Linchen and xuehantian chased each other. After a while, they were far away from chongtian town and thousands of miles away.

Lin Chen looked at the desolate desert and saw that Xuehan Tiansi didn't want to stop at all. Finally, he lost his patience completely.

"Sword fire divine wing" appeared behind him. His wings flapped, and his speed instantly increased dramatically.

"I am for the world!"

The space behind him was distorted and stars appeared.


Lin Chen murmured, and a streamer of light flew out of his eyebrows. The golden light shrouded the heaven and earth, and the snowy sky in front of him was also shrouded by the golden light in an instant.


Xuehan's face changed dramatically. There was an invisible shadow of a huge tower on him, and then he felt like an invisible chain wrapped around him. He needed the power of running the world to resist this terrible bondage, but in this way, his combat power was greatly suppressed. It is estimated that

Can play half of the original strength.

As the shadow of the huge tower shrouded him, his speed slowed down.

The distance between Lin Chen and him is rapidly shortened!

His expression changed again and again. Finally, he stopped, turned to look at Lin Chen, and said, "don't hurry. I want to know where the snow marks are. I can tell you!"

Xuehantian is proud of himself, but he also knows in his heart that if he really fights with this boy, he may not win.

In terms of realm, although they are at the same level, they are somewhat higher than him. The problem is that this guy has too many means and treasures!

At this time alone, the means of repression put oneself at an absolute disadvantage.

"Say!" Lin Chen stopped more than ten meters in front of xuehantian, with a cold face, staring at him darkly. He looked as if xuehantian dared to act rashly.

Xuehantian sighed: "I took the snow scar away. In fact, I didn't want to hurt her, but I didn't expect to meet someone from the magic eye clan in the process of coming here from the snow field."

Lin Chen's face was gloomy and terrible. "The devil eye clan lost a Supreme Master in the snow, and even Li Xiuxian was injured. This time, the leader of the devil eye clan came with another supreme relative to take revenge on us. In front of the two of them, I had no resistance at all, so I had to choose

Choose to give them the snow marks. I don't want to, but - "

Before he finished, Lin Chen could not contain his anger and scolded:

"If you didn't take the snow marks away, how could this happen? You really deserve it!"


Lin Chen was so angry that he thought he could save the snow scar when he saw xuehantian. Unexpectedly, the snow scar had already fallen into the hands of the magic eye clan.

He just killed xuehantian.

The sound of space explosion sounded, and Lin Chen disappeared from his original place. In all directions of the snowy sky, star illusions appeared.

Xuehantian sensed the murderous intention from Lin Chen, and his heart beat wildly, shouting:

"In the current situation, it's useless for you to kill me! The top priority is to find a way to save the snow marks.

I am not far from the middle stage of the supreme realm. With my help, you will have a powerful help, and the possibility of rescuing the snow marks will be much greater. I advise you not to be impulsive and think more about the snow marks! "

Lin Chen hesitated for a moment, but the next moment he appeared in front of xuehantian. With a roar of Xuanyuan gun in his hand, he smashed at xuehantian!

"You're right. Your strength can really play a role. But a guy like you, who is inferior to a pig or a dog, will keep you around. It's harmful but not beneficial!

Now, if I thought you were wrong, I would destroy you. There would be no future! " In those days, Xue kuangtian risked his life to save Xue Hantian, but he sneaked into Xue kuangtian and blamed all his faults on him. This wolf is like a white eyed wolf. No matter how powerful he is, he will stay with him

, are harmful but not beneficial!

Several swords flew out of xuehantian's cuffs and collided with Xuanyuan gun. With a bang, he flew backward with the help of the anti shock force. At the same time, he stabbed Lin Chen with his long sword in the air!

"Frost sword Qi!"

The white sword Qi flew out of his hands like a white dragon.

On Lin Chen's body, dark red armor appeared. Black flames burned on the surface of the armor, allowing the white sword Qi to hit him.

He stood where he was, motionless as a mountain, never taking a step back, let alone injured.

"Yan magic armor!" Xuehantian was shocked and angry when he saw that he was fighting with all his strength and could not even break the opponent's defense. At the same time, he was also a little jealous. If he had a supreme treasure, why would he be so embarrassed?

I also thought that the other party still mastered the middle-class supreme skill, but my strongest means were no more than the inferior supreme skill. If I keep pestering, I will lose

"Ice storm!"

The long sword is flying all over the snow sky. If you are a dragon, his hands are sealed and stars are formed behind him. The cold and sharp breath erupts from him!

This place is located over the desert. It was originally very hot, but after only one breath, it fell into severe cold. Snowflakes fell like a rainstorm. Each snowflake, like a sharp blade, was swept by the strong wind, splitting the space.

The snowflakes are so dense that the shadow of Xuehan sky will be submerged in a moment.

"I want to see what you can do!" Lin Chen sneered at this.

The snowflakes bumped into him like a dagger stabbing him, making a dull sound, but they could not break the defense of "Yan magic armor".

A few seconds later, Lin Chen sneered: "after a long time, is it just a cover up?"

He sensed that the breath of the snowy sky was fleeing into the distance, and understood that the flying snow was just a trick made by the other party to escape.

"Flame spirit demon body!"

His breath was rising, his body turned into a flaming flame, and the snowflakes in all directions were instantly evaporated by the amazing temperature.

Xuehantian, who was running for his life, felt a thrill in his heart, just like an ordinary person who was pressed on his neck with a sharp dagger and felt fear from his heart.

When he turned back, he saw that all the snowflakes had disappeared. The spear in Lin Chen's hand was wrapped around the dark flame. He didn't chase after him, but looked at him coldly.

"You -" Xuehan's face turned pale.


The Xuanyuan gun was thrown by Lin Chen, like midnight streamer.

Soul flame killer gun!

"No -! Don't kill me!"

Xuehantian sent out a heart rending scream. In his pupil, the dark spear was rapidly magnifying. In an instant, it had come to him. At this moment, he found that the gap between himself and the other side was bigger than he had originally imagined!

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