"Lin Chen, how's the harvest?"

As soon as Lin Chen and Mo Tu appeared on the third floor of the divine prison tower, xuecanglan and xueshuangyue and others noticed their arrival, they immediately surrounded them and couldn't wait to ask about their harvest.

Lin Chen told them about his harvest at the "water moon auction house" and told them his next plan. "I plan to use 9 'Yuan Shi Rong Ling Dan' to practice in seclusion to see how much my realm can be improved, and then go to the magic eye clan. If you are surprised by this jade slip, it is not impossible to rescue the snow trace directly

Come on! Maybe you can kill the head of the magic eye clan. "

Lin Chen motioned for the purple jade slips.

Mo Tu and Xue canglan are less optimistic than him.

MOTU frowned and said: "if this jade slip can make you burst out the fighting power of the later stage of the supreme realm in a short time, there is nothing to worry about. The problem is that it can only give play to the attack of the later stage of the supreme realm, and Lichang has a 'picture of the holy meteor mountain and river' and is the leader of the magic eye clan, which is not comparable to the middle stage of the ordinary supreme realm. A bad one can not only save the snow mark, but also destroy himself

Get in there.

It's too risky for you to go directly to the magic eye clan. " "Naturally, I know that this is a very risky thing. That's why I plan to go there with the help of 9 yuan Shi Rong pills to improve my strength. Anyway, as long as there is hope, I will try! You don't have to worry about me too much,

I am always careful, and you know that. "

Lin Chen smiled and comforted everyone.

However, they could not be relieved at all

When they saw that Lin Chen had made up his mind and could not bear the fact that Xue scar had been imprisoned by the magic eye clan for too long, they stopped talking and told Lin Chen to be careful at that time.

Lin Chen disappeared from the third floor of the divine prison tower and came to the fourth floor of the divine prison tower.

First, the chaotic fire remnant map obtained not long ago appeared in his hands, and then two remnant maps of similar size appeared in his hands.

He tried to splice the three fragmentary maps together. It can be seen that the total of the three fragmentary maps should be about three quarters of the complete map.

"By putting these three pieces together, we can probably judge the position of the star domain where the chaotic fire is located.

But relying on this general position, it is undoubtedly more difficult than looking for a needle in a haystack to find chaos. If you want to find chaos and fire, you need to get the last remnant of the map! "

According to the size of the three remnant maps, Lin Chen guesses that there are four remnant maps in total. As long as the four remnant maps are collected together, he can know the specific location of the chaotic fire.

At present, there are only three remnant maps, and there is no way to determine the specific location of the chaotic fire. Lin Chen feels a little pity, but he doesn't care much.

Because even if he gets the third chaotic fire, it is difficult to get rid of his current situation. From the previous two kinds of chaotic fire, it can be seen that the special ability of chaotic fire is of great benefit to the cultivator, but that kind of benefit is not that it can directly break through the cultivator's realm. Even if you immediately get the third kind of chaotic fire, you will

Li Chang cannot be defeated.

After putting away the three chaotic strange fire pictures, Lin Chen had nine jade pill bottles in his hands. In each bottle, there was a "Yuan Shi Rong Ling Dan" respectively.

Lin Chen held one of the pills in his hand, and the other 8 pills were suspended in the air.

Pull out the jade cork, and there will be colorful light in it. The indescribable strong airflow will overflow from the bottle. Once you smell it, you will feel comfortable and energetic.

A pill the size of a longan, like a colorful glaze, rolled from the pill bottle to the palm of Lin Chen. At this moment, Lin Chen felt the power of the world in his body, and the speed of rotation was accelerated automatically. There was also a sense of excitement coming from inside his body, as if urging him to swallow this colorful glass like pill into his mouth

"I don't know when I can make this level of pills myself."

As a brilliant alchemist, Lin Chen naturally felt itchy when he saw such strange pills. He was the Supreme Master and mastered chaos and fire. He had met the prerequisites for refining the supreme spiritual pill.

The problem is that the alchemy materials for this level of pills are too hard to find. It is estimated that it will take tens of thousands of years to collect one piece of materials if you rely on yourself. Obviously, he doesn't have so much time to waste.

Lin Chen sat cross legged on a huge stone. At the entrance of the pill, it turned into a warm current and went down his throat. It was like a volcanic eruption. The surging pure energy appeared in his body and impacted his body and soul.

For a moment, Lin Chen was so fat that his body seemed to explode.

With the operation of the holy devil swallowing heaven's creation skill, amazing energy flowed into the world power river in his body

The time of cultivation is extremely boring. It is so monotonous that people can easily forget the time. After all the 9 "Yuan Shi Rong elixir" have been absorbed and transformed by Lin Chen.

Lin Chen calls ling'er and learns from her that how long has passed since the fourth floor of the divine prison tower.

"In 176, that is to say, it has been more than a year since even the outside world... Unfortunately, the nine 'Yuan Shi Rong Ling Dan' really improved my realm, but there is still a long way to go before the middle of the supreme realm.

If you want to make a direct breakthrough with pills, nine supreme spiritual pills are not enough. If you have nine Supreme treasure pills, it is estimated that it is enough. "

When Lin Chen heard ling'er say that 176 years had passed since the fourth floor, she couldn't help feeling a little. Ling Er couldn't help but roast and rolled his eyes. "For you now, if you don't die at the hands of the enemy, you will have an endless life span. 176 years is just a snap. This time can significantly improve your level,

Not satisfied?

Do you know that once many supreme masters fall into a bottleneck, they may not make any progress in hundreds of thousands of years? "

"You're right. The problem is, I'm really in a hurry."

Lin Chen touched his nose and ignored ling'er's roast. He thought that the snow mark had fallen on the hands of the magic eye clan. It had been more than a year since the outside world. He was worried. He wondered whether she would have suffered a lot in the hands of the magic eye clan?

He went to the third floor for a walk. After a while, he left the God prison tower alone and went in the direction of the magic eye family.

This time, he plans to break into the demon eye family alone and try his best to save the snow trace! If you fail, you will have to wait many, many years to save the snow marks

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