremely stubborn and has her own ideas. Xuehantian can't provoke her relationship with her by just saying a few words.

A moment later, Lin Chen appeared in xueshuangyue's stone room. Before xueshuangyue asked him why he was here, he opened the door to the mountain path:

"Do you Tianren women need to have some intimate contact with men when they perform the 'wedding ceremony of Tianren'?"

"How do you know?"

Xueshuangyue was shocked and her eyes were full of doubts. She immediately guessed something and said with a laugh:

"I see! The young lady told you herself, didn't she? Fortunately, she told me before that she wouldn't consider the relationship between men and women until the devil eye family paid off their blood debts. Now, it seems that being misunderstood by you all the time also makes her a little uncomfortable.

This is also normal. The girl who is misunderstood by the man he likes as liking others and has kissed with other men will not feel uncomfortable in her heart! "

"You say she likes me?"

Xue Shuangyue rolled her eyes and didn't even bother to answer this question.

In her heart, she said that the young lady would take the initiative to explain to Lin Chen. It was estimated that it was also because she finally saw the hope of making the demon eye family pay with blood, so she began to plan what would happen after making the demon eye family pay with blood.


In the wind and snow, xuehantian walked in front, and the snow marks followed him a few meters away.

Snow scar was waiting for xuehantian to speak first at the beginning, but seeing that they had gone a long way, xuehantian still kept silent. She remembered that Lin Chen told her not to go too far, and couldn't help asking:

"Uncle Han Tian, if you have anything to say to me, just say it here."

As she spoke, her steps stopped.

Xuehantian turned to look at her, looked angry, and said coldly, "you have to listen to that boy's words? He told you not to go too far, so you must listen to him?"

The delicate eyebrows with snow marks wrinkled, and he was tired of the other party's targeting Lin Chen, and said in a cold voice:

"He has never cheated me or harmed me. He has always been thinking of me. Shouldn't I listen to his words?"

Xuehantian stared at her and suddenly changed the subject, saying:

"You haven't given me an answer about becoming my wife. If I can break through to the middle of the supreme realm with the help of your 'Heavenly daughter's wedding gift', and with your help, I will have no fear of going up to Lichang!"

He didn't mention it. The snow mark had even completely forgotten it. She hadn't thought about it at all.

Thinking of what xuehantian wanted to tell herself, she felt absurd and disgusting. She didn't even want to take the detour:

"My answer is no way!"

With that, she didn't even bother to explain.

Xuehantian was not angry. On the contrary, he was very calm and asked, "if you haven't met that Terran boy, you will give this answer?"

Snow scar was asked to stay in a daze. If he hadn't met Lin Chen?

She was silent for a while. If she hadn't met Lin Chen, she didn't know whether she would accept xuehantian's proposal for revenge.

Seeing her silence, Xuehan had an answer in his heart and said slowly:

"What I want to tell you is not about this thing, but about the past. Do you know why the magic eye family knew that your father had the 'meteor saint mountain and river map'?"


Snow scar's eyes were frozen. If the magic eye clan had not known this, the Tianren clan would not have fallen to the level of today, and his father and many clansmen would not have died tragically!

Whether it was her, or xuecanglan, Xuelan and others, they all thought about it countless times, but they couldn't think of the answer.

In those days, Xue crazy Tian obtained the "picture of the holy meteor mountain and river", which was clearly a secret of the family. Why did people of the magic eye family know about it?

Xuehan's words are plain, but his words make the snow trace like lightning strike. "The story of the 'picture of the fallen holy mountains and rivers' was spread from my mouth!"

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