The speed of this shot was so fast that xuehantian, whose strength was suppressed, did not even have time to use the same level of supreme magic to fight back.

He only had time to hold his sword against his chest.



The long sword was knocked out by the Xuanyuan gun, which pierced his body.

Xuehantian sent out a sharp scream that made people's scalp numb. He saw almost half of his body, which was directly fried into a blood mist. The rest of his body, like a piece of rotten meat, fell on the ground.

Not only his body was severely damaged, but also his spiritual origin. His face was ferocious and twisted because of pain, and his breath was as weak as a candle in the wind.

Lin Chen fell to the ground and looked at him: "how to deal with you in the end will be decided by snow scar."

The golden light dissipated, and the shadow of the huge tower shrouded in xuehantian disappeared. The divine prison tower flew into Lin Chen's hand, and several streamers flew out of it and landed on the ground, turning into MOTU, xuecanglan, xueshuangyue, etc.

Seeing the change of the scenery in front of them, MOTU and others realize that Lin Chen got them out of the divine prison tower. Seeing Lin Chen in front of them, they just want to ask Lin Chen what the situation is now.

The result follows Lin Chen's line of sight, the head is a low, after seeing the snow Han day on the ground, they are all surprised.

"Snowy sky!"

Snow canglan was furious.

There was an impulse to beat xuehantian violently, but seeing xuehantian's miserable appearance at this time, he thought that he would be killed completely.

"Where's Miss? Why isn't miss here?"

Xueshuangyue looked around, but she didn't find any snow marks. When she wanted to come, since xuehantian had already appeared and had been cleaned up by Lin Chen, the young lady should have taken it back.

Lin Chen's voice was low: "this guy met the clan leader of the magic eye clan before and gave the snow trace to the people of the magic eye clan."

The scene was silent!

The heart that people had put down was suddenly mentioned again.

The snow mark has fallen into the hands of the magic eye clan, which is worse than falling into the hands of Xue Hantian!

Mo Tu looks at Xuehan sky, and his eyes explode.

Lin Chen understood what he wanted to do and said, "save him first. He is like a dog released by the magic eye clan. He knows more about the situation of the magic eye clan than we do. Keeping him may be useful later."

"Miss fell into the hands of the magic eye clan. What should we do now? Let's go to save her right away?" Xueshuangyue's face was anxious, like a headless fly. She didn't know what she could do.

"No! You can't go directly to the magic eye clan. The clan leader in those days was no weaker than Lin Xiaoyou at present, and also had the supreme artifact. As a result, you all know what will happen after you go to the nest of the magic eye clan. If you go there rashly, you will not only save the young lady, but also take everyone in!"

Although xuecanglan was also very anxious, he kept his reason and immediately denied xueshuangyue's proposal.

MOTU thought for a while and said, "that's what I mean. Snow scar told us before that the conditions for using the 'Goddess' Scepter are very harsh. If the magic eye clan wants to make the' Goddess' Scepter play its due role, I think at least the safety of snow scar can be guaranteed."

"Well... What should I do now? I can't do nothing at all?" Xueshuangyue looks at Lin Chen and hopes that Lin Chen can think of something to do. However, he sees Lin Chen's face is agitated and understands that Lin Chen probably hasn't come up with any good idea.

In fact, there is no way to think about this situation at all.

Snow scar is mostly taken to the magic eye clan. If you want to save her, you must go to the magic eye clan's nest. There is no other way.

With Lin Chen's current strength, if he really went, he probably would never return.

Mo Tu sighed, "the safer way is to go there again when Lin Chen breaks through the middle of the supreme realm.

Of course, it is only relatively safe. After all, without the blessing of the scepter of the goddess' embrace, even if Lin Chen breaks through the middle of the supreme realm, he still has a small chance of winning against Lichang, who has the supreme artifact. "

The scene was quiet again, and the atmosphere was suppressed to the extreme.

If you break through the middle stage of the supreme realm, the odds of success are still small. Then you have to break through the late stage of the supreme realm, and the odds of success will be greater?

The problem is that even if Lin Chen can really break through to the later stage of the supreme realm, it will take tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.

Is it difficult to let snow trace be imprisoned in the magic eye clan for such a long time?

Lin Chen took a deep breath and tried to keep himself calm. He said to himself, no matter what, he can't let the snow mark wait too long.

The problem is that it is impossible to save the snow marks in a short time just by yourself.

Ask someone else for help?

Lin Chen suddenly thought that Cang Xi and lingzu, especially Cang Xi, were the existence of the middle period of the supreme realm, which was a powerful help.

The problem is that it was not long before Cang Gu's father broke through to the middle of the supreme realm. Even if he and others were added, it was still unlikely that he would win.

What's more, it was too dangerous. If he could, he really didn't want to drag the two elders into the water.

With the hostages in hand, you must do something to threaten the leader of Lei GUI clan?

This can be considered, but I'm afraid that the old guy will turn against him in the end, bite himself and ask him to help. We must always devote a lot of energy to guard against him!

Thinking of the thunder ghost clan, Lin Chen's thoughts spread to the "mysterious thunder holy armor" that he could not use. Immediately, his mind flashed, his eyes lit up, and he looked at Mo Tu:

"Master Mo, there should be some large-scale auction houses in the central part of the mainland?"

"Of course there is." MOTU looked at him suspiciously, wondering why he asked.

Xuecanglan realized something, looked at Lin Chen and said, "do you want to take the unusable 'Xuan Lei holy armor' to the auction house for auction, and replace it with a treasure of the same level you can use, or cultivate resources?"

He patted his forehead and said in surprise, "yes! Why didn't I think of this before? I can't think of a second one in the case of Lei you God domain master, but we can take it to the auction house.

Although there are not many auction houses that can help auction the most valuable treasures, there are still some in the central part of China! "

Xueshuangyue, Xuelan and others were excited when they heard the speech.

If you can change the "Xuan Lei holy armor" into an item that can quickly improve Lin Chen's combat power, it is naturally a great good thing. A little increase in Lin Chen's combat power means that it is more likely to save the snow trace!

But Lin Chen shook his head: "you're wrong. I'm not going to auction the 'Xuan Lei holy armor'."

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