Xueshuangyue was confused by Lin Chen, but she also realized that something had happened. She immediately went to find Mo Tu and xuecanglan.

After listening to xueshuangyue, MOTU's face became very serious and said:

"If you guessed correctly, it should be Lin Chen's suspicion that xuehantian would be bad for xuescar. Before that, xuehantian told xuehuayuan that once he and xuescar went out, xuehuayuan would run away by himself."

The scene was silent as soon as the words came out!

Snow Cang LAN smiled reluctantly, "can it be Lin Chen who thinks too much. Elder Han Tian, even if he has some small problems, is at least an elder of snow scar. How can he mess with snow scar?"

"The elder of snow mark?"

Mo Tu had long been dissatisfied with Xuehan's heavenly heart, and sneered, "would an elder suggest that his younger generation marry him?"

"He... His proposal is really absurd. But in fact, it is also for the sake of the ethnic group. It is estimated that he is too eager to avenge the evil eye clan, so he would say that kind of stupid words."

The inner part of the Tianren clan has always been extremely United. Xuehantian is also an elder of the clan. Xuecanglan, Xuelan and others are still unwilling to believe that xuehantian will mess with snow marks.

"What's the matter? We'll know when Lin Chen comes back. Before that, we don't have to wait. We'll look outside to see if we can find the snow trace and xuehantian!"

Except xueshuangyue, who stayed in the cave to watch xueyuandie and his brother and sister, the others left the cave and quickly searched the area for more than a dozen miles with his mind, but found no trace of xuehantian and xuetrace.

For a time, the hearts of xuecanglan and Xuelan and others sank slowly.

If xuehantian just wants to talk to Xueji, is it necessary to run so far?

No matter how reluctant they are to believe it, they have realized that something has happened.

The search failed. They returned to the cave. Not long after, Lin Chen came back. He still carried a man in his hand. The man was paralyzed. Lin Chen carried him in his hand like a boneless bacon.

It is xuehuayuan!

The crowd immediately gathered around.

"Lin Chen, what's the matter?" Xue Shuangyue's face was worried. She had already understood that what Mo Tu said just now was probably the truth.

Lin Chen threw Xue Huayuan to the ground like garbage, stared at him and said, "repeat what you said to me before! Otherwise, I will let you try the previous means again."

"No! Don't! Say! I'll tell you everything!"

Xue Huayuan shook his head desperately and looked at Lin Chen. His eyes were full of fear, as if Lin Chen was a terrible monster.

Everyone immediately knew that after Lin Chen caught Xue Huayuan, he should have punished him severely by some means. That's why he was so scared.

These are no longer important!

From Lin Chen's words and gloomy expression, they judged that the snow mark was really an accident.

"Say! What the hell is going on?" The snow Cang LAN shouted at the snow Huayuan and looked excited.

Xue Huayuan shrunk his head and said, "this... This has nothing to do with me. My father wants to take Xue scar away. He said that once he and Xue scar go out, he will let me escape here by myself and then go to meet him."

The face of snow canglan and snow Lan was instantly iron blue!

Take the snow mark away?

Xueji can't leave with xuehantian voluntarily, that is to say, xuehantian must force Xueji to leave with her, and may even fight against Xueji!

"Son of a bitch! Son of a bitch! He's an elder of the clan and the elder of the young lady. How can he force the young lady? He's so damn! He -"

Snow Cang Lan was so angry that his forehead was green and his veins jumped violently. Obviously, he didn't have too many abusive words, just a few words over and over.

Lin Chen said: "there is also good news here. Xuehantian has set a meeting place with him, so we can find him as long as we go there."

Hearing the speech, the crowd was a little relieved.

Xuehantian grabs the snow mark for what purpose. People present will know after thinking about it. That is to say, at least there is no danger in xuehantian's hands.

If xuehantian can be found later, Lin Chen and Mo TU will surely bring the snow trace back from xuehantian's hand.

"I also asked some other things from him. That is why the magic eye clan knew that the Tianren clan had a 'meteor saint mountain and river map' in their hands." Lin Chen said slowly.

"Does he know why?"

Several people of the Tianren clan were surprised. They had thought about the events of that year for so many years, but they had no clue. How could Xue Huayuan know the reason?

Lin Chen looked at Xue Huayuan with a gloomy tone. "Are you going to say it yourself, or do you need me to force you to speak?"

"Myself! I can say it myself!"

Xue Huayuan trembled with fright. He waved his hand and stared at his xuecanglan and xueshuangyue. He lowered his head. He was afraid that after saying this, these people would not find their father to vent their anger and would spread their anger on themselves.

"In fact, I only know a general idea about what happened in those years. At that time, my father and an old friend gathered together and heard each other's feelings about the strength of the magic eye clan. He was not satisfied and accidentally said 'the picture of the holy meteor mountain and river'..."

"... the clan leader was unwilling to hand over the 'picture of the fallen holy mountains and rivers' and scolded my father for being greedy for life and afraid of death. My father decided that he could not be the supreme opponent of the magic eye clan. In order to survive, he attacked him secretly..." "... the people of the magic eye clan let my father go because my father promised them that he would gather the rest of the 'Tianren' clan. In the future, the 'Tianren' clan will be the vassal of the 'magic eye' clan, and the 'magic eye' males can enjoy the benefits of the 'Tianren' females‘

The wedding ceremony of the heavenly daughter '... "

Xue Huayuan did not witness the specific process of those events, and did not know many details, but he knew the key points.

When xuehantian told him these things, he still angrily scolded xuekuangtian for his arrogance and ignorance. If he were the leader of Tianren clan, Tianren clan would never come to this end!

After all that should be said, Xue Huayuan saw that xuecanglan, xueshuangyue and others were all dark. Xuecanglan was so angry that he trembled. His eyes seemed to have anger to spray out. His eyes were fierce to the extreme.

"It has nothing to do with me! It's my father -"


Before he finished, Xue canglan kicked him in the chest, kicked him to the mouth and sprayed blood, flew out, and knocked the rock wall behind him to collapse.

"It's all because of him! Xuehan day!"

Xuecanglan gnashed his teeth and could hardly wait to chop xuehantian into meat sauce.

MOTU sneered: "after a long time, the tianrenzu came to this end. It turned out that you were the ones who did it!"

Compared with the others who were excited, Lin Chen looked calm. He was not very interested in the old history of the "heavenly people". The only thing he cared about was the snow marks. In Lin Chen's mind, he saw the snow scar running in the wind and snow with a red face. In his heart, he said: "I will get you back soon. As long as I am here, no one can restrict your freedom!"

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