The words with light snow marks seemed like a thunderclap on xuehantian's head, which made him feel that he had nothing to draw from a bamboo basket.

He told snow trace everything. Naturally, he didn't think that he would let snow trace go back to the cave. In his opinion, everything about snow trace is already his and can't escape his control.

However, it never occurred to me that Xue scar's "wedding gift of heavenly daughter" was given to Lin Chen many years ago.

He could no longer calm down. His face was twisted with anger. He reached out and grabbed it. Snow scar flew towards him. He grabbed snow scar's neck and lifted her in the air!

"Bitch! Did you really give him the wedding gift of the heavenly daughter?" Xuehan shouted angrily.

Snow scar didn't answer, and his face was a little ironic. Because he was choked, his face turned red, but he didn't mean to ask for mercy.

Xue Hantian gnashed his teeth and said: "you bastard! You gave the 'wedding gift of heaven' to a human being. Do you know what you did? No wonder! No wonder that boy is young, but he has become the supreme one!"

"Of course I know what I did."

The voice of the snow mark was cold, but at this time, he acted very calm, "and I have never regretted it. If I choose a person between you and him to entrust all my hopes, should I choose you instead of him? Do you deserve it?"


Xuehan Tian's face was ferocious, "dare you talk to me like this again, believe it or not, I will screw your head off?"

Snow scar was tit for tat and said, "I don't believe it. Except for me, you can't find a second person who can use the 'Goddess' scepter. If you have the ability, you can kill me and try?"

Xuehantian was gloomy and silent.

Indeed, even without the "wedding ceremony of the heavenly daughter", the snow mark with the "Goddess' embrace" scepter is still of great use to him, and it is impossible to kill him easily.

The snow scar said coldly, "you can't control my consciousness, let me do things for you. You can control my consciousness, but after being controlled, I can no longer use the 'embrace of Goddess'."

Xuehantian threw his arm and threw the snow mark on the snow. He looked at her coldly. After a few seconds, he said with a sneer: "I want to see how hard you can talk! Sooner or later, I will be able to make you give in!"


"Hey! Lin Chen, did Miss Lin tell you anything else besides' the wedding ceremony of the heavenly daughter '? For example, what kind of person does she like, what is in her mind?"

At the entrance of the cave, Lin Chen is waiting for the snow mark to come back. Xue Shuangyue stands beside him with a gossip face.

Lin Chen seemed unable to hear what she said. No matter what she asked, they all closed their eyes and rested on the rock.

"No fun!" Xue Shuangyue curled her lips.

When she saw Xue Huayuan coming back from the wind and snow outside, she covered her head. Although she didn't like Xue Huayuan, she was still a member of her family. She couldn't help asking:

"What's the matter with you? Your head hurts?"

Xuehuayuan didn't answer her question. She looked at Lin Chen, who had closed her eyes and rested. She said angrily, "I don't know who knocked me out and threw me out on the snow! Say! Did you do it?"

"Don't bother me." Lin Chen didn't open her eyes, and her tone was impatient.

Xuehuayuan became more annoyed. He thought about it. It was probably this guy who took it out on himself, but he also knew that he could not provoke each other. He just snorted coldly and passed Lin Chen and xueshuangyue.

Before long, he went back to the cave mouth, told xueshuangyue that he couldn't find his father, and asked if he knew where his father had gone.

"He said he had something to say to the young lady. He went out not long ago. Now we are waiting for them to come back." Snow frost Yue said.

When Xue Huayuan heard this, his pupils contracted slightly, and his face said calmly, "I know!"

He sneered at Lin Chen, who closed his eyes and rested, turned and left, and soon disappeared into the snow.

"Lin Chen, can't you really knock him out and throw him in the snow?" Xue Shuang Yue took back her eyes and looked at Lin Chen with some surprise.

"It was me."

Lin Chen opened his eyes and said in a flat tone, "I felt something was wrong with their father and son. I had planned to control his consciousness and ask a few questions. Just as the snow scar came, I threw him directly into the snow. This guy was not too stupid. He could guess that I did it."

Xueshuangyue is speechless. Do you think he is a pig? If you didn't do it, who else could it be?

She said with some worry: "does he want to go to xuehantian to complain and let xuehantian trouble you?"

"Do you think I'm afraid?" Lin Chen asked.

Xueshuangyue thought to herself that with Lin Chen's strength, there was really no need to be afraid of xuehantian. If xuehantian didn't go crazy, he wouldn't have shot Lin Chen.

After a while.

"The young lady has been out for a long time. Why haven't she come back? What does xuehantian want to say to the young lady? He has been talking for so long!"

Xueshuangyue murmured. Seeing Lin Chen's face becoming serious, his body, which was leaning on the rock wall, stood upright.

"What's the matter?" she wondered

"Something's wrong!"

Lin Chen looked gloomy and said in a low voice, "I left a spiritual mark on Xue Huayuan. As long as the distance between him and me is not more than 100 Li, we can sense his position.

In my reaction, after he left here, he moved forward at full speed. It was not like looking for xuehantian at all. It was like running for his life and trying to stay away from us! "

Xue Shuangyue was stunned. "Is it because you knocked him unconscious before, which made him afraid of you and wanted to stay away from you?"

"No. if he is really scared and wants to stay away from me, why should he come back here? He should also be very clear. Although I don't like him, I won't kill him, so I won't be scared to escape. The only explanation is that after he came back here, he noticed something, so he wanted to stay away from here."

When Lin Chen spoke, his brain also turned, but for a moment, he couldn't figure out what was going on.

"What do you perceive? What does this mean? After he came back, he went to find his father, and then I told him that xuehantian and miss went out?"

Snow frost Yue shook his head and said to Lin Chen, "could it be that he suddenly remembered something important?"

When Lin Chen heard xueshuangyue's words, his mind flashed and he said to himself, "he knew that xuehantian and xuescar had gone out, so he immediately wanted to run away, that is to say... Damn it!"

He seemed to think of something. He scolded angrily, turned into black light, and disappeared in front of xueshuangyue.

"What... What is it?" Xueshuangyue sees Lin Chen's face furious and disappears instantly. Her face is stunned and she doesn't understand what the situation is.

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