From xuehuayuan's mouth, after learning the meeting place of xuehantian and him, even though it was still midnight, the party still started nonstop, and soon disappeared into the vast wind and snow.

Chongtian Town, adjacent to the northwest of the snow plain, belongs to an immortal dynasty that is not very prominent in the mainland of origin. With a population of tens of millions, chongtian town is neither very prosperous nor dilapidated. It is a town that can be seen everywhere in the mainland of origin.

The place where xuehantian and xuehuayuan meet is an inn in chongtian town.

At the front of the inn, Lin Chen searched with his mind first, but he didn't feel the smell of xuehantian and snow marks, so he judged that xuehantian should not have come yet.

"In case that guy finds us and leaves, you all go to the divine prison tower and wait for news. I will turn into xuehuayuan and wait here for him and xuescar."

After Lin Chen thought for a while, he told MOTU and others his plan.

"This is really the best way. Before entering the inn, xuehantian probably will use his mind to sense the breath in the inn. Besides Lin Chen, even I can't escape his mind. If he finds us here, he will definitely choose to escape! Never beat the grass and startle the snake!"

MOTU has no meaning for Lin Chen's arrangement. In other words, he thinks it should be so.

After Mo Tu, Xue canglan and others were included in the divine prison tower, Lin Chen went into an alley. When he came out of the alley again, he had become xuehuayuan.

He swaggered into the Inn and asked the waiter to open a room for him. The white wings behind him attracted the attention and discussion of many people.

This is exactly what Lin Chen wants.

In this way, when xuehantian comes to the inn to find someone, the waiter will think of himself and bring xuehantian to his room.

Staying in the inn, Lin Chen waited patiently for the arrival of Xuehan day.

In a twinkling of an eye, a few days later, xuehantian finally came. When he entered the inn, he had wings on his back like Lin Chen before, which attracted the attention of many people.

His face was gloomy and he seemed to be in a bad mood.

The waiter greeted him. Before the waiter could ask, he asked, "have you ever been here with wings like me these days?"

When the waiter saw xuehantian, he automatically thought of Lin Chen's changed appearance. Hearing Yan's busy, he nodded:

"Yes! My guest, I'm staying in the inn now. I'll show you to his room now?"

"Are you sure he's in the room now?" Xuehan stared at the waiter.

The waiter was stared at by the other party. He had a sense of inexplicable fear in his heart and said:

"I didn't see him leave the inn, but maybe I didn't see him when he went out, so I can't be sure. But the guest hasn't checked out. Even if he isn't in his room right now, he should come back as long as he waits in his room."

"What does he look like?" Xuehan asked again.

The waiter described Xue Huayuan's appearance. After that, he hesitated and said, "I feel that he looks like you, my guest."

I am his father. Of course he looks like me!

Xuehantian also determined that the man in the waiter's mouth was xuehuayuan.

The reason why he had so many problems was that he had explored with his mind before entering the inn, but he did not notice the smell of xuehuayuan in the inn.

'I think he's not in his room right now, but the waiter doesn't know he's out.'

Xuehantian now has a judgment. With xuehuayuan's strength, he leaves the inn. It is normal that the waiter doesn't notice.

"My guest?"

"Take me to his room."

"OK! This way, please."

Xuehantian plans to go to xuehuayuan's room and wait for him to come back.

The waiter took xuehantian to a room on the third floor, knocked on the door and said, "Sir, are you in the room? Someone is looking for you."

Xuehantian was about to say that there was no one inside. With a "creak", the door was opened.

The "xuehuayuan" in the room glanced at xuehantian and said to the waiter, "there's nothing for you here. Please go."

At the moment when the door opened, the waiter felt that the air seemed to solidify. He felt that he could not breathe. He also felt that there was a pressure that was about to make him collapse. After hearing Lin Chen's words, he ran away like running for his life!

The moment the door opened, Xuehan stood up and his body was tense. But the next second, he relaxed again, looked as usual, and said calmly: "I thought you weren't in the house."

"Xue Huayuan" didn't answer. After looking at his back, he saw that there was no one, frowned and asked, "where is the snow trace?"

"Here. Isn't it at the stairway?"

Xuehantian pointed to the stairwell. Lin Chen turned to look, but he saw that there was no one at the stairwell. At the moment he turned his head, a long sword flew out of xuehantian's sleeve, and the tip of the sword stabbed Lin Chen's head!


Lin Chen gave a cold hum, as if he had eyes behind his head. His eyes were still on the side of the stairs. His body retreated towards the rear and avoided the sword!

Xuehantian couldn't fight at one blow. He didn't like fighting. He rose to the sky, smashed a huge hole in the roof above with a bang, and fled to the far air.

The astonishing movement startled the whole Inn, and the noise rang out.

"What sound! It seems to come from upstairs?"

"It seems that someone is doing something on it. Go and have a look!"

"How dare you fight in the town? I don't know whether you are fearless and powerful enough to ignore the iron rule of the dynasty, or whether you are fearless if you don't know it?"

Dense footsteps came from downstairs, and many people rushed here. However, when they arrived in front of Lin Chen's room, there was already no one.

"You can't escape! Say, where is the snow mark? Why didn't she come with you?"

Lin Chen chases after xuehantian with a gloomy face. He thought xuehantian would come with the snow mark, but now he only sees xuehantian and doesn't see the snow mark. He can't help worrying about whether something has happened to the snow mark.

Although he believes that snow marks are of great value to xuehantian, and xuehantian should not mess with her, he is not afraid of anything, just in case!

As for why xuehantian saw him, he immediately saw that he had a problem. It would be clear if he used his brain a little.

He just hid his own breath, and could not make his own breath exactly like Xue Huayuan. Xuehan Tian saw that he looked like Xue Huayuan, but not Xue Huayuan. He could even hide his breath in front of him. How could he not realize that the man in front of him was pretending to be?

Click click——

The bones in Lin Chen's body sent out bursts of sounds. After a while, they changed back to their own appearance.

He stared at xuehantian in front of him and said viciously, "I'll give you another chance, stop right away and tell me where the snow marks are! Otherwise, even if you are an elder of the Tianren family, I will kill you!"

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