Xue Hantian sighed, "it's all my fault that I told my friends that Tianren was the first of the seven source families for the sake of so-called face and for the sake of making the other party think that Tianren was the first of the seven source families. As a result, I told them about our Tianren getting the supreme artifact.

That damned guy, I regard him as a friend, but he sells the news to the magic eye clan. I didn't know what was going on until I fell into the hands of the demon eye clan. "

Xue scar heard the news from xuehantian and thought it was his intention to pass it on to the magic eye clan. He was furious at once. With the other party's narration, he realized that xuehantian didn't intend to spread the news, but accidentally leaked it.

But even so, the anger in her eyes did not dissipate.

Even though xuehantian lost his life unintentionally, many clansmen, including his father, lost their lives because of his unintentional loss!

How can I forgive him?

She was silent for a few seconds and said, "are you saying this to me to forgive you? If so, I'm sorry. I can't forgive you instead of many dead people. I'm not qualified."

"You're wrong! I don't need a bunch of dead people to forgive me." It's a cold day in Xuehan.

"You -"

Snow scar was so angry that she thought the other party had a heart of repentance. Now it seems that the other party doesn't think he has anything wrong!

Xuehan said coldly: "after I was captured by the magic eye clan, they used me to lead your father. The leader of the magic eye clan told your father that as long as he handed over the 'picture of the holy meteor mountain and river', he would release me and would not find the hemp of the Tianren clan."

Speaking of this, he said angrily, "it's all your father's fault! Now the fate of the Terran today is all due to his self righteousness! I advised him to hand over the 'map of the meteoric holy mountains and rivers'. He not only didn't listen, but also said that I was greedy for life and afraid of death, saying that I shouldn't give in to the magic eye clan.

Hum! What a fool! The magic eye clan had already arranged a snare for him. How could he defeat several supreme masters of the magic eye clan alone?

He forced me. I also have no choice. I will take the opportunity to slap him later! If I hadn't done that, I would have died. It's all your father's fault that he can't see the situation clearly. He's damned! "

Snow scar looked at xuehantian with disbelief. He felt that uncle Hantian, who had watched him grow up since childhood, was not standing in front of him. Instead, he looked like an abominable monster!

In order to survive, xuehantian asked her father to hand over the "picture of the fallen holy mountains and rivers". She could understand that, but xuehantian actually slapped her father in the back and blamed all the mistakes on her father. This is a scum like behavior!

"Beast! My father risked his life to save you. You not only didn't thank him, but also did something worse than an animal. Damn you!"

Snow scar is like a hairy hedgehog. He steps out in an instant and hits xuehantian on the chest with his right palm. He wants to kill xuehantian!

Xuehantian said it lightly, but she could almost conclude that if xuehantian hadn't plotted against his father, his father would never have been hit to that extent!


Snow Han day a cold hum.

When snow scar's palm was about to fall on him, he disappeared and appeared behind the snow scar. A hand knife cut at the neck of the snow scar.


The snow scar became soft, like the bones of his body were pulled out and fell to the ground.

But a pair of gem like eyes, still staring at xuehantian, seemed to want to jump up and bite a bite of meat from the other side.

"You are as stupid as your father! It was entirely his fault. If you were the original me, would you have another choice in front of you? If I didn't do that, I would be as dead as him now."

Xuehantian looked down at the snow mark with a flat tone. He seemed to have expected that the other party would react like this. There was no regret in his voice. He was from his heart and thought he was not wrong.

In this world, some people think that people can not live only for themselves, but also have principles and bottom lines. Some people think that if people do not live for themselves, heaven will kill everyone. Xuehantian is the second kind of person. In his heart, his choice is the most correct.

"Beast! Beast who is greedy for life and afraid of death!"

Xue scar glared at him angrily, "it's a shame for the whole ethnic group to have such a scum like you in the Tianren clan. The Tianren clan spent so many resources to cultivate such a supremacy like you. It's better to have a dog! Even a dog knows the word loyalty, which is 10000 times stronger than you."

The snowy sky darkened.

He didn't make any moves. There was a loud noise on xuescar's face, which made xuescar snort. A ferocious red palm print appeared on his white cheek, and blood was oozing from his mouth.

"Angry with shame?" The snow scar looked at Xuehan sky, and instead of begging for mercy, he laughed.

Xuehantian's eyebrows twisted into pimples. He had always felt that the snow marks that looked soft and weak were not much like blood crazy Tian. Now he suddenly found that the bones of his father and daughter were the same hard and cheap!

"Don't bother to quarrel with your little girl!"

Xuehan snorted and stood with his hands down, "You don't know how much I suffered after being imprisoned by the magic eye clan for so many years! How hard it was, and finally I won their trust. Lichang let me leave because I promised him that he would gather the remaining people of the Tianren clan, and then let the Tianren clan become their vassal group. The Tianren women's' marriage gift of tiannv ', which can be enjoyed by the men of the magic eye clan."

Seeing the fury in the snow scar's eyes, his face was flat, as if everything was in his calculation, and he said:

"Don't get excited. I promised him because I thought I couldn't fight the magic eye clan. Now, I have changed my mind.

If I break through to the middle of the supreme realm, and with the help of the scepter of 'Goddess' in your hand, I have nothing to fear even for Shang Lichang.

I have changed my mind. I want to make the demon eye family pay for their blood and make the Tianren family prosperous again! The premise of all this is your cooperation. "

Snow scar realized that after a long time of talking, his ultimate goal was still to get his own "wedding gift of heavenly daughter" and let himself use the "Goddess' embrace" scepter to help him fight against the enemy.

Xuehantian didn't hide his thoughts either. He said lightly: "there are two choices in front of you. One is that you cooperate with me obediently, and the other is that I force you to cooperate with me. In any case, you can't escape my palm. I advise you -"

"My 'Heavenly daughter's wedding gift' has been given to Lin Chen."

For a moment, Xuehan's face solidified.

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